Modifikasi Perencananaan Jembatan Mahakam Menggunakan Sistem Cable Stayed Dengan Two Vertical Planes Semi Harp

Yudhanto, Ashando Hario (2017) Modifikasi Perencananaan Jembatan Mahakam Menggunakan Sistem Cable Stayed Dengan Two Vertical Planes Semi Harp. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Jembatan cable-stayed merupakan salah satu jenis dari jembatan bentang panjang yaitu jembatan dengan bentang lebih dari 100 m. Jembatan jenis ini sudah banyak di bangun di seluruh penjuru dunia karena mampu menopang bentang yang panjang dan proses pembangunannya relatif cepat. Struktur cable-stayed terdiri atas gelagar utama yang berfungsi sebagai lantai kendaraan, kabel yang berfungsi untuk menopang gelagar utama dan menyalurkan beban dari gelagar utama ke pilon, dan pilon sebagai penahan beban dari kabel. Pada tugas akhir ini membahas mengenai modifikasi Jembatan Makaham. Jembatan ini memiliki panjang 400 m yang terbagi dalam 2 bentang utama dengan panjang 200 m dan 2 bentang tepi dengan masing-masing panjang 100 m. Konfigurasi kabel jembatan menggunakan semi harp pattern dengan posisi kabel two planes system. Jembatan memiliki lebar lantai kendaraan 17 m (4/UD), lantai kendaraan didesain lebar agar jembatan tahan terhadap efek aerodinamis. Adapun hasil dari perencanaan ini struktur sekunder jembatan terdiri atas railing dengan profil baja hollow diameter 60,5, kerb dengan tebal 250 mm, pelat lantai kendaraan dengan tebal pelat beton 200 mm dan aspal 50 mm, dan gelagar yang terdiri dari gelagar melintang WF 1120.405.26.45, gelagar memanjang WF 400.300.9.14 , serta gelagar kantilever WF 440.150.6,5.14. untuk sambungan gelagar sendiri menggunakan simple connection dengan pelat siku L. Sedangkan struktur utama teridiri atas gelagar utama yang menggunakan rectangular twin box girder 2500.1500.60.60, kemudian stay cable tersusun atas 7-wire strand berdiameter 15,2 mm dan pylon yang didesain menggunakan material beton bertulang dengan dimensi 4000 mm x 3000 m dengan rongga didalamnya. Untuk permodelan struktur utama dan analisa struktur menggunakan program bantu MIDAS/Civil dengan pembebanan statis dan dinamis, selanjutnya analisa metode pelaksanaan (staging analysis) menggunakan metode demolishing procedure melalui backward solution. Selanjutnya jembatan juga dianalisa stabilitas aerodinamis yang meliputi kontrol terhadap frekuensi alami, efek flutter, dan juga vortex-shedding. =================================================================================================================================
The Cable-stayed bridge is one of the few types of the long-spans bridge with the existing length of the spans for more than 100 m. This kind of the bridge is already used and constructed all over the world because of its ability to sustain the lengthy span of the bridge as well as its advantageous process of the construction which relatively fast. Cable-stayed structures consist with main girder as the base for the vehicles, cable as the sustainer for the main girder and transfers the load from the main girder to pilon, and the pilon itself holds and sustain the load from the cable The modification of Mahakam bridge will be discussed within this study. With the length of the bridge which is 400 m and divided into 2 main spans with the length of 200 m and 2 side spans consisting of 100 m each. The configuration of the cable is using semi harp pattern while the position of the cable is using two planes system. The width of the bridge’s base plate for the vehicles is 17 m (4/UD), the width of base plate is designed widely and able to resist the aerodynamic effects. These results suggest that the secondary structure of the bridge consists of the railing by using hollow steel profile with 60,5 diameters, kerb with 250 mm thick, base plate for vehicles by using 200 mm thick concrete plate and 50 mm thick asphalt, and beam which is consist of transversal beam by using WF 1120.405.26.45, longitudinal beam by using WF 400.300.9.14, as well as the cantilever beam by using WF 440.150.6,5.14. The connection of the beam is using a simple connection with L-shapped plate. For the primary structure consist of main beam by using rectangular twin box girder with 2500.1500.60.60, for the stay cable is using 7-wire strand with the diameter of 15,2 mm and the pylon is designed using hollow reinforced concrete material with the dimensions of 4000 mm x 3000 m. To design the model and the analysis of the structure will be ease using MIDAS/Civil program with a static and dynamic load, and then proceed with the staging analysis with the method of demolishing procedure through backward solution. Where the Aerodynamic stability of the bridge will be analyzed with a certain control and restriction against the natural frequencies, flutter effect, as well as vortex-shedding

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: RSS 624.238 Yud m-1 2020
Uncontrolled Keywords: jembatan, cable stayed, semi harp pattern, two planes system, dek baja, bridge, cable stayed, semi harp pattern, two planes system, Steel deck.
Subjects: T Technology > TG Bridge engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Civil Engineering > 22201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Ashando Hario Yudhanto
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2017 03:45
Last Modified: 03 Mar 2025 05:43

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