Adaptasi Peningkatan Resiliensi Aspek Sosial Berdasarkan Konsep Climate And Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI)

Ciptaningrum, Mega Utami (2017) Adaptasi Peningkatan Resiliensi Aspek Sosial Berdasarkan Konsep Climate And Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI). Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Banjir akibat meluapnya Kali Lamong di Gresik tahun 2014 hingga 2015, telah merendam sebanyak 30 rumah, 110 ha sawah dan 105 ha tambak di perkotaan Desa Cerme Kidul serta 300 rumah, 41 ha sawah, merendam pasar Benjeng di Desa Bulurejo. Tren dalam menghadapi bencana saat ini lebih ditekankan pada upaya peningkatan resiliensi bencana karena lebih menghemat biaya. Untuk menilai resiliensi, konsep Climate and Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI) dipilih karena kesesuaiannya dengan kondisi wilayah studi. Dimensi sosial menjadi fokus utama dalam penelitian ini karena merupakan kunci utama peningkatan resiliensi masyarakat dalam menghadapi bencana.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan arahan adaptasi peningkatan resiliensi dimensi sosial di wilayah perkotaan desa Bulurejo dan Desa Cerme Kidul terhadap banjir luapan Kali Lamong. Tujuan tersebut dapat dicapai melalui tahapan penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) Menilai resiliensi wilayah terhadap bencana banjir menurut dimensi sosial berdasarkan Climate and Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI) dan (2) Merumuskan arahan adaptasi peningkatan resiliensi wilayah terhadap bencana banjir. Metode deskriptive kualitatif terhadap kuesioner skala likert digunakan pada analisis sasaran 1. Sedangkan analisis pada sasaran 2 digunakan metode content analysis dan deskriptive kualitatif.
Hasil arahan adaptasi peningkatan resiliensi dikelompokkan ke dalam 4 fase adaptasi dan juga ke dalam 3 karakter utama resiliensi. Diperoleh hasil bahwa Desa Cerme Kidul lebih resilien dengan nilai 4,29 dibanding Desa Bulurejo yang nilainya hanya 3,87. Arahan adaptasi peningkatan resiliensi sosial Desa Cerme Kidul lebih ditekankan pada peningkatan keterlibatan masyarakat dalam pengambilan keputusan. Sedangkan arahan untuk Desa Bulurejo lebih ditekankan pada upaya peningkatan bidang kesehatan dan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap bencana.
========================================================================================================================The overflow of Kali Lamong in Gresik in 2014 until 2015 has caused a flood that inundated for about 30 houses, 110 ha of paddy fields, 105 ha of ponds in Desa Cerme Kidul and 300 houses, 41 ha of paddy fields, inundating Benjeng market in Desa Bulurejo. The current trend in reducing disaster risk is emphasized more in the efforts to improve the resilience of disaster as it is more cost-effective. To assess the resilience, Climate and Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI) concept was chosen because of its suitability to the condition of the study areas. As the main key of the community resilience, social dimension becomes the main focus of this research.
This research aims to give the instruction of adaptation in the improvement of social dimension resilience in urban areas of Desa Bulurejo and Desa Cerme Kidul toward the flood caused by the overflowing of Kali Lamong. Therefore, the purposes achieved from the research stages are: (1) Assessing resilience index to flood according to social dimension based on Climate and Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI) and (2) Formulating the adaptations to enhance resilience in the flood prone areas.. The first target analysis was using descriptive qualitative method while the second target analysis was using content analysis and descriptive analysis method.
Formulated adaptations in this research are divided into 4 phases of adaptation and 3 main characters of resilience. The findings found out that Desa Cerme Kidul is more resilient (4,29) than Desa Bulurejo ( 3,87). The adaptations in social resilience in Desa Cerme Kidul is more likely to emphasize on the improvement of community’s contribution in decision making. While the adaptations in Desa Bulurejo is more emphasizing on the improvement of health and public awareness to flooding.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Adaptation, Climate and Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI), Resilience, Social Dimension
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
H Social Sciences > HA Statistics
H Social Sciences > HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
Divisions: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Regional and Urban Planning > 35201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Mega Utami Ciptaningrum
Date Deposited: 09 Oct 2017 07:30
Last Modified: 06 Mar 2019 04:23

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