Penentuan Kebijakam Perawatan Mesin Menggunakan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) II di Departemen Produksi pada Perusahaan Karoseri

Sari, Noga Amelia Warap (2017) Penentuan Kebijakam Perawatan Mesin Menggunakan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) II di Departemen Produksi pada Perusahaan Karoseri. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Untuk memperoleh produk yang berkualitas harus didukung dengan mesin yang mempunyai performansi terbaik. Apabila salah satu mesin mengalami kerusakan, dapat mengakibatkan terganggunya proses produksi. Menurut keterangan salah satu karyawan awalnya perusahaan sudah memiliki jadwal preventive untuk mesin dan fasilitas pendukung proses produksi. Namun pada 4 bulan terakhir tindakan preventive maintenance tidak dilaksanakan karena tidak adanya karyawan pada bagian maintenance. Ketiadaan resource untuk maintenance mengakibatkan hilangnya data terkait penjadwalan maintenance. Sehingga untuk saat ini, karyawan maintenance yang baru hanya melaksanakan corrective maintenance. Berdasarkan latar belakang, peneliti melakukan implementasi perancangan aktivitas pemeliharaan dengan menggunakan metode Reliability Centered Maintenance II (RCM II). RCM II dapat menghasilkan maintenance task yang tepat. Melalui RCM II Information Worksheet diketahui fungsi, kegagalan fungsi, penyebab kegagalan fungsi, serta efek yang ditimbulkan dari kegagalan mesin. Kegagalan fungsi yang sering terjadi pada mesin yang ada di departemen produksi merupakan kegagalan fungsi akibat pengaruh dari usia mesin, dan kegagalan karena kerusakan fungsional masing-masing mesin. Kemudian didapatkan maintenance task yang tepat melalui RCM II Decision Worksheet. Ada 5 jenis maintenance task yang terpilih, yaitu Maintenance task tersebut adalah Scheduled Discard Task, Scheduled Restoration Task, On Condition Task, Finding Failure Task. dan No Schedule Maintenance Task. Kemudian ditentukan juga interval untuk masing-masing maintenance task, kemudian diplotkan pada kalender perawatan dalam periode 1 tahun.


To obtain a product with a good quality should be supported by the machine with the best performance.If one of the machine is damaged, it can lead to disruption of the production process. According to an employee of, the company already has a schedule of preventive maintenance for supporting facilities and machines in production process. In the last 4 months of preventive maintexnance cannot be done because there are no available employee in the maintenance department. Loss of maintenance scheduling maintenance data. Therefore, the new maintenance employees only carry out corrective maintenance. Based on the background, researchers will undertake the design implementation of maintenance activities by using Reliability Centered Maintenance II (RCM II). Designing RCM II resulting in an appropriate maintenance tasks Through the RCM II Information Worksheet known functionality, malfunction, the cause of malfunction, and effects resulting from machine failure. Functional failures that often occur in existing machines is a failure of function due to the influence of machine age, and failure due to malfunction of each machine. Then, get the proper maintenance task through RCM II Decision Worksheet. There are 5 types of maintenance tasks selected, namely Maintenance task is Scheduled Discard Task, Scheduled Restoration Task, On Condition Task, Finding Failure Task. And No Schedule Maintenance Task. Then also determined the interval for each maintenance task, and plotted the interval on the calendar of maintenance within a period of 1 year.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: decision worksheet, information worksheet, FMEA, reliability centered maintenance II, information worksheet
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ217.6 Predictive Control
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology > Industrial Engineering > 26201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Noga Amelia Warap Sari
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2018 03:26
Last Modified: 06 Mar 2019 07:26

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