Rahman, Adhyaksa Adha (2017) Perencanaan Ulang Layout Runway Bandar Udara Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin yang Didasarkan Pada Hasil Analisis Airports GIS FAA. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Banjarmasin adalah ibu kota Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Sebagai pusat dari provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, semestinya fasilitas transportasi antar kota, pulau maupun negara di kota tersebut mampu menangani permintaan jasa transportasi dengan baik. Kegiatan transportasi bersumber dari kebutuhan mayoritas yang beragama Islam sehingga membutuhkan transportasi kegiatan haji, maupun investasi dan pariwisata
Penentuan arah runway sebelumnya didasarkan pada analisis frekuensi dan kecepatan angin dominan pada daerah tersebut. Hasil analisis angin bandar udara Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin adalah dominan pada 2 arah derajat azimuth, yaitu 100 - 280 dan 135 – 215. Diketahui bahwa dua arah tersebut tidak mencapai prosentase 95% cakupan, yang menurut ketentuan FAA pada Appendix 2 AC 150/5300-13A mengharuskan adanya runway pada arah angin dominan hingga prosentase 95% cakupan angin tercapai. Hal ini menunjukkan kebutuhan runway kedua. Dengan didapatkannya literatur dari FAA tentang penggunaan Airports GIS untuk analisis arah runway, maka Tugas Akhir ini mencoba untuk merencanakan ulang arah runway.
Pertama, dilakukan studi literatur mengenai peraturan yang berlaku dan subyek. Kedua, dilaksanakan pengumpulan data seperti data lingkungan dan pergerakan pesawat. Selanjutnya ditentukan kapasitas pergerakan pesawat runway eksisting. Setelah itu, diramalkan tahun pertumbuhan pergerakan pesawat melebihi kapasitas runway. Langkah berikutnya adalah menentukan arah runway dari analisis windrose menggunakan program javascript ALL_WEATHER Wind Rose Form oleh FAA. Sistem runway didapatkan menyesuaikan arah. Terakhir, Runway dan taxiway baru direncanakan.
Hasil menunjukkan runway eksisting 10 – 28 memenuhi persyaratan 95% cakupan angin. Didapatkan kebutuhan runway baru pada tahun 2043. Runway kedua direncanakan berdimensi 3326 x 45 m dengan pemisahan 1035 m.
Banjarmasin is the capital of South Kalimantan Province. As the center of South Kalimantan province, its’ inter-city, inter-island and international transportation facilities should be able to handle the demand for transportation services properly. Transportation activities come from the needs of the majority of the population whom are Muslims, requiring transportation for hajj, as well as investment and tourism
Determination of the orientation of the previous runway is based on the analysis of frequency and wind speed dominant in the area. The result of the wind analysis of Syamsudin Noor Airport Banjarmasin is that it’s dominant in 2-way azimuth degrees, 100 - 280 and 135 - 215. It’s also known that each doesn’t reach 95% percentage of coverage, which according to FAA provisions in Appendix 2 AC 150/5300-13A requires runways in the dominant wind direction until 95% coverage is reached. This indicates the need for a second runway. Given FAA's literature on using the Airports GIS for analysis of runway orientation, this Final Project tries to redesign the runway.
First, a literature study of applicable regulations and subjects is conducted. Secondly, data such as environmental data and aircraft movement are collected. Then, the capacity of existing runway aircraft is determined. After that,, the year when aircraft movements exceeds runway capacity is predicted. The next step is to determine the orientation of the runway from windrose analysis using the ALL_WEATHER Wind Rose Form javascript program by FAA. Runway system is then adjusted to runway orientation. Finally, the new Runway and taxiway are designed.
The results show that the existing 10 - 28 runway meets the 95% requirement of wind coverage. The requirement for additional runway is in 2043. The second runway is designed to have the dimension of 3326 x 45 m with 1035 m separation.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Additional Information: | RSS 629.136 3 Rah p-1 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Bandara, Runway, Pertambahan Runway, Bandara Syamsudin Noor. Airports GIS, Airport, Runway, Runway Increase, Taxiway, Exit Taxiway |
Subjects: | T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) T Technology > TE Highway engineering. Roads and pavements T Technology > TE Highway engineering. Roads and pavements > TE7 Transportation--Planning |
Divisions: | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Civil Engineering > 22201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis |
Depositing User: | Adhyaksa Adha Rahman |
Date Deposited: | 24 Oct 2017 01:41 |
Last Modified: | 06 Mar 2019 04:10 |
URI: | http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/46650 |
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