Perbandingan performa bentuk terumbu buatan dalam mengurangi tinggi gelombang

Fauzi, Muhammad Aldhiansyah Rifqi (2017) Perbandingan performa bentuk terumbu buatan dalam mengurangi tinggi gelombang. Masters thesis, institut teknologi sepuluh nopember.

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Hampir semua nelayan pada jaman sekarang ini menggunakan metode yang tidak pantas untuk menjaga lingkungan sekitarnya. Terbatasnya perlindungan lingkungan dan pencegahan polusi menyebabkan lingkungan pesisir menjadi tidak bisa ditinggali lagi. Ketersediaan stok ikan di laut tidak lagi cukup untuk memenuhi aktivitas perikanan dan permintaan konsumsi. Hal ini berdasarkan studi statistika pada tahun 1950-2006 yang dilakukan oleh Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2012). Stabilitas artificial reef adalah hal penting yang dapat mencegah kegagalan fungsi reef terhadap beban gelombang dan arus. Bentuk terumbu karang terus mengalami modifikasi guna mendapatkan kesesuaian dan efisiensinya sebagai pemecah gelombang, Performa artificial reef dalam perlindungan struktur ini secara umum dievaluasi dari persentase pengurangan gelombang laut dengan strukturPada penelitian ini terdapat 5 macam jenis artificial reef yang diuji dalam permodelan numerik, antara lain hexareef, bootle reef, star reef, seadome dan cube reef. Kelima jenis aritificial reef tersebut diuji dengan kondisi nilai kemiringan gelombang yang berkisar antara 0,0064-0,0112. Penelitian ini menghasilkan star reef merupakan terumbu buatan dengan kemampuan menurunkan gelombang paling baik. =========================================================
Most fishermen used inappropriate methods to sustain their livelihoods, severely destroying fishery resources. Furthermore, a lack of environmental protection and pollution prevention lead the best coastal and estuarial nurseries to become uninhabitable.Several studies have pointed out that fish stocks in coastal waters could be no longer sufficient for the increasing fishing activity and consumption requests. Based on the 1950–2006 global statistics conducted by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2012).Artificial reefs are most often constructed to increase the efficiency of fishery resource harvest (Seaman and Sprague, 1991). In engineering practice, the stability of artificial reefs is an important issue in preventing the failure of reef units due to wave and current actions.Artificial reef model keep looking for modification to get compatibility and efiiciency as submerged breakwater because the feasibility of artificial reefs for coastal protection is typically evaluated based on the percentage of surface wave height reductionWave transformation analysis in artificial reef do with consideration from some non dimensional variables. Wave transmission process defined with ratio betwwen transmission wave height and incoming wave heightThis research compares 5 type of Artificial reef in numeric model. There are hexareef, bottle reef, star reef, seadome and cube reef. They are tested with wave steepness which has value between 0,0064 and 0,0112.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: artificial reef; submerged breakwater; transmision coefficient; flow-3d; koefisien transmisi
Subjects: T Technology > TC Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering > TC1680 Offshore structures
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Ocean Engineering > 38101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: fauzi muhammad aldhiansyah rifqi
Date Deposited: 19 Jan 2018 03:59
Last Modified: 05 Mar 2019 06:10

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