Klinik Kesehatan Anak Interaktif

Jati, Razqyan Mas Bimatyugra (2018) Klinik Kesehatan Anak Interaktif. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Dalam menjalani terapi penyembuhan kesehatan mental, anak sering mengalami berbagai kemungkinan perasaan & perilaku seperti stress, marah, panik dan takut selama perawatan. Perilaku tersebut akan menghambat proses penyembuhan pasien yang harus menjalani terapi yang cukup lama pada suatu bangunan kesehatan. Melalui pendekatan salutogenesis, perancanngan arsitektur diupayakan berperan untuk mengubah perilaku anak agar dapat menjalani proses terapi dengan tertib, senang dan teratur. Berdasarkan teori salutogenesis, perancangan arsitektur yang menangani faktor perilaku pasien anak (psikososial dan psikolingkungan) adalah dengan mendukung terjadinya interaksi pasien terhadap lingkungan disekelilingnya. Perumusan konsep klinik kesehatan anak berdasarkan teori salutogenesis (perilaku pasien), yakni konsep interaktif menjadi tujuan dalam tesis desain ini.
Proses perancangan melakukan penelitian terlebih dulu selanjutnya digunakan sebagai pendekatan dalam merancang. Metode penelitian deduktif menggunakan literature searching dan induktif menggunakan in-depth interview, angket dan observasi pada perilaku pasien anak. Metode perancangan menggunakan force-based method yaitu metode yang mengacu pada faktor/kualitas yang dipilih berdasarkan hasil penelitian. Faktor/kualitas rancangan interaktif ditetapkan menjadi konsep perancangan. Penerjemahan rancangan interaktif menjadi faktor formal arsitektur (architectural syntax) dilakukan sehingga mendapatkan rancangan bangunan klinik berbasis suasana taman bermain anak. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengembangan rancangan menjadi konsep-konsep arsitektural. Konsep-konsep arsitektural tersebut selanjutnya disusun menjadi satu kesatuan rancangan skematik bangunan yang diterapkan pada elemen eksterior maupun interior klinik kesehatan anak interaktif.
Hasil penerapan konsep perancangan klinik kesehatan anak interaktif adalah memberikan suasana ruang layaknya taman bermain yang mampu meningkatkan interaksi antara pasien dengan lingkungannya. Penerapan suasana tersebut dilakukan dengan cara penataan organisasi ruang dan perabot membentuk ruang sosiopetal (penggunaan pola bangunan terpusat), penggunaan keragaman bentuk, warna, material dan skala ruang dan peminimalan pembatas visual antar ruang. Konsep tersebut dapat diterapkan ke dalam bangunan bangunan kesehatan anak lainnya dan memberikan peningkatan kesadaran & budaya sehat pada anak.
A health building facility serves to help a healing process of the physical and mental aspects of the users, namely patients. The patient mental healing aspect is rarely to be used as the manual in designing a health facility. The patients’ mental health healing may help save their healing time in the health building facility. Pediatric patients tend to be easily stress, angry, panic, and afraid during the treatment. This kind of problem is commonly faced in any health facility for children namely children healthcare. It is through the salutagenesis theory to children healthcare that the problem may be solved.
The salutagenesis theory was applied in designing the facility related to the pediatric patient behavior factor (psycho-environmental and psychosocial). Principally, the factor is closely related to the patients’ interaction with their surrounding environment. The application of the interactive concept in designing the children healthcare may solve problems inherent in the mental healing aspect of the pediatric patients. Formulating a concept of children healthcare on the basis of the patients’ behavior adopting the interactive approach is the objective of this present research.
A designing process was conducted first and it was used as an approach to designing. A deductive method with literature searching and inductive one with in-depth interviews, and questionnaires and observations of pediatric patients behaviors were employed . The designing method made use of a force-based method, namely a method referring to factors/qualities chosen on the basis of research results. The interactive design factor/quality is determined to become the designing approach. The translation of the interactive design into the architectural syntax was conducted to obtain a children playground atmosphere-based healthcare design. Then the design was developed into architectural concepts. The architectural concepts were then arranged into one unified schematic design of an interactive children healthcare building.
The application of the design concept of the interactive children healthcare resulted in an atmosphere like a playground, being able to improve interactions between the patients and their surrounding environment. The atmosphere was created by organizing rooms and furniture that may create socio-petal rooms ( a centered building pattern use), various types of uses, colors, materials and scales and minimum visual dividers among rooms. The concept could be applied into other children healthcare buildings since it may improve some awareness of healthy life and of having a culture to live healthily to children.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information: RTA 725.51 Jat k-1 3100018074611
Uncontrolled Keywords: Klinik Kesehatan Anak; Salutogenesis; Perilaku; Interaktif; Children Healthcare; Salutogenesis; Behaviour; Interactive
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
R Medicine > RJ Pediatrics
Divisions: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Architechture > 23101-(S2) Master Theses
Depositing User: Razqyan Mas Bimatyugra Jati
Date Deposited: 19 Mar 2018 06:32
Last Modified: 21 Sep 2020 05:32
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/50214

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