Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Method for Fuel Oil System on MV. Kendari I PT Meratus Line

Darmawan, Dimas (2018) Application of Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Method for Fuel Oil System on MV. Kendari I PT Meratus Line. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) is one of the processes that use to decisive action which should be performed to ensure any physical components or a system be able to work optimally in accordance with the function desired by its users. Basically, RCM used a risk management principles of the component failure, so that the type of maintenance can be determined properly. By using an approriate type of maintenance, the posibbility failures in a component can be detected and prevented earlier. A proper use of RCM be able to give a positive impact on cost savings, both maintenance costs and repair costs as the consequence of failures.
In this final project, the system which become the object of research is the fuel oil system on MV. Kendari I which belongs to PT Meratus Line. The fuel oil system is extremely important system on a ship which is designed to supply clean fuel oil to main engine, diesel generators and emergency diesel generator. Container vessel is one of the main assets of PT Meratus Line which support the company income. Therefore, improving the efficiency of operating activity is an important action to be done by the company. Determining prority levels about the failure components which have critical consequences can be done through the RCM process. Thus it results on the well planed and efficient maintenance system.
Based on the results of this final project, there were 43 tasklist type which is obtained based on the analysis of maintenance task allocation and planning. The percentage of maintenance types from each failure mode (task type) as follows Preventive Maintenance (PM) is 41,8%, Condition Monitoring (CM) is 30,2%, Failure Finding (FF) is 27,9%. For the optimum cost maintenace from each component as follows HFO Transfer Pump has tp is worth 3500 hours with minimum estimated cost of Rp. 346.017,00, MDO Transfer Pump has tp is worth 3500 hours with minimum estimated cost of Rp. 363.019,00, Separator has tp is worth 1700 hours with minimum estimated cost of Rp. 518.342,00, Heater has tp is worth 4400 hours with minimum estimated cost of Rp. 31.354,00, HFO Feeder Pump has tp is worth 3500 hours with minimum estimated cost of Rp. 350.380,00, HFO Circulating Pump has tp is worth 3500 hours with minimum estimated cost of Rp. 346.017,00, Filter has tp is worth 4800 hours with minimum estimated cost of Rp. 30.619,00, Main Engine Injection Pump has tp is worth 2200 hours with minimum estimated cost of Rp. 792.632,00, Main Engine Injection Valve has tp is worth 1700 hours with minimum estimated cost of Rp. 755.806,00.
Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) merupakan salah satu proses yang dijalankan dalam menentukan tindakan yang seharusnya dilakukan untuk menjamin setiap komponen fisik atau suatu sistem dapat berjalan secara optimal sesuai dengan fungsi yang diinginkan oleh penggunanya. RCM menjalankan prinsip manajemen resiko dari kegagalan komponen sehingga tipe perawatan dapat ditentukan dengan tepat. Dengan menggunakan tipe perawatan yang tepat, maka kegagalan yang mungkin terjadi dapat terdeteksi dan dicegah sejak awal. Penggunaan yang tepat pada RCM dapat memberikan dampak pada penghematan biaya, baik biaya perawatan maupun biaya perbaikan akibat terjadinya kegagalan.
Dalam tugas akhir ini, sistem yang menjadi objek penelitian adalah sistem bahan bakar minyak pada MV. Kendari I milik PT Meratus Line. Sistem bahan bakar minyak merupakan sistem yang sangat penting di kapal yang dirancang untuk memasok bahan bakar minyak bersih ke mesin utama, generator diesel dan generator diesel darurat. Kapal Kontainer adalah salah satu aset utama PT Meratus Line yang menunjang pendapatan perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, meningkatkan efisiensi kegiatan operasi merupakan tindakan penting yang harus dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Menentukan tingkat proritas pada kegagalan komponen yang memiliki konsekuensi kritis dapat dilakukan melalui proses RCM. Sehingga menghasilkan sistem perawatan yang terencana dan efisien.
Berdasarkan hasil tugas akhir ini, terdapat 43 jenis daftar tugas yang diperoleh berdasarkan analisis alokasi dan perencanaan tugas pemeliharaan. Persentase tipe perawatan dari masing-masing mode kegagalan (tipe tugas) sebagai berikut Preventive Maintenance (PM) adalah 41,8%, Condition Monitoring (CM) adalah 30,2%, Failure Finding (FF) adalah 27,9%. Untuk pemeliharaan biaya optimal dari masing-masing komponen sebagai berikut Pompa Transfer HFO memiliki tp 3500 jam dengan estimasi biaya minimal Rp. 346.017,00, Pompa Transfer MDO memiliki tp seharga 3500 jam dengan estimasi biaya minimal Rp. 363.019,00, Separator memiliki tp 1700 jam dengan estimasi biaya minimal Rp. 518.342,00, Pemanas memiliki tp 4400 jam dengan estimasi biaya minimal Rp. 31.354,00, Pompa Feeder HFO memiliki tp 3500 jam dengan estimasi biaya minimal Rp. 350.380,00, Pompa Circulating HFO memiliki tp 3500 jam dengan estimasi biaya minimal Rp. 346.017,00, Filter memiliki tp 4800 jam dengan estimasi biaya minimal Rp. 30.619,00, Pompa Injeksi Mesin Utama memiliki tp 2200 jam dengan estimasi biaya minimal Rp. 792.632,00, Katup Injeksi Mesin Utama memiliki tp 1700 jam dengan estimasi biaya minimal Rp. 755.806,00.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information: RSSP 623.874 Dar a
Uncontrolled Keywords: Container Vessel; RCM; FMECA; Maintenance Task Allocation and Planning; Maintenance Cost
Subjects: V Naval Science > V Naval Science (General)
V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering > VM276.A1 Fuel (Including supplies, costs, etc.)
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Marine Engineering > 36202-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Dimas Darmawan
Date Deposited: 30 Apr 2018 02:23
Last Modified: 06 Aug 2020 08:49

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