Utami, Fahriza (2018) Studi Pengolahan Limbah Air Bekas Pencucian Jeans dengan Metode Biologis Skala Laboratorium = Study Of Waste Water Treatment Of Jeans Laundry By Chemical-Physical Methods In Laboratory Scale. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Usaha pencucian jeans merupakan usaha pencucian dan pelunturan jeans setelah dilakukan pewarnaan pada jeans. Hasil buangan dari proses pencucian jeans sebagian besar langsung dibuang ke badan air atau sungai, sehingga akan mencemari lingkungan. Perlu adanya suatu unit pengolahan sederhana untuk menurunkan beban polutan pada pencucian jeans, salah satunya menggunakan reaktor biofilter. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan tingkat penurunan COD, TSS, dan warna pada air bekas pencucian jeans menggunakan reaktor biofilter dalam memperbaiki efisiensi penurunan beban polutan dan kualitas parameter air limbah untuk dibuang ke badan air penerima.
Penelitian dilakukan secara skala laboratorium dengan menggunakan reaktor yang telah direncanakan. Desain reaktor terdiri dari bak penampung awal, media filter, dan bak penampung akhir. Proses ini menggunakan sistem kontinyu dengan aliran downflow. Dalam penelitian ini media yang digunakan adalah pecahan genteng, kerikil, dan bioball. Parameter yang diamati adalah COD, TSS, dan warna.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah efisiensi removal COD sebesar 91,67%, sedangkan untuk TSS diperoleh efisiensi removalnya sebesar 88,89%, dan untuk parameter warna diperoleh 82,66% terjadi pada media bioball dengan debit aerasi sebesar 7 L/menit. =============== Jeans washing business service is a business of washing and bleaching jeans (usually pants) after colouring process of the jeans. The effluent from the proccess are mostly wastewater with suspended solid, and they are immediately thrown into the water body or river so that it will cause pollution to the water and environment. By this condition, we need a simple unit to reduce the pollutants from effluent of jeans-washing process by using biofilter reactor. The aim of this research is to determine the reduction of organic loads and suspended solid of the wastewater from jeans-washing by using biofilter reactor to improve the efficiency of the removal. From this proccess we can reduce the organic loads in order to be flowed in river safely.
The research is done in laboratory scale using the reactor that have been planned. The desain of the units consist of inlet tank, filter units, and outflow tank. This proccess is done continuously with downflow mechanism. The type of media filters that used for this proccess are broken tiles, bioballs, and gravel stones. Besides, the variation of aeration’s debit are 3,5 L/minutes; 7 L/minutes. The proccess of biofilter reactor will observe the main parameter of organic load’s pollutants, these values are Chemical Oxygen Demands (COD), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), and decolouring.
All parameters that reduced from this biofilter proccess are got satisfying values that all parameters get high removal efficiency. From this proccess able to remove 91,67% efficiency of COD, 88,89% efficiency to remove TSS, and 82,66% to remove colour of the water (decolouring). The best combination of these variation above is using bioballs and debit for aeration 7 L/minutes.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Additional Information: | RSL 628.36 Uta s-1 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Water used from jeans washing, biofilter, types of media, aeration debit, Air limbah pencucian Jeans, koagulan, media filter |
Subjects: | T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD259.2 Drinking water. Water quality T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD420 Water pollution T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD433 Water treatment plants T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD646 Sewage--Purification |
Divisions: | Faculty of Civil, Environmental, and Geo Engineering > Environmental Engineering > 25201-(S1) Undergraduate Theses |
Depositing User: | Wardani Laily Kusuma |
Date Deposited: | 08 Jan 2019 03:39 |
Last Modified: | 02 Oct 2024 06:25 |
URI: | http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/53237 |
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