Analisa Percepatan Durasi Proyek Pembangunan Storage Tank Di Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Surabaya

Maharani, Nadya Rahmi (2018) Analisa Percepatan Durasi Proyek Pembangunan Storage Tank Di Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Surabaya. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang semakin meningkat, proyek pembangunan storage tank dengan fungsi untuk menyimpan Crude Palm Oil (CPO) yang dikirim dari/ke pelabuhan Tanjung Perak harus selesai sesuai recana awal yang sudah ditetapkan. Namun dalam praktik pelaksanaannya mengalami keterlambatan sehingga harus dilakukan percepatan durasi proyek. Percepatan durasi proyek suatu proyek konstruksi dilakukan dengan mempercepat kegiatan-kegitan yang berada pada lintasan kritis proyek tersebut. Untuk mengetahui lintasan kritis dari suatu proyek digunakan teknik Critical Path Method (CPM), yaitu dengan menggambar diagram jaringan (network diagram) dari proyek tersebut. Selanjutnya menghitung Earliest Start (ES), Earliest Finish (EF), Latest Start (LS), dan Latest finish (LF), lalu float tiap kegiatan sehingga dapat diketahui kegiatan mana saja yang berada dalam lintasan kritis. Dalam proyek pembangunan storage tank di pelabuhan tanjung perak surabaya milik PT. XY percepatan dilakukan dalam tiga skenario yaitu penambahan jam kerja dua jam, penambahan jam kerja tiga jam, dan penambahan jam kerja empat jam. Analisa percepatan durasi proyek dikerjakan dengan metode time cost trade off (TCTO). Metode ini bertujuan untuk mempercepat waktu penyelesaian proyek yang sedang berjalan dengan penambahan biaya yang optimum terhadap kegiatan ynag dipercepat waktu pengerjaannya melalui penerapan alternatif percepatan. Dari hasil analisa dengan metode TCTO didapatkan hasil bahwa dengan penambahan dua jam kerja proyek dapat dipercepat hingga 31 hari dari 405 hari menjadi 374 hari dengan penambahan total biaya semula Rp14,663,886,229.30 berubah menjadi Rp16,499,080,098.94.==============================================================================================
To meet the growing demand, the storage tank construction project with the function of storing Crude Palm Oil (CPO) delivered from / to Tanjung Perak port must be completed according to the pre-defined initial plan. However, in practice the implementation is delayed so that acceleration of project duration must be done. Acceleration of project duration of a construction project is done by accelerating activities that are on the critical path of the project. To know the critical path of a project used Critical Path Method (CPM) technique, that is by drawing a network diagram of the project. Next calculate Earliest Start (ES), Earliest Finish (EF), Latest Start (LS), and Latest finish (LF), then float each activity so it can know which activities are in critical path. In the construction project of storage tanks at the port of Tanjung Perak surabaya owned by PT. XY acceleration is done in three scenarios which is addition of two hours working hours, addition of three hours working hours, and addition of four hours work hours. The acceleration analysis of project duration is done by time cost trade off method (TCTO). This method aims to accelerate the ongoing project completion time by adding the optimum cost to the activities accelerated through the implementation of alternative acceleration. From the result of analysis with TCTO method, it is found that with the addition of two hours of project work can be accelerated up to 31 days from 405 days to 374 days with the addition of the original total cost of Rp14,663,886,229.30 changed to Rp16,499,080,098.94.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Percepatan Proyek, Storage Tank, Critical Path Method, Time Cost Trade Off
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
T Technology > TC Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering > TC205 Harbors--Design and construction.
T Technology > TF Railroad engineering and operation > TF193 Estimates, costs, etc.
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Ocean Engineering > 38201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Nadya Rahmi Maharani
Date Deposited: 01 Jul 2024 05:39
Last Modified: 01 Jul 2024 05:39

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