Arahan Pengmbangan Kawasan Wisata Koridor Kenjeran Kota Surabaya Melalui Pendekatan Segmentasi Psikografis

Septiani, Rachmatina Retno (2018) Arahan Pengmbangan Kawasan Wisata Koridor Kenjeran Kota Surabaya Melalui Pendekatan Segmentasi Psikografis. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Berdasarkan dari RTRW Kota Surabaya, Koridor Kenjeran termasuk Kecamatan Bulak dalam Unit Pengembangan III dengan fungsi utama rekreasi, perdagangan dan jasa serta konservasi (Revisi RTRW Kota Surabaya, 2015). Adanya potensi tersebut masih menyebabkan masalah yaitu kurangnya minat wisatawan untuk berkunjung. Data kunjungan wisatawan menunjukan bahwa hanya mengalami peningkatan sebesar 1.35% di tahun terakhir. Kondisi ini dapat menyebabkan fase rejunevation. Untuk meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan diperlukan pengembangan wisata yang berbasis Segmentasi Psikografis dalam melihat keinginan/minat wisatawan untuk pemilihan kunjungan obyek wisata.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menemukan arahan pengembangan kawasan wisata di Koridor Kenjeran Kota Surabaya melalui Pendekatan Segmentasi Psikografis. Penelitian ini memiliki 3 tahap analisa. Tahap pertama yaitu mengidentifikasi potensi daya tarik wisata berdasarkan persepsi wisatawan menggunakan teknik analisa statistika deskriptif. Tahap kedua yaitu mengelompokan karakteristik wisatawan berdasarkan segmentasi psikografis untuk pengembangan kawasan wisata menggunakan teknik analisa cluster. Dan tahap terakhir yaitu merumuskan arahan pengembangan kawasan wisata Koridor Kenjeran Kota Surabaya menggunakan teknik analisis statiska deskriptif dan deskriptif komparatif.
Hasil penelitian dari tahap kedua menunjukan bahwa koridor Kenjeran memiliki 5 kelompok segmentasi psikografis. Kelompok segmentasi psikografis terdiri dari Kelompok Kekinian, Kelompok Artistik, Kelompok Atraktif, Kelompok Bermain, dan Kelompok Sansekerta. Arahan pengembangan kawasan wisata difokuskan pada kebutuhan Kelompok Kekinian dan Kelompok Artistik. Berikut ini hasil arahan setiap DTW di Koridor Kenjeran: (1) DTW Kenpark dikembangkan bangunan artistik, wisata lamphion dan galeri seni (2) DTW THP ditambahkan aksesoris pendukung foto (rangakain bunga dipinggir pantai) memberikan kesan menarik , (3) DTW Taman Suroboyo ditambahkan akseoris foto seperti street furniture yang unik dan bunga yang lebih beragam , (4) DTW SIB ditambahkan kegiatan live music, event mingguan, dan akesoris pendukung (background) yang menarik kunjungan wisatawan.
RTRW Kota Surabaya stated that Kenjeran Corridor as part of Bulak Subdistrict in Development Unit III has main function of recreation, trade and service as well as conservation. The existence of such potential still causes problems which is the lack of tourist interest to visit. The data of tourist visits shows that it’s only increased by 1.35% in the last year. This condition can lead to a decline phase. To increase tourist visit required development of tourism based on Psychographic Segmentation in view of tourist interest to choose of tourism object visit.
The purpose of this research is to find the recommendation of development of tourist area in Corridor Kenjeran through Psychographic Segmentation Approach. This study has 3 stages of analysis. The first stage is to identify the potential of tourism attraction based on the perception of tourists using descriptive statistical analysis techniques. The second stage is to classify the characteristics of tourists based on psychographic segmentation for the development of tourism areas using cluster analysis techniques. And the last step is to formulate the direction of development of Kenjeran City Corridor Surabaya tourism area using statistic descriptive and comparative descriptive analysis technique.
The results of the second stage showed that the Kenjeran corridor has 5 groups of psychographic segmentation. Psychographic segmentation groups consist of the Kekinian Group, Artistic Group, Attractive Group, Bermain Group, and Sansekerta Group. The direction of the development tourist area is focused on the needs of the Kekinian Groups and Artistic Groups. Here are the results of each DTW directive at the Kenjeran Corridor: (1) DTW Kenpark development of artistic buildings, lamphion tourism, and art galleries (2) DTW THP addition of photo support accessories (ranges of flowers on the beach) gives the impression, (3) DTW Taman Suroboyo addition of photo accessories such as unique street furniture and more diverse flowers, (4) DTW SIB addition of live music activities, weekly events, and supporting accessories (background) that attract tourists visit.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kawasan Wisata, Koridor Kenjeran, Segmentasi Psikografis
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General) > G155 Tourism
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GV Recreation Leisure > GV191.66 Outdoor recreation resources planning and management
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA9053 City planning
Divisions: Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Planning > Regional and Urban Planning > 35201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Septiani Rachmatina Retno
Date Deposited: 24 Jun 2021 05:41
Last Modified: 24 Jun 2021 05:41

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