Pabrik Dimethyl Ether (Dme) Dari Proses Dehidrasi Metanol Dengan Katalis Alumina

Nikmah, Iswatun Khoirun and Ni`mah, Ria Octaviyatun (2018) Pabrik Dimethyl Ether (Dme) Dari Proses Dehidrasi Metanol Dengan Katalis Alumina. Diploma thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Berdasarkan data dari Kementrian Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral, konsumsi LPG tahun 2015 sebesar 6,1 juta ton (52 juta SBM) dan 4,3 juta adalah impor. Dimethyl Ether merupakan bahan bakar ramah lingkungan yang dapat menggantikan LPG. Pabrik dimethyl ether hanya ada satu di kawasan ASEAN, belum mampu mencukupi kebutuhan konsumsi sehingga memberikan peluang untuk didirikan sebuah pabrik dimethyl ether.
Proses produksi menggunakan proses sintesa langsung dengan kemurnian DME >99%. Proses produksi dibagi dalam tiga tahap. Tahap persiapan bahan baku, methanol cair dengan kemurnian 99,85% berat, methanol diubah dalam fase gas di vaporizer. Selanjutnya,Tahap pembentukan DME dengan mendehidrasi methanol menjadi dimethyl ether dan air dalam reaktor fludized bed dengan katalis alumina, kemudian tahap pemisahan produk dari komponen lainnya di kolom absorber sebagai produk DME grade II dengan kemurnian 97% dan pemisahan di kolom distilasi sebagai produk DME grade I dengan kemurnian 99,98% dan hasil samping berupa H2O.
Pabrik ini direncanakan berkapasitas 50.000 ton/tahun, beroperasi secara kontinyu selama 300 hari/tahun dengan basis 24 jam/hari. Methanol yang dibutuhkan sebesar 236.932 kg/hari. Kebutuhan air pada pabrik ini meliputi air sanitasi sebanyak 1,88 m3/jam; air pendingin sebanyak 1182,6 m3/jam; dan air umpan boiler sebanyak 1252,1 m3/jam.
Kata kunci: Dimethyl Ether, Katalis Alumina, Methanol ==========
Based on data from Kementrian Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral, consumption of LPG in 2015 of 6.1 million tons (52 million SBM) and 4.3 million is imported. Dimethyl Ether is an environmentally friendly fuel that can replace LPG. The dimethyl ether plant is only one in the ASEAN region, has not been able to meet the needs of consumption so as to provide opportunities for the establishment of a dimethyl ether plant.
The production process uses a direct synthesis process with a purity of DME> 99%. The production process is divided into three stages. Stage of preparation of raw materials, liquid methanol with purity 99.85% by weight, methanol changed in the gas phase in the vaporizer. Furthermore, the DME forming stage by dehydrating methanol into dimethyl ether and water in a fludized bed reactor with alumina catalyst, then separating the product from the other components in the absorber column as a DME grade II product with a purity of 97% and separation in the distillation column as a product of DME grade I with a purity of 99.98% and a by-product of H2O.
The plant is planned to have a capacity of 50,000 tons/year, operating continuously for 300 days/year on a 24 hour / day basis. The required methanol is 236,932 kg / day. The water requirements of this plant include sanitation water of 1.88 m3/hr; cooling water of 1182.6 m3/hr; and boiler feed water of 1252.1 m3/hr
Keywords: Dimethyl Ether, Alumina Catalys, Methanol

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dimethyl Ether, Alumina Catalys, Methanol
Subjects: Q Science > QD Chemistry > QD251.2 Chemistry, Organic. Biochemistry
T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP343 Liquid and gaseous fuel
T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP692.5 Oil and gasoline handling and storage
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > 24305-Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology
Depositing User: Iswatun Khoirun Nikmah
Date Deposited: 30 Jun 2021 06:54
Last Modified: 30 Jun 2021 06:54

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