Monitoring Pengaman Beban Lebih Panel Kontrol Gardu Induk

Fadlila, Muhammad Ilham (2018) Monitoring Pengaman Beban Lebih Panel Kontrol Gardu Induk. Diploma thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Dalam sistem pemeliharaan memantau arus dan tegangan pada pengaman beban lebih panel kontrol gardu induk belum tersedia. Untuk itu diperlukannya alat monitoring dalam proses pemantauan arus dan tegangan.
Proses monitoring tegangan dan arus diawali dengan pertama-tama sumber melewati MCB 2A sebagai pengaman, setelah itu melewati sensor arus ACS712 dan sensor tegangan ZMPT101B. Kemudian sumber 3 fasa ini dibagi menjadi 3 penyulang yang men-supply beban masing-masing 6x100 Watt per fasanya. Pada bagian penyulang juga dipasang PMT untuk keperluan proteksi yang diprogram oleh Arduino dan dapat dikontrol secara manual melalui panel kontrol. Kemudian pengolahan data dari sensor oleh Arduino dan kemudian ditampilkan ke LCD.
Alat pada Tugas Akhir ini dapat memonitoring pengaman beban lebih panel kontrol gardu induk. Ketika beban melebihi batas maksimal yang telah ditentukan yaitu sebesar 2A, maka panel pengaman akan memutus salah satu penyulang. Ketelitian pembacaan sensor arus dan tegangan sudah mendekati nilai yang terukur, dengan nilai persen eror pada masing-masing fasa di bawah 0,1%.
In the maintenance system monitor the current and voltage on the load safety over the substation control panel is not yet available. Therefore, monitoring tools in monitoring the current and voltage are needed.
The process of monitoring the voltage and current begins with the first source passes MCB 2A as a safety, then passes through the ACS712 current sensor and ZMPT101B voltage sensor. Then the 3 phase source is divided into 3 feeders that supply each load of 6x100 Watt each phase. In the repeater section is also installed PMT for protective purposes programmed by Arduino and can be con-trolled manually through the control panel. Then processing data from the sensor by Arduino and then displayed to the LCD.
Results that can be obtained from overload monitoring control panel in substation. When the load exceeds the specified maximum limit that is equal to 2A, the safety panel will disconnect one of the feeders. The accuracy of the current and voltage sensor readings is close to the measured value, with a percent error value at each phase below 0.1%.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Monitoring, Substantion, Current Sensors, Voltage Sensors.
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ213 Automatic control.
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK2861 Electric relays. Protective relays--Security measures.
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK7872 Electric current converters, Electric inverters.
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > 36304-Automation Electronic Engineering
Depositing User: Muhammad Ilham Fadlila
Date Deposited: 09 Jul 2021 10:36
Last Modified: 09 Jul 2021 10:36

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