Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) dan Evaluasi Safety Instrumented System Berdasarkan Perhitungan RAMS+C Pada Oil Treating Plant PT. Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited - Hazard And Operability Study (HAZOP) And Safety Instrumented System Evaluation Based On RAMS+C Measurement At Oil Treating Plant PT. Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited

Abrori, Muhammad Mujahid (2018) Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) dan Evaluasi Safety Instrumented System Berdasarkan Perhitungan RAMS+C Pada Oil Treating Plant PT. Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited - Hazard And Operability Study (HAZOP) And Safety Instrumented System Evaluation Based On RAMS+C Measurement At Oil Treating Plant PT. Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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PT. SIPL merupakan salah satu perusahaan produksi minyak dan gas di indonesia. Oil treating plant merupakan serangkaian proses untuk menstabilkan crude oil agar sesuai spesifikasi konsumen. Untuk menjaga stabilisasi hasil produksi minyak, maka plant harus memiliki tingkat pengamanan yang baik serta analisis potensi bahaya yang akurat guna menghindari kegagalan operasi. Analisis potensi bahaya dilakukan dengan metode HAZOP. SIS digunakan untuk menerapkan satu atau lebih fungsi keselamatan oleh instrumentasi. Evaluasi SIS dilakukan dengan membandingkan nilai SIL dan LCC aktual dengan hasil rancangan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa potensi bahaya pada plant adalah high risk dan moderate risk. Nilai SIL dan LCC aktual adalah SIL 0 dan USD 731922,59. Nilai SIL dan LCC rancangan adalah SIL 1 dan USD 559043,13. Terdapat perbedaan hasil antara aktual dan rancangan. Sehingga evaluasi SIS adalah pengurangan nilai failure rate dan jumlah instrumen final element pada beberapa loop pengendalian. Hal ini berdampak adanya peningkatan nilai SIL menjadi SIL 1 dan berkurangnya nilai LCC sebesar USD 172879,46.
PT. SIPL is one of the oil and gas production companies in Indonesia. Oil treating plant is a series of processes to stabilize crude oil to match the specifications of consumers. To maintain the stabilization of oil production, the plant must have a good level of safety and accurate potential hazard analysis to avoid operational failure. Hazard potential analysis is done by HAZOP method. SIS is used to apply one or more safety functions by instrumentation. SIS evaluation is done by comparing the actual SIL and LCC values with the design result. The results of the research found that the potential hazards in the plant is high risk and moderate risk. The actual SIL and LCC values are SIL 0 and USD 731922,59. SIL and LCC design values are SIL 1 and USD 559043,13. There is a difference between the actual results and the design. So the evaluation of SIS is the reduction of the value of the failure rate and the number of final element instruments in some control loop. This resulted in an increase in SIL value to SIL 1 and reduced LCC value of USD 172879,4.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information: RSF 620.86 Abr h-1 3100018077205
Uncontrolled Keywords: HAZOP, LCC, Oil Treating Plant, SIL, SIS
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA402.5 Genetic algorithms. Interior-point methods.
T Technology > T Technology (General) > T55 Industrial Safety
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK7870.23 Reliability. Failures
T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP692.5 Oil and gasoline handling and storage
T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS167 Costs, Industrial
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology > Physics Engineering > 30201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Muhammad Mujahid Abrori
Date Deposited: 11 Jan 2019 07:25
Last Modified: 05 Feb 2021 05:12
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/58501

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