Permodelan Skala Assist Electric Power Steering Berbasis Sensor Sudut Kemudi Dan Kecepatan Pada Kendaraan Kancil

Pahlawan, Liga and Handayani, Avin Maulida Dwi (2018) Permodelan Skala Assist Electric Power Steering Berbasis Sensor Sudut Kemudi Dan Kecepatan Pada Kendaraan Kancil. Diploma thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Dalam tugas akhir ini dirancang sistem kendali electric power steering untuk kendaraan kancil. Diawali dengan studi literatur rancangan dasar sistem kendali sistem kemudi menurut sampurno (2018) kemudian dilakukan perancangan sistem electric power steering pada mobil kancil dengan memperhatikan variasi sudut kemudi dan berbagai kecepatan sebagai penyempurnaan system steering yang ada pada mobil kancil. Alat uji yang digunakan sebagai pengganti electric power steering dan mobil kancil adalah model skala 1:90.
Simulasi menggunakan permodelan matematika dan software matlab untuk mengetahui sistem yang digunakkan dapat berfungsi secara stabil. Dan juga dilakukan berbagai pengujian untuk mengetahui karakteristik sistem electric power steering yang telah diterapkan pada kendaraan kancil, seperti hubungan sudut steer tehadap voltase, perbandingan sudut belok roda kanan dan kiri,hubungan sudut steer terhadap laju putar kendaraan dan juga terhadap besar torsi kendaraan.
Berdasarkan hasil uji pada penerapan model electric power steering didapatkan karakteristik dari beberapa variabel seperti laju putar kendaraan dan sudut steer yang memiliki hubungan berbanding lurus, besar laju kendaraan bergantung pada besar sudut steer. Serta hubungan sudut steer dengan torsi pengendara memiliki hubungan berbanding lurus. Laju putar pada tiap-tiap kecepatan memiliki nilai yang berbanding lurus. Untuk hasil dari respon dari sistem digunakan software matlab untuk memastikan kestabilan sistem.
In this final project designed electric power steering control system for Kancil car. Start to beginning with the literature study of the basic design of steering system control system according to sampurno (2018) and then to design of electric power steering system on the Kancil car by considering the variations of steering angle and various speeds as a completing of the steering system in the Kancil car. The test equipment used as a substitute for electric power steering and Kancil car is a 1:90 model scale.
The simulation use mathematical modeling and matlab software to know the system used to function stably. And also conducted various tests to determine the characteristics of electric steering system that has been applied to the vehicle, such as the steer angle relation between voltage, the comparison of right and left wheel angle, steer angle relation to vehicle rotation speed and also the vehicle torque.
Based the test results on the application of electric power steering model, it is found that the characteristics of some variables such as vehicle rotation and steer angle have a direct proportional relation, the vehicle speed depends on the steer angle. As well as the steer angle relation with the torque of the rider has a proportional relation. The yaw rate at each speed has a value that is directly proportional. For the results of the response of the system used matlab software to know the system is stability.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Additional Information: RSMI 629.247 Pah p
Uncontrolled Keywords: power steering,vehicle speed,angle
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > Mechanical Industrial Engineering (D4)
Depositing User: Liga Kusuma Pahlawan
Date Deposited: 02 Nov 2020 08:01
Last Modified: 02 Nov 2020 08:01

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