Hadi, Yohanes Aryanto and Hakim, Fikri (2019) Pra Desain Pabrik Ethylene Dari Low Rank Coal. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Ethylene atau etena (rumus kimia C2H4 atau H2C=CH2) merupakan salah satu mata rantai penting dalam industri petrokimia dan merupakan bahan baku terbesar yang digunakan industri petrokimia. Menurut Riset Pasar dan Tren Harga Industri Petrokimia, kebutuhan ethylene di Indonesia mengalami defisit sebesar 1200 KTPA (Kilo Tonnes Per Annum) Ton pada tahun 2021.
Ethylene dapat diproduksi dari metana CH4 yang dapat dihasilkan dari konversi batubara menjadi produk gas dengan menggunakan proses gasifikasi. Pemilihan pengunaan batubara sebagai bahan baku pembuatan Ethylene disebabkan karena besarnya potensi sumber daya batubara di Indonesia (64% kadar kalori sedang, 30% kalori rendah, dan sisanya sebanyak 1% kalori tinggi dan kalori sangat). Untuk memanfaatkan sumber daya yang melimpah ini, pengembangan industri kimia dasar berbasis batubara memiliki prioritas tinggi untuk dikembangkan sehingga dapat mengingkatkan nilai jual batubara. Selama ini batubara di Indonesia hanya digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembangkit listrik (end user).
Proses pembuatan Ethylene dari batubara terdiri dari tiga subsistem, yakni gasifikasi, pembentukan SNG (Subtitute Natural Gas) yang kaya akan CH4, dan terakhir proses pembentukan ethylene. Untuk subsistem gasifikasi, proses High Temperature Winkler (HTW) dipilih berdasarkan jenis batubara (low rank/lignite) dan suhu ash softening (tinggi). Untuk subsistem pembentukan SNG, lisensor TREMP-Topsoe dipilih berdasarkan efisiensi energi dan faktor ekonomi. Terakhir, untuk subsistem pembentukan ethylene dipilih proses Oxidative Coupling of Methane (OCM), karena OCM merupakan satu-satunya proses yang sesuai dengan umpan yang masuk kedalam subsistem ethylene berupa SNG.
Proses diawali dari persiapan bahan baku batubara kualitas rendah (low rank). Agar sesuai dengan spesifikasi gasifier, perlu dilakukan pre-treatment pada batubara. Pre-treatment ini meliputi penghancuran dan penghalusan batubara, menurunkan moisture content, dan menaikkan tekanan batubara untuk menyesuaikan dengan tekanan operasi gasifier. Di gasifier terjadi berbagai macam reaksi yang dibagi tiga zona (secara berurutan), yakni zona devolatilisasi, zona pembakaran, dan zona gasifikasi.
Gas sintesis (syngas) hasil gasifikasi batubara di gasifier kemudian dilakukan treatment yang bertujuan untuk menyesuaikan spesifikasi umpan (feed), meliputi menghilangkan ash yang tersisa, penghilangan H2S, dan mengendalikan kadar CO2 sebelum dibawa ke Metanator. Hasil dari Metanator adalah berupa SNG (Substitute Natural Gas) yang kemudian di treatment, yakni pengendalian jumlah H2O dalam umpan dan penyesuaian suhu umpan sebelum diproses reaktor OCM. Hasil dari reaktor OCM adalah terbentuknya ethylene (fase gas) dari metana yang terkandung di SNG. Proses selanjutnya, gas mengandung ethylene ini didinginkan di chilling train dan disuling untuk memisahkan metana, etana, ethylene, dan zat pengotor lain tersisa yang tidak ikut bereaksi. Ethylene menjadi produk utama, sementara metana dan etana akan menjadi produk sampingan.
Pabrik ethylene ini direncanakan dibangun mulai pada tahun 2020 di Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia dan direncanakan selesai pada tahun 2022. Daerah Banyuasin dipilih karena lokasi yang dekat dengan bahan baku dan dekat dengan lokasi pasar penjualan ethylene. Pabrik direncanakan beroperasi secara kontinyu 24 jam selama 330 hari per tahun operasi
Ethylene or ethene (chemical formula C2H4 or H2C = CH2) is one of the important links in the petrochemical industry and is the largest raw material used in the petrochemical industry. According to Market Research and Trends in Petrochemical Industry Prices, ethylene needs in Indonesia have a deficit of 1200 KTPA (Kilo Tonnes Per Annum) in 2021.
Ethylene can be produced from methane CH4 which can be produced from the conversion of coal into gas products using the gasification process. The choice of coal use as a raw material for making Ethylene is due to the large potential of coal resources in Indonesia (64% moderate calorie content, 30% low calories, and the remaining 1% high calories and very calories). To utilize this abundant resource, the development of a coal-based basic chemical industry has a high priority to be developed so that it can increase the selling value of coal. So far, coal in Indonesia is only used as raw material for electricity generation (end users).
The process of making Ethylene from coal consists of three subsystems, namely gasification, the formation of SNG (Subtitute Natural Gas) which is rich in CH4, and finally the ethylene formation process. For the gasification subsystem, the High Temperature Winkler (HTW) process is selected based on coal type (low rank / lignite) and ash softening temperature (high). For the SNG formation subsystem, TREMP-Topsoe licenses are selected based on energy efficiency and economic factors. Finally, for the ethylene formation subsystem, the Oxidative Coupling of Methane (OCM) process is chosen, because OCM is the only process that matches the feed that enters the ethylene subsystem in the form of SNG.
The process begins with the preparation of low quality coal raw materials. In order to comply with the gasifier specifications, it is necessary to pre-treat coal. This pre-treatment includes coal crushing and smoothing, reducing moisture content, and increasing coal pressure to adjust the gasifier operating pressure. In the gasifier various reactions occur which are divided into three zones (sequentially), namely the devolatilization zone, the combustion zone, and the gasification zone.
Synthesis gas (syngas) from the gasification of coal in the gasifier is then treated with the aim of adjusting feed specifications, including removing the remaining ash, H2S removal, and controlling CO2 levels before being taken to the Metanator. The results of the metanator are in the form of SNG (Substitute Natural Gas) which is then treated, namely controlling the amount of H2O in the feed and adjusting the temperature of the feed before the OCM reactor is processed. The result of the OCM reactor is the formation of ethylene (gas phase) from the methane contained in SNG. The next process, the gas containing ethylene is cooled in the chilling train and distilled to separate methane, ethane, ethylene, and other remaining impurities that do not participate in reacting. Ethylene is the main product, while methane and ethane will be a by-product.
The ethylene plant is planned to be built starting in 2020 in Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia and is planned to be completed in 2022. The Banyuasin region was chosen because of its location close to raw materials and close to the location of the ethylene sales market. The plant is planned to operate continuously 24 hours for 330 days per year of operation
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Additional Information: | RSK 668.423 4 Had p-1 2019 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Ethylene, Low rank coal |
Subjects: | T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP692.5 Oil and gasoline handling and storage |
Divisions: | Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Chemical Engineering > 24201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis |
Depositing User: | Hadi Yohanes Aryanto |
Date Deposited: | 17 May 2022 01:58 |
Last Modified: | 17 May 2022 01:58 |
URI: | http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/61832 |
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