Pemodelan Akses Jasa Keuangan Ibu Rumah Tangga di Eks-Lokalisasi Dolly dengan Regresi Logistik Biner

Yasmine, Nurfiana (2019) Pemodelan Akses Jasa Keuangan Ibu Rumah Tangga di Eks-Lokalisasi Dolly dengan Regresi Logistik Biner. Diploma thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Strategi Nasional Literasi Keuangan Indonesia yang disusun Otoritas Jasa keuangan (OJK) dalam pelaksanaannya melibatkan ibu rumah tangga, karena ibu rumah tangga memiliki peranan penting dalam pengelolaan keuangan keluarga. Pelaksanaan strategi tersebut dilakukan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia salah satunya Jawa Timur yang mana tingkat literasi keuangan dan inklusi keuangannya well literate, namun terdapat beberapa golongan masyarakat yang diduga masih memiliki tingkat literasi dan tingkat inklusi rendah yaitu ibu rumah tangga di Eks-Lokalisasi Dolly. Hal ini dikarenakan akibat penutupan lokalisasi oleh pemerintah setempat sehingga terjadi perubahan ekonomi yang mana penghasilan rumah tangga berkurang, dan banyak ibu rumah tangga melakukan pinjaman untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari baik ke koperasi atau bank. Dengan adanya pinjaman tersebut ibu rumah tangga di Eks-Lokalisasi Dolly dapat dikatakan memiliki akses jasa keuangan, maka dilakukan analisis pemodelan akses jasa keuangan ibu rumah tangga di Eks-Lokalisasi Dolly menggunakan analisis regresi logistik biner untuk mengetahui model akses jasa keuangan ibu rumah tangga di Eks-Lokalisasi Dolly. Regresi logistik biner yaitu metode yang digunakan untuk mencari hubungan antar variabel respon yang bersifat biner atau dikotomus dengan variabel prediktor. Hasil yang didapatkan pada model yaitu pendidikan terakhir dan penghasilan kepala keluarga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap akses jasa keuangan ibu rumah tangga di Eks-Lokalisasi Dolly.
The Indonesian National Financial Literacy Strategy prepared by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) involves housewives, because housewives have an important role in managing family finances. The implementation of this strategy was carried out in all parts of Indonesia, one of which was East Java where financial literacy and financial inclusion were well literate, but there were several groups of people who were suspected of having low literacy and inclusion rates, namely housewives in Dolly's Ex-Localization. This is due to the closure of localization by the local government so that economic changes occur in which household income is reduced, and many housewives make loans to meet their daily needs either to cooperatives or banks. With these loans housewives in Dolly's Ex-Localization can be said to have access to financial services, then modeling analysis of access to financial services for housewives in Ex-Localization Dolly uses binary logistic regression analysis to find out models of access to financial services for housewives in Ex -Localisation Dolly. Binary logistic regression is a method used to find relationships between response variables that are binary or dichotomous with predictor variables. The results obtained on the model, namely the latest education and income of the family head have a significant effect on access to housewives' financial services in Dolly's Ex-Localization.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Additional Information: RSSB 519.536 Yas p-1 2019
Uncontrolled Keywords: Access to Financial Services, Housewives, Binary Logistic Regression
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HA Statistics
H Social Sciences > HA Statistics > HA31.3 Regression. Correlation
H Social Sciences > HG Finance
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > 49501-Business Statistics
Depositing User: Nurfiana Yasmine
Date Deposited: 28 Mar 2023 03:20
Last Modified: 28 Mar 2023 03:20

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