Analisis Kematangan dan Kesiapan PT Pos Indonesia Regional 7 Menuju Industri 4.0 Berdasarkan Model IMPULS

Hartanto, Ulfania Aristya (2019) Analisis Kematangan dan Kesiapan PT Pos Indonesia Regional 7 Menuju Industri 4.0 Berdasarkan Model IMPULS. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Perkembangan pesat teknologi informasi, membuat beberapa ancaman bagi bisnis kovensional yang belum mengikutsertakan dirinya dalam arus globalisasi. Mulai tahun 2011, Industri 4.0 lahir. Era Industri 4.0 tersebut membuat distrupsi bagi sebagian bisnis karena kecanggihannya. Dalam era ini banyak peran manusia tergantikan dengan otomasi mesin, internet of things, robot, dan artifcial intelligence. PT Pos Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang terdisrupsi dengan adanya teknologi seperti email dan media sosial. Berbagai inovasi telah dilakukan oleh PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) agat dapat bertahan, salah satunya dengan rencana mentranformasikan diri menuju Industri 4.0. Dengan implementasinya yang mahal dan rumit, perlu dilakukan penilaian kesiapan dan kematangan perusahaan dalam menuju Industri 4.0. Penelitian ini akan menilai seberapa kesiapan PT Pos Indonesia khususnya di Regional 7 (Jawa Timur) sebagai pionir penggerak untuk menuju ke Industri 4.0 berdasarkan Model IMPULS. Model ini digunakan di Jerman untk mengukur kesiapan Industri 4.0 pada perusahaan mechanical manufacturer. Peneliti akan mengapikasikannya pada perusahaan dibidang logistik untuk mengetahui langkah apa yang harus diambil PT Pos Indonesia menuju Industri 4.0 berdasarkan tingkatan kesiapannya. Dari 18 sub-dimensi, terdapat 2 sub-dimensi yang ditak dapat diukur yaitu sub-dimensi share revenue dan share of data used. Penilaian yang dilakukan menunjukkan PT Pos Indonesia saat ini berada pada level 1 yaitu beginner atau newcomers. RFID diusulkan sebagai tahap awal pengimplementasian Industri 4.0.
The rapid development of information technology has created several threats for conventional businesses that have not yet included themselves in the current of globalization. Starting in 2011, Industry 4.0 was born. The Industrial Age 4.0 made a distraction for some businesses because of their sophistication. In this era, many human roles are replaced by machine automation, internet of things, robots, and artificial intelligence. PT Pos Indonesia is one of the companies that has been disrupted by the existence of technologies such as e-mail and social media. Various innovations have been carried out by PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) agat to survive, one of which is a plan to transform itself towards Industry 4.0. With its expensive and complicated implementation, it is necessary to evaluate the readiness and maturity of the company towards Industry 4.0. This study will assess the readiness of PT Pos Indonesia specifically in Regional 7 (East Java) as a driving pioneer towards Industry 4.0 based on the IMPULS Model. This model is used in Germany to measure the readiness of Industry 4.0 in mechanical manufacturer companies. The researcher will apply to companies in the logistics sector to find out what steps should be taken by PT Pos Indonesia towards Industry 4.0 based on the level of readiness. Of the 18 sub-dimensions, there are 2 subdimensions which cannot be measured, namely sub-dimensions of share revenue and share of data used. The assessment shows that PT Pos Indonesia is currently at level 1, namely beginner or newcomers.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: RSSI 658.5 Har a-1 2019
Uncontrolled Keywords: Industry 4.0, Maturity, Assesment, Industry 4.0 Readiness, IMPULS
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T58.5 Information technology. IT--Auditing
T Technology > T Technology (General) > T58.6 Management information systems
Divisions: Faculty of Information Technology > Information System > 57201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Ulfania Aristya Hartanto
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2024 02:41
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2024 02:41

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