Studi Variasi Jenis Fluks Terhadap Kadar Ni, Kekuatan Dan Perolehan Sinter Pada Proses Sintering Bijih Nikel Laterit

Pambayun, Indria Nindhita (2019) Studi Variasi Jenis Fluks Terhadap Kadar Ni, Kekuatan Dan Perolehan Sinter Pada Proses Sintering Bijih Nikel Laterit. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Peningkatan produksi stainless steel menyebabkan peningkatan permintaan nikel. Namun sampai saat ini pemanfaatan bijih nikel masih berasal dari bijih nikel sulfida yang ketersediaanya di alam mulai menipis. Salah satu proses alternatif yang dikembangkan yaitu sintering-blast furnace untuk menghasilkan ferronikel dari bijih nikel laterit. Sintering adalah sebuah pre-treatment dengan mengaglomerasikan bijih nikel sehingga meningkatkan kekuatan dan mengurangi pengotor pada bijih nikel sebelum dimasukkan ke blast furnace. Feed material pada sintering adalah bijih nikel, fluks dan arang, Sehingga fluks menjadi salah satu faktor yang berperan dalam keberhasilan sintering. Maka dari itu, penelitian kali ini melakukan sintering bijih nikel laterit menggunakan bahan bakar arang dengan variasi jenis fluks. Fluks yang digunakan antara lain suplitstone, limestone dan dolomite. Perhitungan kebutuhan fluks dan bahan bakar menggunakan neraca massa dan neraca panas. Feed material dimasukkan dalam furnace, lalu dipanaskan hingga temperatur 1200oC selama 4 jam. Kemudian dilakukan perhitungan perolehan sinter dan pengujian EDX, XRD serta drop test untuk mengetahui kadar nikel, senyawa dalam sinter serta kekuatan sinter. Kadar nikel tertinggi didapatkan oleh jenis fluks limestone sebesar 3,07%. Kekuatan dan perolehan sinter tertinggi didapatkan oleh jenis fluks suplitstone sebesar 68,85% dan 67,95%.
Increasing stainless steel production has caused to an increasing in nickel demand. However, until now the use of nickel ore still comes from nickel sulfide ore, which is available in nature, is running low. One of the alternative processes developed is the sintering-blast furnace to produce ferronickel from laterite nickel ore. Sintering is a pre-treatment process with agglomeration of nickel ore so can increase strength and reduce impurities in nickel ore before being added to the blast furnace. Feed materials on sintering are nickel ore, flux, and charcoal. Flux is one of the factors that play a role in the success of sintering. So, this study conducted sintering of laterite nickel ore using charcoal with variations in the type of flux. Fluxes used include suplitstone, limestone, and dolomite. Calculation of flux and fuel requirements uses mass balance and heat balance. Feed material is included in the furnace, then heated to a temperature of 1200oC for 4 hours. After process then do calculation of yield sinter. Then the calculation of sinter using EDX test, XRD test, and drop tests were carried out to determine the nickel content, compounds in sinter, and sinter strength. The highest nickel content was obtained by the type of flux limestone of 3.07%. The highest strength was obtained by the type of suplitstone flux of 68.85%. The highest and sintering gain strength was obtained by the type of suplitstone flux of 67.95%

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: RSMt 671.73 Nin s-1 2019
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sintering, Nikel Laterite, Fluks, Kekuatan Sinter, Perolehan Sinter
Subjects: T Technology > TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy > TN677 Blast furnaces.
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Material & Metallurgical Engineering > 28201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Pambayun Indria Nindhita
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2024 06:29
Last Modified: 10 Oct 2024 06:29

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