Damayanti, Sarita Novie (2015) Integrasi Antar Objek Daya Tarik Wisata (ODTW) Kota Yogyakarta Berdasarkan Preferensi Wisatawan Mancanegara. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknology Sepuluh Nopember.
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Dalam pengembangan pariwisata saat ini terdapat pergeseran
kecenderungan wisatawan dari dimensi sea, sun, and sand ke dimensi
tradisional berupa budaya dan masyarakat lokal. Kota Yogyakarta
dengan potensi tersebut juga terkena dampak berupa peningkatan
kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara. Namun, terdapat permasalahan
berupa distribusi kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara yang masih belum
merata antara ODTW di pusat dan pinggir kota. Oleh karena itu,
diperlukan integrasi untuk pemerataan kunjungan yang didasarkan
pada preferensi wisatawan sebagai bentuk perencanaan demand driven.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan arahan integrasi
antar ODTW Kota Yogyakarta berdasarkan preferensi wisatawan
mancanegara. Sasaran yang akan dicapai untuk menjawab tujuan
tersebut antara lain: (1) Mengidentifikasi karakteristik komponen
integrasi ODTW melalui theoritical dan empirical descriptive analysis;
(2) Membentuk cluster ODTW berdasarkan komponennya melalui
theoritical decriptive analysis; (2) Menganalisis preferensi wisatawan
mancanegara terhadap hasil cluster ODTW yang diinterpretasikan
melalui descriptive statistics analysis; (4) Merumuskan arahan integrasi
antar ODTW melalui metode validasi triangulasi.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terbentuk 5 cluster ODTW dengan
preferensi wisatawan mancanegara yang menunjukkan bahwa hierarki
cluster ODTW secara keseluruhan adalah Cluster 3 – Cluster 1-4-5 –
Cluster 2. Cluster 3 merupakan cluster ODTW yang terletak di tengah
kota dan berisi ODTW terkenal, seperti Kraton Yogyakarta, sehingga
dipilih sebagai cluster prioritas. Sedangkan Cluster 2 dengan preferensi
terendah dinilai memiliki variasi ODTW yang stagnan karena atraksi
yang ditawarkan dapat ditemukan di cluster lain. Peningkatan integrasi
antar ODTW dapat dilakukan melalui integrasi makro dan mikro.
Arahan makro merupakan integrasi untuk seluruh cluster, yaitu
penentuan tema cluster, pembentukan paket wisata, pengadaan moda
transportasi khusus pariwisata, pengadaan jalur pedestrian, serta
penyediaan sarana wisata yang seimbang. Sedangkan arahan mikro
merupakan arahan spesifik untuk tiap cluster dan disesuaikan
berdasarkan hierarki cluster yang membutuhkan penanganan intensif,
yaitu Cluster 2 dengan hierarki terendah hingga Cluster 3 dengan
hierarki tertinggi. Adapun arahan untuk Cluster 2 sebagai cluster
prioritas antara lain penambahan variasi atraksi, pengadaan plaza,
pengadaan parkir komunal, serta penambahan accomodation services
dan food services.
Apart from the normal interest of sea, sun, and sand, tourists’
preference in tourism development nowadays has changed into
traditional forms like cultures, local peoples, and hospitality services.
Yogyakarta which has a lot of potential of cultures also affected by the
increasing number of tourist arrivals. On the other hand, tourist arrivals
in Yogyakarta are still centralized in Kraton areas and not evenly
distributed to tourism objects in suburbs. Therefore, integration
approach for tourism objects that is based on the tourists’ preference is
needed to solve this problem as a demand driven planning in tourism
This study aimed to formulate referral of integration between
tourism objects in Yogyakarta based on the tourists’ preference. To
achieve the objectives of the study, this study conducted several stages
includes identifying the characteristics of tourism objects integration
components, forming tourism objects cluster, analyzing tourists’
preference to the tourism objects cluster, and the last is formulating the
referral of tourism objects integration. Moreover, the analysis tools used
in this study are empirical and theoretical descriptive analysis,
descriptive statistics analysis, and triangulation method validity.
Based on the analysis, there are 5 clusters formed with overall
hierarchy cluster based on the tourists’ preference, namely Cluster 3 –
Cluster 1-4-5 – Cluster 2. Cluster 3 which located in the city center and
provide most famous tourism objects such as Kraton Yogyakarta is
chosen as a highest preference cluster. While cluster 2 which chosen as
a lowest preference is judged by tourists to have a stagnant attractions
that can be find in another cluster. Yogyakarta’ tourism objects
integration improvement can be obtained by dividing the methods into
macro and micro integration. The first method is macro integration
which is used for the entire clusters, i.e. determining cluster themes,
creating tour packages, developing public transportation for tourists,
developing pedestrian paths, and providing balanced tourism services.
And the second method is micro integration which is used for specific
cluster and adjusted based on the cluster hierarchy that requires
intensive treatment, namely Cluster 2 as a lowest preference to Cluster
3 as a highest preference. Tourism objects integration improvement in
Cluster 2 as a priority cluster can be obtained by increasing attractions
variety, creating plaza, developing communal parking, as well as adding
accomodation and food services quantities.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Additional Information: | RSPW 790.18 Dam i |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Objek Daya Tarik Wisata, Integrasi Pariwisata, Preferensi Wisatawan Mancanegara |
Subjects: | G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General) > G155 Tourism N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA9053 City planning |
Divisions: | Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Planning > Regional and Urban Planning > 35201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis |
Depositing User: | Mr. Tondo Indra Nyata |
Date Deposited: | 24 Oct 2019 02:45 |
Last Modified: | 24 Oct 2019 02:45 |
URI: | http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/71378 |
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