Olehsari Community Center: When Body Meets Space

Pandyaningrum, Luh Saraswati (2020) Olehsari Community Center: When Body Meets Space. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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These days, architecture discipline has talked about human activities, the quality of space, and the way human body behaves in space. Dancing means playing with boundaries which allows somebody to feel presences and experience their surroundings. According to“Bodies and Space ‘in Contact’: A Study on the Dancing Body as means of Understanding Body-Space Relationship in an Architectural Context” by V. Safak Uysal, there is highest level of interaction between body and space called BodySpace. The fact that Indonesia has thousands of traditional dances with each of them are unique, emphasizes that ‘space’ has big role to ‘body’. It is no longer simple, but the relationship between them is more flexible and sometimes difficult to be described. Even with the simplest move, Indonesian traditional dances can tell stories and becomes the characteristic of the community where the dance was born. Furthermore, Seblang Ritual Dance from Olehsari Village was chosen as the context of this particular topic. This paper will talk about what happens to the space when human body come into being with its activities, as well as the body when space rules. The design process will be started by analyzing relationship between body and space phenomenon in Olehsari Vilage which contains Seblang Ritual values. The result will be rearranged and layered in the chosen site inside the village. The aim is to design a space which offers BodySpace level of interaction inside.
Dewasa ini, disiplin arsitektur telah berbicara tentang aktivitas manusia, kualitas ruang, dan cara tubuh manusia berperilaku di ruang. Menari berarti bermain dengan batas-batas yang memungkinkan seseorang merasakan kehadiran dan mengalami lingkungan mereka. Menurut “Bodies and Space ‘in Contact’: A Study on the Dancing Body as means of Understanding Body-Space Relationship in an Architectural Context” oleh V. Safak Uysal, ada tingkat interaksi tertinggi antara tubuh dan ruang yang disebut BodySpace. Fakta bahwa Indonesia memiliki ribuan tarian tradisional dengan masing-masing tarian itu unik, menekankan bahwa 'ruang' memiliki peran besar untuk 'tubuh'. Itu tidak lagi sederhana, tetapi hubungan di antara mereka lebih fleksibel dan kadang-kadang sulit untuk dijelaskan. Bahkan dengan gerakan yang paling sederhana, tarian tradisional Indonesia dapat bercerita dan menjadi ciri khas masyarakat tempat tarian itu lahir. Selanjutnya, Tari Ritual Seblang dari Desa Olehsari dipilih sebagai konteks dari topik khusus ini. Makalah ini akan berbicara tentang apa yang terjadi pada ruang ketika tubuh manusia muncul dengan aktivitasnya, serta tubuh ketika ruang mengatur. Proses desain akan dimulai dengan menganalisis hubungan antara tubuh dan fenomena ruang di Olehsari Vilage yang berisi nilai-nilai Seblang Ritual. Hasilnya akan diatur ulang dan berlapis di lokasi yang dipilih di dalam desa. Tujuannya adalah untuk merancang ruang yang menawarkan tingkat interaksi BodySpace di dalamnya.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: RSA 721 Pan o-1 2020
Uncontrolled Keywords: BodySpace relationship, Dance, Seblang Ritual
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA6600 Education buildings
Divisions: Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Planning > Architecture > 23201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Luh Saraswati Pandyaningrum
Date Deposited: 28 Feb 2025 07:43
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2025 07:43
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/74480

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