Analisis dan peningkatan kualitas sistem informasi dengan menggunakan metode seven tools dan quality function deployment (QFD)

Suryani, Luluk (2015) Analisis dan peningkatan kualitas sistem informasi dengan menggunakan metode seven tools dan quality function deployment (QFD). Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Setiap penerapan sistem informasi tentu akan menemui masalah pada saat
proses implementasinya. Masalah pada sistem informasi bisa berasal dari
software, hardware, network, database dan people. Saat ini Balai Besar Karantina
Pertanian (BBKP) telah menggunakan sistem informasi pada unit pelayanan.
Penerapan sistem informasi pada BBKP terkadang masih menemui masalah.
Melalui adopsi metode seven tools, dapat mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang
mengakibatkan menurunnya kualitas sistem informasi. Metode seven tools yang
diadopsi dalam penelitian ini meliputi Fishbone Diagram, Check Sheet, Diagram
Pareto dan Control Chart.
Hasil analisis seven tools dijadikan dasar penyusunan Quality Function
Deployment (QFD). Penyusunan QFD digunakan untuk menentukan respon teknis
agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas dari sistem informasi. Dalam penyusunan QFD
prioritas respon teknis yang harus dilakukan oleh BBKP sebagai upaya untuk
peningkatan kualitas sistem informasi akan diperoleh.
Setelah melakukan analisis data, atribut cacat E-Qvet yang melewati batas
control didapatkan. Atribut tersebut adalah gagal singkron data PPK, gagal
simpan data PPK dan gagal login. Berdasarkan atribut cacat tersebut, respon
teknis yamg harus dilakukan adalah meningkatkan infrastruktur jaringan,
melakukan pemetaan jaringan dengan tepat, memberikan pelatihan kepada user,
menambah fitur peringatan kesalahan input, help, dan user support. Penambahan
fitur-fiitur ini diharapkan mempercepat pengidentifikasian dan penanganan ketiga
atribut cacat tersebut.
Every information systems will certainly have problems during its
implementation process. The problems may come from software, hardware,
network, database and people aspects. Currently Balai Besar Karantina Pertanian
(BBKP) utilizes information systems to provide support for its services.
Implementation of information systems at BBKP sometimes has problems.
Through adoption methods of seven tools, problems which resulted in a decreased
quality of information systems can be identified. The adopted method in this
research includes Fishbone Diagram, Check Sheet, Pareto diagram, and Control
The analysis result of seven tools was used as the basis for formulating
Quality Function Deployment (QFD). The preparation of QFD was used to
determine the technical response order that need to be done in order to improve
the quality of information systems. The QFD helps to determine the technical
response which should be done by BBKP in an effort to improve the quality of
information systems.
After analyzing the data, E-Qvet defect attributes that have higher defect
frequency than control line. The attributes are failed to synchronized PPK data,
failed to save PPK data and failed to login. Based on the defect attributes, then
produces technical response to E-Qvet namely improving network infrastructure,
network mapping with exact, user training, input error warning feature, help
features and adding support user features that problems that occur can be quickly
identified and addressed.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information: RTMT 658.562 Sur a
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cacat Aplikasi, Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Seven Tools
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T58.6 Management information systems
T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS156 Quality Control. QFD. Taguchi methods (Quality control)
Divisions: 61101-Magister Management Technology
Depositing User: Yeni Anita Gonti
Date Deposited: 09 Mar 2020 09:08
Last Modified: 09 Mar 2020 09:08

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