Analisa Angular Moment Piston Pada Semi–Free Piston Diesel Engine Tipe Dua Langkah Berpiston Ganda Berlawanan Arah

Paramartha, Dewa Gede Angga (2016) Analisa Angular Moment Piston Pada Semi–Free Piston Diesel Engine Tipe Dua Langkah Berpiston Ganda Berlawanan Arah. [UNSPECIFIED] (Unpublished)

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa angular moment
dari semi-free two stroke diesel engine. Analisa angular moment
dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana gerak dan perbedaan
angular moment pada semi-free dan free-piston two stroke diesel
engine. Angular Moment merupakan sebuah besaran vektor yang
mewakili rotasi inersia dan kecepatan rotasi pada sumbu tertentu.
Peneliti menggunakan software solidwork untuk melakukan
simulasi dan mengolah model semi-free piston two stroke diesel
engine. Hasil simulasi semi-free piston kemudian akan dilihat
perbedaannya dengan referensi karakteristik angular moment free
piston. Hasil dari penelitian pada semi-free piston tidak terjadi
angular moment dikarenakan terdapat keyway pada rod. Perbedaan
angular momentum dari semi-free dengan free piston dapat dilihat
dari ada atau tidaknya angular moment dan karakteristik dari
=========================================================================================The purpose of this research is to analyse the angular
momentum of a semi-free two stroke diesel engine. The angular
moment analysis is done to provide information on how is the
motion and what are the differences between a semi-free and a
free-piston’s angular moment. Angular momentum is
a vector quantity that represents the product of a body's rotational
inertia and rotational velocity about a particular axis. Software
called Solidworks is used to simulate and process the semi-free
piston two stroke diesel engine model. The simulation results then
will be compared with the reference of free-piston angular
momentum. The result shows that semi-free doesn’t have angular
momentum. This is because a semi-free piston has a keyway on its
rods. The angular moment differences between a semi-free and
free-piston can be seen by whether it has angular moment and also
by its acceleration characteristics

Additional Information: RSSP 621.437 Par a
Uncontrolled Keywords: Semi-free piston two stroke diesel engine, Free-piston two stroke diesel engine, Angular moment.
Subjects: T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL214 Automobiles--Motors--Pistons and piston rings.
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering > 36201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: EKO BUDI RAHARJO
Date Deposited: 26 Mar 2020 23:44
Last Modified: 26 Mar 2020 23:44

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