Kompartementasi Ruang Produksi: Rumah Susun Nelayan Kampung Sukolilo Surabaya

Fitriyanto, Dominikus Aditya (2016) Kompartementasi Ruang Produksi: Rumah Susun Nelayan Kampung Sukolilo Surabaya. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya.

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Kekumuhan di kampung nelayan disebabkan oleh proses produksi yang berlangsung di area tempat tinggal karena minimnya lahan untuk aktivitas produksi. Proses produksi yang menempati area rumah tangga (domestik) dan publik (gang dan ruang terbuka) mengakibatkan terjadinya konflik fungsi ruang, sehingga efek samping dari proses produksi berupa sampah/limbah dan bau mencemari ruang lain di luar ruang produksi. Memisahkan area produksi dari area domestik dan publik membutuhkan pendekatan untuk mengetahui letak dan kedalaman aktivitas produksi di permukiman nelayan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah teori konfigurasi ruang untuk mengetahui hubungan dan kedalaman ruang produksi di rumah nelayan. Perancangan diawali dengan tahap penelitian kualitatif menggunakan metode pengamatan dengan wawancara. Analisa data permukiman eksisting menghasilkan pola aktivitas produksi dan konfigurasi ruang rumah nelayan. Metode perancangan yang digunakan adalah metode diagram akses untuk menyusun kembali konfigurasi ruang. Konsep kompartementasi digunakan untuk mengelompokkan aktivitas produksi dalam suatu zona dan mencegah limbah dan bau mencemari ruang lainnya. Eksplorasi rancangan menghasilkan dua macam tipologi kompartemen ruang produksi, yaitu ruang produksi luar dan ruang produksi dalam. Ruang produksi dalam menyatu dengan unit hunian; berupa area tersendiri yang terpisah dari area domestik. Ruang produksi luar berbentuk panggung yang bagian bawahnya dipakai sebagai tempat pengolahan basah dan bagian atasnya dipakai sebagai area jemur dengan sistem rumah kaca. Inovasi rancangan terletak pada pengembangan konsep kompartementasi, yang pada aplikasi sebelumnya kompartementasi memiliki fungsi tunggal, menjadi kompartemen dengan fungsi ganda untuk fungsi produksi dan sirkulasi
=================================================================================================Production activity that occured at household area because of limited space for work, has caused poor and dirty condition in fishermen settlement. Production activity that occured in domestic (household) space and public space (alley and open space) resulted in a conflict, namely spatial conflict, that brought side effect of production activity onto other space which is not related to production activity. Separation of production space from domestic and public space demand an approach to give better undestanding about the position and depthness of production activity in the fishermen settlement. Spatial configuration theory was used as an approach to analyze the relationship and spatial depth of production space in fishermen dwelling. The design process was began with qualitative research phase which used observation and interview as methods for gathering data. Analysis of existing settlement showed the pattern of production activity and room configuration of fishermen dwelling. The design exploration phase elaborated with access diagram as design method to reconfigure the spatial configuration of the house. Compartmentation used as concept to grouping production activity into one zone and isolating the waste and odour of production activity. The result is a housing equipped with specific production space for fishery processing. The compartment manifested in housing unit equipped with production space and outdoor production area. In the housing unit, the production compartment appeared as a specific zone that separated production activity from domestic. The outdoor production area designed in a shape of raised greenhouse and ramp with greenhouse like space running along the site. Design inovation can found in the development of compartmentation concept, which in the former application only had single function, into a compartment which has two function as production space and circulation

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information: RTA 728. 312 Fit k
Uncontrolled Keywords: kompartementasi, nelayan, ruang produksi, rumah susun.
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA7115 Domestic architecture. Houses. Dwellings
Divisions: Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Planning > Architecture > 23101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: EKO BUDI RAHARJO
Date Deposited: 03 Apr 2020 01:27
Last Modified: 03 Apr 2020 01:27
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/75669

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