Asrama Pekerja : Arsitektur Hijau Sebagai Oase di Kawasan Industri

Pramudya, Daniel Doan (2020) Asrama Pekerja : Arsitektur Hijau Sebagai Oase di Kawasan Industri. Undergraduate thesis, Institur Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Manusia hidup di dalam sebuah ekosistem, dimana terdapat interaksi yang saling bergantung antara organisme dengan lingkungannya. Hubungan timbal balik inilah yang disebut sebagai ekologi. Namun seringkali kegiatan manusia dapat mengancam kestabilan ekosistem itu sendiri.
Salah satu kegiatan manusia yang merugikan lingkungan adalah kegiatan industri. Sejak dunia industri mulai tumbuh 150 tahun terakhir, emisi CO2 meningkat pesat. Surabaya sendiri adalah pusat perdagangan sekaligus industri di Indonesia Timur. Sehingga kondisi udara di kota ini cukup buruk dan memiliki angka migrasi yang termasuk tinggi. Tingginya angka migrasi ikut memperburuk kondisi karena angka kendaraan bermotor yang ikut meningkat.
Arsitektur yang dihadirkan yaitu berupa hunian massal guna menampung para pekerja industri. Tujuannya adalah memperpendek jarak antara hunian pekerja dengan kantor/pabrik tempat mereka bekerja. Sehingga harapannya para pekerja dapat menjangkau tempat kerjanya dengan berjalan kaki atau bersepeda.
Dengan menggunakan pendekatan arsitektur hijau (respect to site dan respect to user) dan penerapan desain biofilik (view with nature, dynamic and diffuse light, serta material with nature), diharapkan arsitektur yang dihadirkan dapat memperbaiki kondisi lingkungan kawasan industri sekaligus menyehatkan para pekerja yang tinggal di dalamnya.
Humans live in an ecosystem, where there are interdependent interactions between organisms and their environment. This reciprocal relationship is called ecology. But often human activities can threaten the stability of the ecosystem itself.
One of the human activities that harm the environment is industrial activities. Since the industrial world began to grow in the last 150 years, CO2 emissions have increased rapidly. Surabaya itself is a center of trade as well as the industry in Eastern Indonesia. So that the air condition in this city is quite bad and has a high migration rate. The high rate of migration has also worsened the condition because the number of motorized vehicles has also increased.
The architecture presented is in the form of public housing to accommodate industrial workers. The aim is to shorten the distance between the occupancy of workers and the office/factory where they work. So the hope is that workers can reach their workplace on foot or by bicycle.
By using a green architecture approach (respect to site and respect to user) and the application of biophilic design (view with nature, dynamic and diffuse light, and material with nature), it is hoped that the architecture presented can improve the environmental conditions of the industrial area while at the same time improve the health of the workers who live in it.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information: RSA 727.38 Pra a-1
Uncontrolled Keywords: arsitektur hijau, desain biofilik, hunian massal, industri, green architecture, biophilic design, public housing, industry
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA6602.D6 Dormitories
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Architecture > 23201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Daniel Doan Pramudya
Date Deposited: 16 Aug 2020 00:56
Last Modified: 15 May 2023 14:26

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