Studi Teknis Dan Keekonomian Pembangunan Turbin Angin Lepas Pantai Terapung di Perairan Kepulauan Mentawai

Pradana, Gilang Surya (2021) Studi Teknis Dan Keekonomian Pembangunan Turbin Angin Lepas Pantai Terapung di Perairan Kepulauan Mentawai. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pemanfaatan energi baru terbarukan berupa tenaga angin untuk mencukupi kebutuhan listrik di Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai dikonsep dalam proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga angin lepas pantai terapung. Kebutuhan listrik di daerah tersebut dapat dicukupi dengan 11 unit turbin angin berkapasitas 5 MW dan akan menghasilkan listrik sebesar 104.016 MWh per tahun. Seluruh turbin angin akan menghadap barat laut, diletakkan dalam grid berupa garis lurus dengan jarak antar turbin sejauh 5 kali diameter turbin dan diletakkan pada kedalaman laut rata-rata 70 meter. Penggunaan struktur MIT NREL TLP menghasilkan respon gerakan yang cukup stabil dengan nilai terbesar amplitude signifikan surge sebesar 1,90 meter, sway sebesar 1,81 meter, heave sebesar 0,38 meter, roll sebesar 0,380, pitch sebesar 0,360 dan yaw sebesar 1,390. Sementara itu, gaya tarik terbesar sistem tambat sebesar 5987 kN. Gerakan roll, pitch dan yaw memiliki karakteristik dibawah 150 sehingga layak secara teknis. Gerak pitch memiliki gerak extreme sebesar 1,180 dan struktur masih dalam keadaan survival. Dari sisi keekonomian, konsep proyek turbin angin lepas pantai terapung ini keseluruhan akan mengalami masa BEP pada tahun antara ke 17 dan 18 masa operasi. Pembiayaan dengan dicsount rate 12% akan membuat proyek tidak layak secara ekonomi, kecuali harga jual listrik dinaikkan menjadi 150% dari BPP Pembangitan Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai. Proyek ini juga memiliki nilai IRR sebesar 3,365%. ========================================================================================================================
The use of new renewable energy in the form of wind power to meet electricity needs in the Mentawai Archipelagos Regency is conceptualized in a floating offshore wind power plant project. The electricity needs in the area can be fulfilled with 11 units of wind turbines with a capacity of 5 MW and will generate energy 104.016 MWh per year. All wind turbines will face northwest, placed in a grid in a straight line with the distance between the turbines as far as 5 times the turbine diameter and placed at 70 meters water depth. The MIT NREL TLP structure have stable motion response with the greatest value of significant surge amplitude of 1,90 meters, sway of 1,81 meters, heave of 0,38 meters, roll of 0,380, pitch of 0,360 and yaw of 1,390. Meanwhile, the maximum tension for mooring system is 5987 kN. Roll, pitch and yaw motion have characteristics below 150 so they are technically feasible. The pitch motion has an extreme motion of 1,180 and the structure is still in a survival state. From an economic standpoint, the floating offshore wind turbine project concept will get a BEP period between the 17th and 18th years of operation. Financing with an interest rate of 12% will make the project economically unfit, unless the selling price of electricity is increased to 150% of the BPP Pembangkitan Mentawai Archipelagos Regency. This project also has an IRR of 3,365%.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Analisis Keekonomian, FAST v.8, Mentawai, MIT NREL TLP, Turbin Angin lepas pantai terapung, Economic Analysis, FAST v.8, Floating Offshore Wind Turbine, Mentawai, MIT NREL TLP.
Subjects: T Technology > TC Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering > TC1680 Offshore structures
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Ocean Engineering > 38201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Gilang Surya Pradana
Date Deposited: 02 Mar 2021 03:06
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2024 03:34

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