Pemberlakuan Predictive Maintenance dan Alur Standar Operasional Armada Tally Head Truck PT.Pelindo Logistic (PELINDO III)

Adhyaksa, Muhammad Andhana (2020) Pemberlakuan Predictive Maintenance dan Alur Standar Operasional Armada Tally Head Truck PT.Pelindo Logistic (PELINDO III). Project Report. [s.n], [s.l.]. (Unpublished)

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Maintenance adalah usaha-usaha atau tindakan-tindakan reparasi yang dilakukan untuk menjaga performance dari sebuah mesin, selalu seperti kondisi dan performance dari mesin tersebut waktu masih baru, keuntungan yang didapat dalam melakukan maitenance adalah memperkecil breakdown time dan cost karena kerusakan lebih parah, selain itu keefektifan alat yang digunakan pun berkurang karena berkurangnya armada yang harus diperbaiki karena breakdown maintenance itu.
PT. Berkah Multi Cargo merupakan cucu perusahaan PELINDO 3 yang melayani bidang logistic. PT Berkah Muti Cargo berupaya untuk mencapai target logistik. Pencapaian target logistik sangat di tentukan oleh keefisiensian perpindahan container. Untuk menunjang kelancaran proses logistik diperlukan adanya sistem perawatan mesin yang teratur agar truk dapat selalu berjalan dengan baik.
PT. Berkah Multi Cargo melayani jasa salah satunya yaitu trucking. Trucking disini sangat bergantung pada truck yang dipakai, di PT. Berkah Multi Cargo belum melaksanakan yang namanya predictive maintenance supaya mengurangi cost yang dibutuh kan dan terhindar dari breakdown maintenance yang membutuhkan cost dan waktu yang banyak untuk memperbaikinya. Oleh karena itu, predictive maintenance sangatlah diperlukan.
Maintenance is defined as efforts or repair operations made to keep a machine's functioning in the same condition as when it was new. The benefit of performing maintenance is that it reduces breakdown time and cost due to more serious damage.
Owing to the smaller fleet that must be fixed due to breakdown maintenance, the effectiveness of the tools employed is also lowered.

PELINDO 3 has a subsidiary, PT. Berkah Multi Cargo, that works in the logistics industry.
PT Berkah Muti Cargo works hard to meet logistics goals.
The efficiency of container movement has a significant impact on the attainment of logistical goals.
It is necessary to support a smooth logistical procedure. It's essential to have a routine equipment maintenance strategy in place so that vehicles can always run smoothly.

PT. Berkah Multi Cargo provides a variety of services, including trucking.
Because trucking in this area is highly dependent on the vehicle utilized, PT. Berkah Multi Cargo has not implemented predictive maintenance to reduce required costs and avoid breakdown maintenance, which requires a significant amount of money and time to repair.
As a result, proactive maintenance is required.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Maintenance, Predictive, Repair, Cost, Trucking
Subjects: T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL275.J6 Automobiles--Maintenance and repair.
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > Mechanical Industrial Engineering (D4)
Depositing User: Muhammad Andhana Adhyaksa
Date Deposited: 05 Aug 2021 13:17
Last Modified: 04 Apr 2023 08:03

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