Santoso, Bhredito Dwijayana Harjuna (2021) Analisa Kerusakan Turbin Gas MS-5001 Central Duri Unit 2 Di PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia Dengan Menggunakan Analisa Vibrasi. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Analisa vibrasi adalah salah satu metode yang digunakan dalam perawatan prediktif, dengan melakukan pengujian untuk mengetahui terjadinya kerusakan pada sebuah peralatan. Pengambilan data vibrasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat portable yaitu Computational System Incorporated (CSI) 2130. Alat ini dapat menampilkan hasil data vibrasi berupa tampilan domain frekuensi dan juga sudut phase dari pada mesin yang kita analisa. Hal ini sangat membantu dalam melakukan penganalisaan vibrasi. Karena akan mempermudah urusan dalam menentukan kriteria diagnosa kerusakan pada vibrasi yang dihasilkan berdasarkan “Vibration Diagnostic Chart” dan “Vibration Saverity Chart”. Vibrasi yang dihasilkan pada load gear pembangkit listrik turbin gas memiliki kondisi unstatisfactory hingga unacceptable dengan vibrasi mencapai 1.130 in/sec pada titik B Low Speed Axial. Hasil analisa vibrasi yang didapat diisimpulkan bahwa kondisi ini bisa terjadi akibat dari kondisi ketidaksetimbangan statik pada generator, karena poros generator terhubung dengan low speed load gear yang juga mengindikasi kan getaran. Hal ini bisa terjadi akibat antar roda gigi yang memiliki gap clearance sehingga mengahsilkan sedikit ketidaksejajaran dan vibrasi yang tinggi. Pengukuran ini dilakukan dengan CSI 2130 dan sensor accelerometer. Sedangkan pengukuran vibrasi yang dilakukan dengan Human Machinary Interface yang tertanam pada turbin didapatkan kondisi 0.70 in/sec di area generator arah radial vertikal yang statusnya unstatisfactory. Kemungkinan penyebabnya karena kondisi mendekati third reconance dan imbalancing shaft rotor. Perbedaan ini bisa terjadi akibat ketidak akuratan lokasi pengukuran dan kesensitivitasan sensor yang berbeda. Dilakukan analisa dikedua tempat yang menunjukan nilai 1x rpm serta sudut phase yang in-phase menunjukan kondisi unbalance. Sehingga dilakukan perbaikan trim and balancing. Saat pemeriksaan dilapangan kondisi load gear tidak menunjukan keabnormalan, sehingga dilakukan field balancing pada rotor generator yang ternyata menunjukan penyebab masalah yaitu unbalance shaft. Solusi dari permasalahan ini diberikan pemasangan beban penyeimbang pada exiter end (generator) sebesar 173 gram pada 305° serta pemasangan beban penyeimbang pada load gear end sebesar 184 gram pada 161° yang mana tindakan ini menghasilkan kondisi kesetimbangan sesuai axis poros nya, akibat perbaikan posisi porosnya maka vibrasi yang dihasilkan juga lebih kecil yaitu mencapai kurang dari 0.427 in/sec dengan status keseluruahn titik menjadi statisfactory yang artinya dapat digunakan dalam jangka panjang,
Kata Kunci : Analisa Vibrasi, Computational System Incorporated 2130, Human Machinary Interface, 1x RPM Unbalance Generator, Sudut In-phase, Trim and Balancing Generator
Vibration analysis is one of the methods used in predictive maintenance, by conducting tests to determine the occurrence of damage to an equipment. Vibration data retrieval is carried out using a portable tool, namely Computational System Incorporated (CSI) 2130. This tool can display vibration data results in the form of a frequency domain display and also the phase angle of the machine we are analyzing. This is very helpful in conducting vibration analysis. Because it will simplify matters in determining the diagnostic criteria for damage to the vibration generated based on the "Vibration Diagnostic Chart" and "Vibration Saverity Chart". The vibration generated in the load gear of a gas turbine power plant has an unstatisfactory to unacceptable condition with vibration reaching 1,130 in/sec at point B Low Speed Axial. The results of the vibration analysis obtained concluded that this condition could occur as a result of static imbalance conditions on the generator, because the generator shaft is connected to the low speed load gear which also indicates vibration. This can occur due to the gap between the gears that have a clearance resulting in slight misalignment and high vibration. These measurements were made with the CSI 2130 and accelerometer sensor. Meanwhile, the vibration measurements carried out with the Human Machinary Interface embedded in the turbine were found to be 0.70 in/sec in the generator area in the vertical radial direction with unstatisfactory status. The possible cause is due to conditions approaching the third reconance and balancing shaft rotor. This difference can occur due to the inaccuracy of the measurement location and the sensitivity of the different sensors. Analyzes were carried out in both places showing the value of 1x rpm and the in-phase phase angle indicating the unbalance condition. So that the trim and balancing repairs are carried out. When checking in the field the condition of the load gear did not show any abnormalities, so field balancing was carried out on the generator rotor which turned out to show the cause of the problem, namely the unbalance shaft. The solution to this problem is the installation of a balancing load on the exiter end (generator) of 173 grams at 305° and the installation of a balancing load on the load gear end of 184 grams at 161° which results in an equilibrium condition according to the axis of the shaft, due to the improvement of the position of the shaft. then the resulting vibration is also smaller, reaching less than 0.427 in/sec with the status of all points being statistic which means it can be used in the long term,
Keywords: Vibration Analysis, Computational System Incorporated 2130, Human Machinarey Interface, 1x RPM Unbalance Generator. In=phase of angel, Trim and Balancing Generator
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Analisa Vibrasi, Computational System Incorporated 2130, Human Machinary Interface, 1x RPM Unbalance Generator, Sudut In-phase, Trim and Balancing Generator ======================================================================================================== Keywords: Vibration Analysis, Computational System Incorporated 2130, Human Machinarey Interface, 1x RPM Unbalance Generator. In=phase of angel, Trim and Balancing Generator |
Subjects: | T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ778 Gas turbines |
Divisions: | Faculty of Vocational > Mechanical Industrial Engineering (D4) |
Depositing User: | Bhredito Dwijayana Harjuna Santoso |
Date Deposited: | 12 Aug 2021 06:18 |
Last Modified: | 09 Sep 2024 06:09 |
URI: | |
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