Analisa Pengimplementasian Manajemen Proyek Pada Perencanaan Tahap Design And Process Planning Chassis Mobil Formula Sae Naogogeni ITS Team

Hibatullah, Muhammad Shidqi (2021) Analisa Pengimplementasian Manajemen Proyek Pada Perencanaan Tahap Design And Process Planning Chassis Mobil Formula Sae Naogogeni ITS Team. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Tahap Design and Process Planning merupakan tahapan yang memiliki urgenitas langsung pada keikutsertaan Nogogeni ITS Team di FSAE Australia. Sebagai salah satu contoh komponen Chassis pada saat main event FSAE Australasia, membutuhkan dokumen event untuk static event dan perencanaan proses manufaktur yang baik untuk mendekatkan keberhasilan pada dynamic event. Maka dari itu, diperlukan perencanaan pada Tahap Design and Process Planning terutama komponen utama yaitu chassis. Salah satu pendekatan untuk menyusun perencanaan adalah Manajemen Proyek. Manajemen proyek memiliki tools yang dapat mempermudah seperti work breakdown structure dan Critical Path Method, sebagai alat merencanakan scope dan penjadwalan. Selain itu, dalam tugas akhir ini juga membahas tentang menghasilkan desain geometri Chassis yang valid sesuai dengan regulasi. Pada tahap desain didapatkan Drawing Process geometri Chassis yang seusai dengan regulasi dengan nilai deformasi dibawah 25 mm, dengan pengujian front impact, side impact, dan torsional analysis. Setelah itu pada tahap process planning didapatkan dokumen event diantaranya, SES, DSS, dan Cost Report. Analisa manajemen proyek, menghasilkan perencanaan yang memiliki tiga aspek proyek yaitu, scope yang membahas ruang lingkup kegiatan. Lalu, penjadwalan menggunakan CPM mendapatkan durasi selama 51 hari. Dan pada Human resource didapatkan keperluan divisi frame and body sebagai penyelenggara utama, dibantu pihak kedua divisi Engine and Drivetrain, Vehicle Dynamic untuk mendesain chassis dan Non-Technical division untuk menyusun dokumen event.
The Design and Process Planning stage is a stage that has direct urgency in the participation of the Nogogeni ITS Team at FSAE Australia. As an example of the Chassis component during the FSAE Australasia main event, it requires event documents for static events and good manufacturing process planning to get closer to success in dynamic events.Therefore, planning is needed at the Design and Process Planning Phase, especially the main component, namely the chassis. One approach to planning is Project Management. Project management has tools that can simplify such as work breakdown structure and Critical Path Method, as a tool for planning scope and scheduling. In addition, this final project also discusses about producing a valid chassis geometry design in accordance with regulations. At the design stage, the Chassis geometry Drawing Process is obtained in accordance with the regulation with a deformation value below 25 mm, with front impact, side impact, and torsional analysis tests. After that, at the process planning stage, event documents were obtained including, SES, DSS, and Cost Report. Project management analysis produces a plan that has three project aspects, namely, a scope that discusses the scope of activities. Then, scheduling using CPM gets a duration of 51 days. And in Human resources, the frame and body division as the main organizer, assisted by the second party, the Engine and Drivetrain division, Vehicle Dynamic to design the chassis and the Non-Technical division to compile event documents.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Manajemen Proyek, Nogogeni ITS Team, Perencanaan Proses, Project Management, Nogogeni ITS Team, Process Planning
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T56.8 Project Management
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA174 Computer-aided design.
T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS176 Manufacturing engineering. Process engineering (Including manufacturing planning, production planning)
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > Mechanical Industrial Engineering (D4)
Depositing User: Muhammad Shidqi Hibatullah
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2021 19:08
Last Modified: 13 Aug 2021 19:08

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