Desain Sistem Pengaturan Kapasitas Flowrate Dengan Kontroler PI Kaskade Dan Manufaktur Automatic Feeder Pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biomassa (PLTBM)

Prasetyo, Indrawan Budi (2021) Desain Sistem Pengaturan Kapasitas Flowrate Dengan Kontroler PI Kaskade Dan Manufaktur Automatic Feeder Pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biomassa (PLTBM). Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Feedstock & Feeder merupakan subsistem dari PLTBm yang bekerja untuk mendistribusikan material biomassa ke reaktor gasifikasi. Proses distribusi material biomassa diharuskan dapat bekerja otomatis memasukkan bahan bakar saat bahan bakar pada reaktor telah mencapai batas tertentu untuk mengurangi pengawasan atau asistensi manusia. Sebagai otomatisasi dari proses distribusi tersebut, sistem yang dibangun harus sederhana agar memudahkan maintenance. Maka dari itu dibuat sistem automatic feeder biomassa dengan menggunakan rangkaian logika relay serta airlock valve dan screw conveyor sebagai feeder. Hasil dari pembuatan sistem ini didapatkan feeder yang dibuat mampu mendistribusikan material 8 kg dengan waktu 1 menit 56 detik untuk menunjang proses gasifikasi. Dikarenakan dari sistem tersebut digunakan kontroler sederhana maka dirancang dan dikembangkan sistem pengaturan kapasitas angkut feeder dengan menggunakan kontroler PI Kaskade untuk kebutuhan pengembangan kedepan. Hasil dari desain kontrol didapatkan time constan (ti) 0,0101 detik ; rise time (tr) untuk tr 10% diwaktu 0,014 detik dan tr 90 % diwaktu 0,674 detik ; settling time (ts) dari respon sinyal dengan Ts 0,05 % diwaktu 9,5 detik ; delay time (td) pada waktu 0,065 detik dan jika diberikan disturbance saat kondisi tunak maka akan kembali ke kondisi awal pada 3,21 detik setelah diberikan gangguan.
Feedstock & Feeder is a subsystem of PLTBm which works to distribute biomass material to the gasification reactor. The distribution process of the required biomass material can work automatically by entering fuel when the fuel in the reactor reaches a certain limit to reduce or human assistance. As the automation of the distribution process, the system built must be simple to facilitate maintenance. Therefore, an automatic biomass feeder system was made using relay logic logic and airlock valves and screw conveyors as feeders. The result of making this system is a feeder that is made capable of distributing 8 kg material with a time of 1 minutes 56 seconds to support the gasification process. Because the system uses a simple controller, a system for regulating feeder transport capacity is designed and developed using the Cascade PI controller for future development needs. The results of the control design obtained time constant (ti) 0.0101 seconds; rise time (tr) for tr 10% at 0.014 seconds and tr 90% at 0.674 seconds; settling time (ts) of the response signal with a Ts of 0.05 % at a time of 9.5 seconds; delay time (td) is 0.065 seconds and if a disturbance is given when the condition is steady, it will return to its initial condition at 3.21 seconds after the disturbance is given.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: feedstock & feeder, screw conveyor, airlock valve, PI cascade control, control flowrate
Subjects: T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD195.B56 Biomass energy
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ1398 Conveyors
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ808 Renewable energy sources. Energy harvesting.
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ223 PID controllers
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK1007 Electric power systems control
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK1322.6 Electric power-plants
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK3070 Automatic control
T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS171 Product design
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > 36304-Automation Electronic Engineering
Depositing User: Indrawan Budi Prasetyo
Date Deposited: 18 Aug 2021 18:46
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2024 07:19

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