Rezza, Arlo Al (2021) Alternatif Perencanaan Konstruksi Penahan Tanah Dan Pondasi Pada Basement Gedung Bca Kcu Bukit Darmo Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Surabaya merupakan kota metropolitan terbesar kedua di Indonesia sehingga berperan penting sebagai mempercepat laju perekonomian Indonesia. Dengan didirikannya gedung BCA Kantor Cabang Utama Bukit Darmo, tingkat perekonomian di Surabaya mampu bertumbuh dengan cepat. Gedung ini dibangun di atas lahan seluas 7.132,16 m². Lokasi proyek terletak di Jalan Mayjen Yono Suwoyo yang merupakan kawasan dengan kepadatan penduduk tinggi karena merupakan kawasan perumahan real estate serta perkantoran dan pusat perbelanjaan. Gedung direncanakan memiliki 10 lantai perkantoran serta 2 lantai basement. Pekerjaan galian basement dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode bottom-up hingga kedalaman -10.7 m. Dari hasil penyelidikan tanah diperoleh bahwa lapisan tanah didominasi oleh tanah lempung. Pondasi gedung direncanakan menggunakan pondasi tiang pancang tipe square pile dengan dimensi 45 cm x 45 cm. Pada konstruksi penahan tanah basement digunakan dinding berupa sheet pile dengan tipe FCSP-320-500 Type G serta perkuatan dinding berupa strutting beam yang menumpu pada permukaan pile cap. Kendala yang muncul yaitu pada proses pemasangan strutting beam dapat menghambat produktifitas pekerja saat penggalian embankment dan adanya pergerakan tanah pada sheet pile bagian timur proyek.
Pada Tugas Akhir ini direncanakan alternatif perencanaan dari konstruksi penahan tanah berupa pemilihan dengan tetap menggunakan metode bottom-up tetapi diberi ground anchor atau diganti menjadi metode top-down dengan pengaplikasian king post. Dari masing-masing alternatif dilakukan analisa terhadap kestabilannya lalu dipilih alternatif yang lebih efisien diantara keduanya. Pada Tugas Akhir ini juga dilakukan analisa terhadap perencanaan pondasi eksisting serta direncanakan pula alternatif perencanaan untuk konstruksi pondasi berupa bored pile yang kemudian akan dibandingkan dengan perencanaan eksisting pondasi tiang pancang guna mendapatkan perencanaan yang efektif untuk gedung BCA KCU Bukit Darmo.
Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari analisa kestabilan perencanaan eksisting struktur pondasi gedung, didapatkan bahwa struktur tiang pancang masih terdapat beberapa aspek yang belum memenuhi. Oleh karena itu direncanakan alternatif pondasi berupa bored pile dengan diameter 1.2 m dengan kedalaman -25 m pada tipe grup BP-1 dan BP-2, kedalaman -32.5 m pada tipe grup BP-3A sampai BP-5A, serta kedalaman -34 m untuk tipe grup BP-5B. Sedangkan pada perhitungan konstruksi penahan tanah diperoleh bahwa kebutuhan penanaman sheet pile memerlukan total panjang 17 m untuk alternatif ground anchor dengan metode bottom-up maupun untuk alternatif metode top-down. Pada perencanaan ground anchor direncanakan memakai 2 angkur dengan panjang free length angkur pertama sebesar 17 m dan angkur kedua sebesar 15 m, sedangkan panjang fixed length diperoleh sepanjang 6 m dengan material grouting diameter 60 cm. Alternatif kedua yaitu menggunakan metode semi top-down dengan pengaplikasian king post dengan profil WF 400x400x21x21. Dari hasil analisa stabilitas kedua alternatif tersebut dipilih alternatif metode semi top-down dengan defleksi turap arah Ux sebesar 0.036 m dan faktor keamanan 2.467. Sedangkan alternatif ground anchor diperoleh defleksi turap arah Ux sebesar 0.218 m dan faktor keamanan 1.038.
Surabaya is the second largest metropolitan city in Indonesia so that it plays an important role in accelerating the pace of the Indonesian economy. With the establishment of the BCA Bukit Darmo Main Branch Office building, the level of the economy in Surabaya is able to grow rapidly. This building was built on an area of 7,132.16 m². The project location is located on Jalan Mayjen Yono Suwoyo which is an area with a high population density because it is a residential real estate area as well as offices and development centers. The building is planned to have 10 office floors and 2 basement floors. Basement excavation work was carried out using the bottom-up method to a depth of -10.7 m. From the results of the soil investigation, it was found that the soil layer was dominated by clay. The planned building foundation uses a square pile type pile foundation with dimensions of 45 cm x 45 cm. In the basement retaining construction, the walls are in the form of sheet piles of type FCSP-320-500 Type G and wall reinforcement is in the form of strutting beams that support the surface of the pile cap. The obstacles that arise are in the process of installing the strutting beam, which can hamper worker productivity when limiting the embankment and the presence of soil movement in the sheet pile east of the project.
In this final project, an alternative planning of the retaining construction is planned in the form of selection by continuing to use the bottom-up method but given a ground anchor or changing it to a top-down method with the application of the king post. From each alternative, an analysis of its stability is carried out and the more efficient alternative is chosen between the two. In this final project, an analysis of the existing foundation planning is also carried out and an alternative planning for the construction of the foundation in the form of bored pile is also carried out which will then be compared with the existing pile foundation planning in order to obtain an effective plan for the BCA KCU Bukit Darmo building.
Based on the results obtained from the stability analysis of the existing planning of the building foundation structure, it was found that the pile structure still has several aspects that have not been fulfilled. Therefore, an alternative foundation is planned in the form of bored piles with a diameter of 1.2 m with a depth of -25 m in the BP-1 and BP-2 groups, a depth of -32.5 m in the BP-3A to BP-5A group types, and a depth of -34 m for group type BP-5B. Meanwhile, in the calculation of retaining construction, it was found that the need for sheet pile planting requires a total length of 17 m for the alternative ground anchor with the bottom-up method and for the alternative top-down method. The ground anchor is planned to use 2 anchors with the first free length anchor of 17 m and the second anchor of 15 m, while the fixed length length is obtained as long as 6 m with 60 cm diameter grouting material. The second alternative is to use a semi top-down method with the application of a king post with a WF profile of 400x400x21x21. From the results of the stability analysis of the two alternatives, the semi-top-down alternative method was chosen with a sheet pile deflection in the direction of Ux of 0.036 m and a safety factor of 2.467. While the alternative ground anchor obtained sheet pile deflection in the direction of Ux of 0.218 m and a safety factor of 1.038.
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