Susanto, Sylvia Juniar (2021) Perancangan Perbaikan Aplikasi KAI Access Berbasis Aspek Usability dan Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Masters thesis, Institur Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Kemajuan teknologi internet dan perangkat lunak semakin memudahkan masyarakat dalam melakukan pembelian tiket transportasi secara online. Kesempatan ini diambil oleh PT Kereta Api Indonesia untuk meluncurkan aplikasi pemesanan tiket kereta api untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada konsumen. Aplikasi KAI Access menjadi sebuah pilihan untuk melakukan pemesanan tiket kereta api secara online melalui telepon genggam. Namun, masih banyak pengguna yang mengeluhkan dan memberikan nilai rendah pada aplikasi KAI Access. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindentifikasi preferensi pengguna aplikasi KAI Access dengan mengadopsi atribut dari faktor usibility dan membuat usulan perbaikan rancangan aplikasi KAI yang sesuai preferensi pengguna sehingga bisa meningkatkan kualitas pelayanannya. Persepsi dan kepentingan pelanggan dari masing-masing atribut Usability di setiap titik sentuh pelanggan akan diproses untuk mengidentifikasi atribut mana yang diprioritaskan untuk ditingkatkan dengan metode Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). Kemudian atribut-atribut prioritas tersebut diproses lebih lanjut menggunakan QFD. Terdapat 11 dari 33 atribut valid dan reliabel dari kualitas pelayanan berdasarkan atribut Usability yang prioritas untuk ditingkatkan yaitu “Kemudahaan dalam mengingat prosedur pembayaran”; “Kemudahan aplikasi digunakan dimanapun dan kapanpun”;“Tidak adanya kegagalan dalam proses pembayaran tiket”; “Kecepatan belajar memahi aplikasi”;“Kemudahan salam membuat akun baru pada aplikasi”; “Tidak adanya kendala dalam proses pembuatan akun”; “Aplikasi KAI Access bekerja sesuai dengan harapan pelanggan”; “Memudahan pengguna memesan tiket kereta api”; “Tidak ada kesalahan sistem saat melakukan pemesanan tiket”; “Kemudahan pengoperasian aplikasi di berbagai kalangan”;dan “Kejelasan informasi terkait syarat perjalanan kereta”. Berdasarkan 11 atribut prioritas tersebut dirancang peningkatan kualitas pelayanan kedalam 5 prioritas respon teknis yaitu “Pengembangan fitur reservation, reschedule dan cancellation”; “Optimalisasi sistem pembayaran tiket kereta api”; “Peningkatan keandalan sistim pada aplikasi KAI Access ”; “Penambahan panduan pengoperasian aplikasi KAI Access”; dan “Pengembangan fitur transaksi pembayaran tiket”. Sehingga didapatkan rancangan perbaikan untuk mneingkatkan kualitas pelayanan aplikasi KAI Access.
Advances in internet technology and software have made it easier for people to buy transportation tickets online. This opportunity was taken by PT Kereta Api Indonesia to launch a train ticket booking application to improve service to consumers. The KAI Access application is an option for ordering train tickets online via mobile phones. However, there are still many users who complain and give low scores to the KAI Access application. So this study aims to identify the preferences of users of the KAI Access application by adopting the attributes of the usibility factor and make suggestions for improving the design of the KAI application according to user preferences so that it can improve the quality of its services. Customer perceptions and interests of each Usability attribute at each customer touch point will be processed to identify which attributes are prioritized for improvement using the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method. Then these priority attributes are further processed using QFD. There are 11 of 33 valid and reliable attributes of service quality based on the Usability attribute which prioritizes to be improved, namely "Ease of remembering payment procedures"; “Easy to use the application anywhere and anytime”; “There are no failures in the ticket payment process”; "The speed of learning to understand the application";"Easy to create a new account on the application"; “There are no problems in the account creation process”; “KAI Access application works according to customer expectations”; “Easy for users to book train tickets”; “There was no system error when booking tickets”; “Ease of application operation in various circles”; and “Clarity of information related to train travel requirements”. Based on these 11 priority attributes, it is designed to improve service quality into 5 technical response priorities, namely "Development of reservation, reschedule and cancellation features"; “Optimization of train ticket payment system”; “System optimization on the KAI Access application”; “Adding the KAI Access application operating guide”; and “Development of ticket payment transaction features”. So that we get an improvement plan to improve the service quality of the KAI Access application.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Aplikasi KAI Access, Rencana Perbaikan, Atribut Usability, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) The KAI Access Application, Improvement Plan, Usability Attributes, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) > T58.6 Management information systems T Technology > TE Highway engineering. Roads and pavements > TE228.3 Intelligent transportation systems. T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS156 Quality Control. QFD. Taguchi methods (Quality control) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (CREABIZ) > Technology Management > 61101-(S2) Master Thesis |
Depositing User: | Sylvia Juniar Susanto |
Date Deposited: | 22 Aug 2021 22:42 |
Last Modified: | 24 Dec 2024 02:25 |
URI: | |
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