Widya, Jihan (2021) Analisis Dampak Pembangunan Terminal Peti Kemas Baru pada Wilayah Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak dan Sekitarnya secara Terintegrasi. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya.
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PT SMT (Siam Maspion Terminal) yang awalnya merupakan TUKS kini resmi dapat melayani kegiatan kepelabuhanan umum. PT SMT terus melakukan pengembangan, salah satunya pengembangan terminal peti kemas dengan bekerjasama dengan Dubai Port World membangun DP Maspion International Container Terminal. Munculnya terminal baru ini akan menambah alternatif bagi pengguna jasa pelabuhan dalam memilih terminal untuk proses pengiriman barangnya sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan perpindahan muatan yang semula dikirim melalui terminal eksisting. Untuk itu, Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak dibangunnya terminal peti kemas baru di wilayah Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak terhadap muatan di terminal eksisting. Metode yang digunakan dalam Tugas Akhir ini adalah metode regresi logistik multinomial (multinomial logistic regression). Pengiriman peti kemas dari hinterland ke beberapa tujuan kapal memberikan prediksi bahwa saat DP Maspion International Container Terminal mulai beroperasi, muatan dari TPS berkurang sebesar 6,56% dari yang semula menguasai 78,87% muatan, menjadi 72,31% muatan atau sejumlah 841.261 TEUs. Pada TTL berkurang sebesar 2,84% dari yang semula menguasai 21,13% muatan, menjadi 18,29% muatan atau sejumlah 212.778 TEUs. Muatan berpindah dari TPS dan TTL tersebut diperkirakan berpindah ke DP Maspion International Container Terminal dengan total sebesar 9,39% total muatan atau sejumlah 109.289 TEUs. Peti kemas dari Semarang, Jepara, Demak, dan Bojonegoro akan memilih DP Maspion International Container Terminal. Peti kemas dari Gresik dan Surabaya (menuju Malaysia dan Singapura) akan memilih TTL, sedangkan sisanya akan memilih TPS.
PT SMT (Siam Maspion Terminal) which was originally a TUKS, now is officially can serve public port activities. PT SMT continues to develop their company, one of which is the development of container terminals in collaboration with Dubai Port World to build a terminal called DP Maspion International Container Terminal. The emergence of this new container terminal, will add an alternative for port users in choosing a terminal in the shipping process of their goods, so it will potentially cause the transfer of cargo that was originally sent through existing terminal before. Therefore, this Final Project has a goal to analyze the impact of the new container terminal building in the Tanjung Perak Port integrated area. The method used in this Final Project is multinomial logistic regression. Containers shipment from hinterland to several destinations of the ship gave predictions that, when DP Maspion International Container Terminal began operating, the cargo from TPS was reduced by 6.56% from the original 78.87% of the total cargo, to 72.31% of the total cargo or equivalent to 841,261 TEUs. The TTL decreased by 2.84% from 21.13% of the total cargo, to 18.29% of the total cargo or equivalent to 212,778 TEUs. The cargo that moved from the TPS and TTL is predicted will move to DP Maspion International Container Terminal with a total of 9.39% from the total cargo or equivalent to 109,289 TEUs. Containers from Semarang, Jepara, Demak, and Bojonegoro will choose DP Maspion International Container Terminal. Containers from Gresik and Surabaya (to Malaysia and Singapore) will choose TTL, while the rest will choose TPS.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | terminal peti kemas, pemilihan pelabuhan, regresi logistik, container terminals, port choice, logistic regression |
Subjects: | V Naval Science > V Naval Science (General) > V220 Naval ports, bases, reservations, docks, etc. |
Divisions: | Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Sea Transportation Engineering > 21207-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis |
Depositing User: | Jihan Widya |
Date Deposited: | 25 Aug 2021 07:56 |
Last Modified: | 31 Dec 2024 05:29 |
URI: | http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/89573 |
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