Analisis Potensi Pengoperasian Teknologi Autonomous Tugboat Pada Industri Kepelabuhanan

Leonandro, Ludowikus Dius (2021) Analisis Potensi Pengoperasian Teknologi Autonomous Tugboat Pada Industri Kepelabuhanan. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Industri maritim adalah salah satu sektor yang tidak lepas dari perkembangan industri 4.0. Dengan tren perkembangan teknologi menuju digitalisasi dan terintegrasi, sektor maritim mulai mengembangkan kapal – kapal autonomous yang dapat dioperasikan dari jarak jauh untuk mengikuti perkembangan tersebut. Salah satu jenis kapal yang dikembangkan adalah tugboat. Namun penggunaan autonomous tugboat memiliki biaya pengadaan yang lebih besar daripada tugboat konvensional karena membutuhkan teknologi dan sistem pendukung yang selangkah lebih maju daripada tugboat konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana jika teknologi autonomous tugboat diimplementasikan pada pelabuhan di Indonesia dengan melihat dari sisi teknis, operasional dan finansial. Dengan studi literature dan survey sekunder didapatkan kondisi saat ini Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak dilayani oleh 14 unit armada kapal tunda yang disediakan oleh PT. PMS dengan komposisi 5 unit tugboat berdaya mesin di antara 1500 – 3000 HP, 7 unit armada berdaya mesin di atntara 3000 – 4000 HP, dan 2 unit armada berdaya mesin di atas 4000 HP. Untuk membeli dan mengoperasikan tugboat dengan 3000 HP saat ini membutuhkan biaya sebesar 23,9 milyar rupiah pertahun. Autonomous tugboat memiliki 3 bagian utama agar dapatbekerja dengan baik. Yang pertama adalah bagian teknologi di kapal yang bertujuan untuk memberi pengeinderaan dan pengambilan keputusan, teknologi penghubung agar autonomous tugboat dapat bertukar informasi dengan pusat kendali, dan yang terakhir adalah teknologi pendukung yang berada di pusat kendali. Pengoperasian autonomous tugboat di pelabuhan Indonesia memiliki potensi merugikan sebesar 350 juta rupiah
pertahun jika menggunakan remotely autonomous tugboat dan hanya mengganti 1 kapal saja. Penggunaan full autonomous tugboat memiliki potensi menghemat biaya pertahun
sebesar 181 juta rupiah
The maritime industry is one sector that cannot be separated from the development of industry 4.0. With the trend of technological development towards digitalization and integration, the maritime sector has begun to develop autonomous ships that can be operated remotely to keep up with these developments. One type of ship being developed is a tugboat. However, the use of autonomous tugboats has a higher procurement cost than conventional tugboats because it requires technology and support systems that are one step ahead of conventional tugboats. This study aims to find out
what if autonomous tugboat technology is implemented at ports in Indonesia by looking at the technical, operational and financial aspects. By studying literature and secondary
survey, it was found that the current condition of Tanjung Perak Port is served by 14 units of tugboats provided by PT. PMS with a composition of 5 units of tugboats with engine
power between 1500 – 3000 HP, 7 units of fleet with engine power between 3000 – 4000 HP, and 2 units of fleet with engine power above 4000 HP. To buy and operate a tug with
3000 HP currently costs 23.9 billion rupiah per year. Autonomous tugboats have 3 main parts in order to work properly. The first is the technology section on the ship which aims to provide sensing and decision making, the connecting technology so that the autonomous tugboat can exchange information with the control center, and the last is the supporting technology that is on the ground. control center. The operation of autonomous tugboats in Indonesian ports has a potential loss of 350 million rupiah per year if using long-distance autonomous tugboats and only replacing 1 ship. The use of a fully autonomous tugboat has the potential for annual savings of 181 million rupiah.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tugboat, Autonomous, Tanjung Perak
Subjects: T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL152.8 Vehicles, Remotely piloted. Autonomous vehicles.
V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering > VM464 Towboats. Tugboats
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Sea Transportation Engineering > 21207-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Ludowikus Dius Leonandro
Date Deposited: 25 Aug 2021 13:51
Last Modified: 25 Aug 2021 13:51

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