Simulasi Cycle Tempo Pengaruh Perubahan Rasio Biomassa dan Variasi Beban terhadap Performa PLTU 710-MW

Muntu, Andi Muh. Imran (2021) Simulasi Cycle Tempo Pengaruh Perubahan Rasio Biomassa dan Variasi Beban terhadap Performa PLTU 710-MW. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Co firing merupakan proses penambahan biomassa sebagai bahan bakar pengganti parsial ke dalam boiler batu bara. Penambahan biomassa sebagai subtituen batu bara diharapkan mampu untuk menghemat penggunaan batu bara dan memaksimalkan pemanfaatan limbah sekam padi sebagai pengganti batu bara. Co firing sudah banyak dilakukan dengan persentase biomassa 1-5% Untuk itu dibutuhkan penelitian untuk mengetahui efisiensi pembangkit ketika dicampurkan dengan biomassa . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah, untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian co-firing dengan variasi rasio biomassa berjenis sekam padi dan variasi pembebanan terhadap performa dan daya pemakaian sendiri PLTU 710-MW dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi rasio biomassa dan rasio pembebanan terhadap kondisi existing peralatan pembangkit

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian berbasis simulasi dengan menggunakan software Cycle Tempo 5.0. Penelitian ini akan mensimulasikan pengaruh pemberian co-firing dengan biomassa berupa sekam padi dan variasi pembebabanan pada PLTU berkapasitas 710-MW. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan berbagai variasi rasio biomass dan variasi pembebanan pada PLTU. Variasi pada penelitian ini meliputi: Biomassa berupa sekam padi dengan rasio 1%, 3%, dan 5% serta Pembebanan PLTU dengan rasio 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, dan 100%

Hasil simulasi menunjukkan pemberian cofiring mengakibatkan kenaikan mass flow rate bahan bakar, mass flow rate udara, mass flow rate flue gas, daya pemakaian sendiri, dan NPHR serta penurunan efisiensi pembangkit. Nilai mass flow rate bahan bakar tertinggi adalah 84,363 kg/s (Beban 100%, Biomassa 5%), terendah adalah 43,227 kg/s (Beban 60%, Baseline 5700). Nilai mass flow rate udara tertinggi adalah 703,571 kg/s (Beban 100%, Biomassa 3%), terendah adalah 400,668 kg/s (Beban 60%, Baseline 5700). Nilai mass flow rate flue gas tertinggi adalah 783,52 kg/s (Beban 100%, Biomassa 3%), terendah adalah 441,60 kg/s (Beban 60%, Baseline 5700). Daya pemakaian sendiri tertinggi adalah 41342,76 kW (Beban 100%, Biomassa 5%), terendah adalah 23328,86 kW (Beban 60%, Baseline 5700). Nilai efisiensi netto tertinggi dan NPHR terendah adalah 40,624% dan 2118 kcal/kg, (Baseline 5700), Sedangkan nilai efisiensi netto terendah dan NPHR tertinggi adalah 40,477% dan 2125,62 kcal/kg (Biomassa 5%). Secara umum seluruh equipment masih dapat beroperasi dengan aman namun terdapat beberapa equipment dalam variasi tertentu terkatagori sebagai unsafe atau tidak aman sehingga perlu dilakukan pengawasan atau penambahan equipment agar dapat beroperasi dengan aman. Equipment yang terkatagori sebagai tidak aman atau unsafe adalah, Pulverizer (Beban 100%, Biomassa 5%), SA Fan (Beban 100% dan 90%, Biomassa baseline 5700, campuran 1%, 3% dan 5%), ID Fan (Beban 100%, Biomassa baseline 5700, campuran 1%, 3%, dan 5%) dan (Beban 90%, Biomassa 1%, 3%, dan 5%.)
Co-firing is the process of adding biomass as a partial replacement fuel into a coal boiler. The addition of biomass as a coal substituent is expected to be able to save the use of coal and maximize the use of rice husk waste as a substitute for coal. Co-firing has been carried out with a percentage of 1-5% biomass. Therefore, research is needed to determine the efficiency of the generator when mixed with biomass. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of co-firing with variations in the biomass ratio of rice husks and variations in loading on the performance and power consumption of PLTU 710-MW and to determine the effect of variations in the biomass ratio and loading ratio on the existing condition of generating equipment.

This research is a simulation-based research using Cycle Tempo 5.0 software. This study will simulate the effect of co-firing with biomass in the form of rice husks and variations in loading at a 710-MW PLTU capacity. This research was conducted with various variations in the ratio of biomass and loading variations on the power plant. Variations in this study include: Biomass in the form of rice husks with ratios of 1%, 3%, and 5% and PLTU loading with ratios of 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%

The simulation results show that cofiring causes an increase in fuel mass flow rate, air mass flow rate, flue gas mass flow rate, self-consumption power, and NPHR as well as a decrease in generator efficiency. The highest value of fuel mass flow rate is 84,363 kg/s (Load 100%, Biomass 5%), the lowest is 43,227 kg/s (Load 60%, Baseline 5700). The highest air mass flow rate is 703.571 kg/s (100% load, 3 % biomass), the lowest is 400,668 kg/s (60% load, Baseline 5700). The highest mass flow rate value of flue gas was 783.52 kg/s (100% load, 3 % biomass), the lowest was 441.60 kg/s (60% load, Baseline 5700). The highest self-consumption power is 41342.76 kW (100% Load, 5% Biomass), the lowest is 23328.86 kW (60% Load, Baseline 5700). The highest net efficiency values and the lowest NPHR were 40.624% and 2118 kcal/kg, (Baseline 5700), while the lowest net efficiency values and the highest NPHR were 40.477% and 2125.62 kcal/kg (5% Biomass). In general, all equipment can still operate safely but there are some equipment in certain variations that are categorized as unsafe or unsafe so it is necessary to monitor or add equipment to operate safely. Equipment that is categorized as unsafe or unsafe is Pulverizer (100% Load, 5% Biomass), SA Fan (100% and 90% Load, Baseline Biomass 5700, mixture of 1%, 3% and 5%), ID Fan (Load 100%, Baseline Biomass 5700, mix 1%, 3%, and 5%) and (Load 90%, Biomass 1%, 3%, and 5%.).

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Batu bara, Biomassa, Co-Firing, Cyle Tempo, Daya pemakaian sendiri, Efisiensi, NPHR, PLTU ==================================================================================================================== Biomass, Coal, Co-Firing, Cyle Tempo, Efficiency, NPHR, Self-consumption power, PLTU
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ164 Power plants--Design and construction
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ165 Energy storage.
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ254.7 Combustion chambers
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ263 Heat exchangers
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ263.5 Boilers (general)
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ265.E23 Thermodynamics.
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ266 Turbines. Turbomachines (General)
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK1001 Production of electric energy or power
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK1322.6 Electric power-plants
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK1519.S68 Hydroelectric power plants
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Mechanical Engineering > 21201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Andi Muh. Imran Muntu
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2021 04:45
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2024 00:46

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