Ridwan, R. Aj. Mutia Arih Maharani (2021) Kesesuaian Lokasi Pos Lapangan Dalam Mengurangi Dampak Gempa Di Kota Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Pos lapangan memiliki peran penting dalam masa kedaruratan bencana. Tanpa persiapan yang tepat, fungsi pos sebagai pusat koordinasi dan distribusi bantuan kemanusiaan akan terhambat. Tingkat kesiapan infrastruktur pos operasi darurat berdasarkan ketersediaan fasilitas di Kota Surabaya tergolong rendah, yaitu 0-34%. Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kecepatan proses tanggap darurat, diperlukan upaya untuk mempersiapkan ketersediaan infrastruktur ini. Salah satunya melalui upaya pemetaan lokasi pos lapangan untuk mengurangi dampak potensi gempa di Kota Surabaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif. Metode analisis pada sasaran petama dilakukan menggunakan Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), melalui pengisian kuesioner kepada stakeholder terpilih berdasarkan purposive sampling. Hasil sasaran pertama adalah bobot dari masing-masing variabel yang berpengaruh dalam penempatan pos lapangan. Sementara metode analisis pada sasaran dua menggunakan teknik overlay pada Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hasil sasaran dua adalah kesesuaian lokasi untuk menempatkan pos lapangan.
Penelitian ini menghasilkan area sesuai untuk menempatkan pos lapangan berdasarkan kesesuaian lokasi dan bobot 15 variabel, seluas 2,69km2 dari total wilayah Kota Surabaya. Berdasarkan hasil verifikasi terhadap lokasi kantor kelurahan dan puskesmas, 3 dari 97 area pelayanan termasuk lokasi sesuai. Karakteristik yang ditemukan pada lokasi yang tidak sesuai adalah ketiadaan ruang terbuka seperti taman dan lapangan di area pelayanan, serta lokasi pos lapangan tidak didukung oleh akses jalan yang luas untuk mobilisasi pada keadaan darurat bencana gempa. Untuk meningkatkan kesiapan Kota Surabaya dalam mengurangi dampak gempa melalui penyediaan pos lapangan, beberapa tindakan harus dilakukan, antara lain: (1) mengalokasikan ruang terbuka hijau di setiap area pelayanan yang dikhususkan untuk keadaan darurat seperti mendirikan pos lapangan untuk bencana gempa; (2) memperluas lebar akses jalan di sekitar fasilitas publik untuk mempermudah mobilisasi darurat; (3) meningkatkan ketersediaan fasilitas penunjang operasi darurat di masing-masing area pelayanan melalui penambahan lokasi posko eksisting.
Disaster field posts have an important role in disaster emergencies. Without proper preparation, the post’s function as a center for coordination and distribution of humanitarian aid will be hampered. The level of readiness of the emergency operation post infrastructure in the Surabaya City is relatively low, 0-34%. To increase the efficiency and speed of the emergency response process, efforts are needed to prepare the availability of this infrastructure. One of them is through mapping the location of disaster field posts to reduce the impact of earthquakes in Surabaya City. This research was conducted with quantitative methods. The method of analysis on the first target was carried out using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), through filling out a questionnaire to the selected stakeholders based on purposive sampling. The result of the first target is the weight of each variable that influences the placement of disaster field posts. While the analysis method on target two uses the overlay technique on the Geographic Information System (GIS). The result of the second target is the suitability of the location for placing the disaster field post. The results of this study show the suitale area for placing disaster field posts based on the suitability of the location and the weight of 15 variables, covering an area of 2.69km2 from the total area of the Surabaya City. Based on the results of the verification of the location of the sub-district office and the community health centre, 3 of the 97 service areas included the appropriate location. Characteristics found in inappropriate locations are the absence of open spaces such as parks and fields in the service area, and the location of the field post is not supported by wide road access for mobilization in earthquake emergencies. To improve the readiness of the Surabaya City in reducing the impact of the earthquake through the provision of field posts, several actions must be taken, including: (1) allocating green open spaces in each service area devoted to emergencies such as establishing disaster field posts in case of earthquake; (2) expanding the width of access roads around public facilities to facilitate emergency mobilization; (3) increase the availability of emergency operation support facilities in each service area through the addition of existing post locations.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Gempa Bumi, Tanggap Darurat, Pos Lapangan, Kesesuaian Lokasi, Overlay, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Earthquake, Emergency Response, Disaster Field Post, Location Suitability |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD49 Crisis management. Emergency management H Social Sciences > HT Communities. Classes. Races > HT133 City and Towns. Land use,urban |
Divisions: | Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Regional & Urban Planning > 35201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis |
Depositing User: | R. Aj. Mutia Arih Maharani Ridwan |
Date Deposited: | 25 Aug 2021 01:36 |
Last Modified: | 06 Sep 2024 02:52 |
URI: | http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/89991 |
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