Rizky, Anzily Alayna (2021) Desain Struktur Bangunan Gedung Hotel Amaris Menggunakan Fluid Viscous Damper. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Pada tugas akhir terapan ini, Hotel Amaris yang terdiri atas 9 lantai dengan atap beton akan direncanakan sebuah alternatif desain struktur dengan menambahkan damper berupa Fluid Viscous Damper (FVD). Dalam perencanaan FVD, karakteristik tanah pada lokasi bangunan turut diperhatikan. Bangunan yang berada di atas tanah lunak kurang tepat jika dipasang FVD karena pada tanah lunak, energi gempa yang diterima tidak terlalu besar sehingga pemakaian damper akan kurang berpengaruh. Berdasarkan nilai SPT pada lokasi, gedung hotel ini dibangun diatas tanah sedang (SD). Penambahan alat peredam gempa pada struktur akan berpengaruh pada respon struktur terhadap gaya dinamik gempa. Fluid Viscous Damper berkerja dengan cara menyerap energi kinetik peristiwa seismik dan meredam dampak antar struktur.
Perencanaan struktur bangunan tahan gempa pada tugas akhir terapan kali ini menggunakan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Biasa (SRPMB). Perhitungan struktur mengacu pada peraturan SNI 2847-2013. Sedangkan perhitungan pembebanan mengacu pada peraturan SNI 1726-2012 dan SNI 1727-2013. Proses perhitungan struktur meliputi analisa pembebanan, permodelan struktur dengan ETABS 2016, kontrol struktur, dan perhitungan penulangan.
Berdasarkan hasil analisa struktur dengan penambahan damper berupa fluid viscous damper, didapatkan hasil kontrol struktur yang lebih baik yaitu simpangan antar lantai telah memenuhi persyaratan dan juga periode fundamental mengalami penurunan yang spesifik pada arah X. FVD yang digunakan berkapasitas 2000kN dan akan dipasang pada lantai 1 hingga lantai 4 bagian gedung arah X dengan masing-masing sisinya berjumlah 8 buah damper.
In this final project, the Amaris Hotel which consists of 9 floors with a concrete roof, an alternative structural design will be planned by adding a damper in the form of a Fluid Viscous Damper (FVD). In planning FVD soil characteristics at the building site are also considered. Buildings located on soft soil are not recommended to be installed with FVD because soft soil can not received big earthquake energy so that the use of dampers will have less effect. Based on the SPT value at the location, this hotel building was built on medium soil (SD). The addition of an earthquake damper to the structure will affect the response of the structure to the dynamic forces of the earthquake. Fluid Viscous Damper works by absorbing the kinetic energy of seismic events and dampening the impact between structures.
The design of earthquake-resistant building structures in this final project uses the Ordinary Moment Resistant Frame System (OMRF). The calculation of the structure refers to the regulation of SNI 2847-2013. While the calculation of the load refers to the regulations of SNI 1726-2012 and SNI 1727-2013. The structural calculation process includes load analysis, structural modeling with ETABS 2016, structural kontrol, and reinforcement calculations.
Based on the results of structural analysis with the addition of a damper in the form of a fluid viscous damper, the results obtained better structural control. The deviation between floors has met the requirements and also the fundamental period has decreased specifically in the X direction. The FVD used has a capacity of 2000kN and will be installed on the floor 1 to 4 floors of the building in the X direction with 8 dampers on each side.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | fluid viscous damper, gempa, SRPMB, fluid viscous damper, earthquake, OMRF |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA7820 Hotels. Inns. Hotel lobbies For resorts T Technology > TH Building construction > TH1095 Earthquakes and building |
Divisions: | Faculty of Vocational > Civil Infrastructure Engineering (D4) |
Depositing User: | Anzily Alayna Rizky |
Date Deposited: | 31 Aug 2021 14:21 |
Last Modified: | 31 Aug 2021 14:21 |
URI: | http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/90573 |
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