Design And Operating System Of Floating Waste Treatment Facility In Belakang Padang Island

Ali, Mufqi (2021) Design And Operating System Of Floating Waste Treatment Facility In Belakang Padang Island. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Berdasarkan hasil instrumen profil sanitasi Kota Batam tahun 2017, Belakang Padang merupakan kecamatan yang memiliki jumlah sampah tidak terolah tertinggi di Pulau Batam dengan angka 50,87% dengan data jumlah kepala keluarga sebanyak 5.091. Bahkan di Di Kecamatan Balik Padang, tiga kelurahan memiliki tingkat risiko tinggi dalam proses pengelolaan sampah, yakni Pulau Terong, Pemping, dan Pecong. Kecamatan Balik Padang terdiri dari 108 pulau, 43 diantaranya telah berpenghuni dengan letak geografis kecamatan yang berupa pulau-pulau banyak sehingga sangat rawan membuang sampah ke laut. Pada penelitian ini peneliti mengambil sampel berat sampah menurut SNI 1995 yaitu 14,2 Ton, dan peneliti memperkirakan jumlah sampah yang terkumpul adalah 50% dari total berat yaitu 7 ton. Pada Tugas Akhir ini akan dirancang Instalasi Pengolahan Sampah Terapung pada sebuah kapal tongkang yang bergerak sendiri (SPB) untuk membawa sampah dari setiap pulau di Balik Padang dan mengurangi resiko pencemaran laut dengan dimensi utama: Lpp = 13 m; B = 2,48 m; T = 0,589 m dan kecepatan 8 knot serta perbandingan DWT dan LWT adalah 8,08 ton dan 5,5 ton. Tongkang tersebut mampu menampung 7 ton sampah yang terdiri dari tangki sampah dan proses pemilahan beserta mesin press plastik untuk mengurangi volume sampah plastik. Dalam perhitungan kebutuhan volume sampah seberat 7 ton yaitu sebesar 16,43 m3, sedangkan kapasitas maksimum tangki sampah utama di Fasilitas Pengolahan Sampah Apung adalah 11,66 m3. Dengan estimasi pengerjaan pemilahan selama 9 jam dapat memenuhi volume kebutuhan sampah. Total investasi untuk pembangunan fasilitas ini adalah sebesar Rp 362.087.076.12 dan biaya operasional tahunan sebesar Rp 458.692.802,67. Fasilitas ini layak untuk dibangun karena nilai beberapa metrik ekonomi sebagai berikut: NPV Rp 488.234.793; IRR 26% dan PI 2,348.
Based on the results of the 2017 Batam City sanitation profile instrument, Belakang Padang is the sub-district that has the highest amount of unprocessed waste on Batam Island with a figure of 50.87% with data on the number of household heads of 5091. Even in the district of Belakang Padang, three villages have a high level of risk in the process of waste management, namely Terong, Pemping, and Pecong islands. The sub-district Belakang Padang consist of 108 islands, 43 of which have been inhabited with the geography of the sub-district, which is in the form of numerous islands, makes it very susceptible to dumping garbage into the sea. In this study, the researchers took a sample of the weight of the waste according to the 1995 SNI, which was 14.2 Tons, and the researchers estimated that the waste collection was 50% of the total weight, which was 7 tons. In this final project, Floating Waste Treatment Facility will be designed on a self-propelled barge (SPB) to bring the garbage from each island in Belakang Padang and reduce the risk of marine pollution with the main dimensions: Lpp = 13 m; B = 2.48 m; T = 0.589 m and a speed of 8 knots and the ratio of DWT and LWT is 8.08 tons and 5.5 tons. The barge can accommodate 7 tons of waste consisting of a garbage tank and a sorting process along with a plastic press machine to reduce the volume of plastic waste. In the calculation of the volume requirement for waste weighing 7 tons, that is 16.43 m3, while the maximum capacity of the main waste tank in Floating Waste Treatment Facility is 11.66 m3. With an estimated 9 hours of sorting work, it can meet the volume of waste needs. The total investment for the construction of this facility is Rp 362,087,076.12 and the annual operating costs are Rp 458,692,802.67. This facility is feasible to build because of the value of several economic metrics as follows: NPV Rp 488,234,793; IRR 26% and PI 2,348.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sampah Rumah Tangga, Pengolahan Sampah, Tongkang Penggerak Sendiri, Belakang Padang, Household Waste, Waste Treatment, Self-Propelled Barge, Belakang Padang
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T56.8 Project Management
V Naval Science > VC Naval Maintenance > VC 270-279 Equipment of vessels, supplier,allowances,etc
V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering > VM297 Ships Designs and drawings
V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering > VM731 Marine Engines
V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering > VM751 Resistance and propulsion of ships
V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering > VM773 Ship propulsion, Electric
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Marine Engineering > 36202-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Mufqi Ali
Date Deposited: 31 Aug 2021 01:49
Last Modified: 25 Jul 2024 02:26

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