Studi Kelayakan Dan Analisis Risiko Penerapan Sistem Penyediaan Air Siap Minum Di Apartemen

Taufan, Annas (2021) Studi Kelayakan Dan Analisis Risiko Penerapan Sistem Penyediaan Air Siap Minum Di Apartemen. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Sebagai pusat pemerintahan dan bisnis di Jawa Timur, Kota Surabaya
mengalami pesatnya pertumbuhan properti di segala jenis termasuk pertumbuhan
apartemen. Tingginya pertumbuhan kompleks apartemen di Surabaya selaras
dengan pertumbuhan penduduk yang semakin meningkat di Kota Surabaya. Hal ini
diiringi dengan peningkatan kebutuhan air minum di kompleks apartemen tersebut.
Penelitian ini menganalisis kelayakan secara teknis, finansial, dan analisis
risiko terhadap penerapan sistem penyediaan air siap minum di apartemen. Risiko
yang telah teridentifikasi kemudian dilakukan penilaian untuk mengetahui prioritas
pengelolaan serta pengalokasian risiko ke pihak yang relatif mampu mengelolanya.
Kebutuhan air minum untuk setiap unit apartemen adalah 16 liter/ hari.
Sedangkan kebutuhan air rata-rata keseluruhan di apartemen terpilih adalah 0,7
liter/ detik. Adapun lokasi kran air siap minum disediakan khusus di kran dapur
yang akan digunakan secara khusus untuk kebutuhan air minum dan kegiatan
memasak. Alternatif pengolahan air minum terbaik adalah menggunakan sistem
filter karbon aktif, filter ultrafiltrasi serta sinar Ultraviolet. Hasil Analisa secara
finansial diperoleh nilai NPV> 0 yaitu Rp2.271.276.566, BCR>1 yaitu 4,07, FIRR
BOT 13-15% yaitu 13,15% dengan jangka waktu proyek 20 tahun. Dari hasil
tersebut disimpulkan penerapan sistem penyediaan air siap minum di apartemen
dinyatakan layak secara teknis dan finansial. Identifikasi risiko terkait penerapan
sistem penyediaan air siap minum di apartemen diantaranya 11 risiko tahap pra�konstruksi, 22 risiko tahap konstruksi dan 32 risiko tahap operasional.
As the center of government and business in East Java, the city of Surabaya
is experiencing rapid property growth including apartment growth. This is
accompanied by an increase in the need for drinking water in the apartment.
The aim of this study is to analyse the feasibility of the technical, financial,
and risk analysis of the application of a ready-to-drink water supply system in
apartments. The identified risks are then carried out an assessment to be able to find
out the management priorities and risk allocation to parties that are relatively able
to manage them.
The need for drinking water for each apartment unit is 16 liters / day.
Meanwhile, the average water requirement in the selected apartments is 0.7 liters /
second. The location of ready-to-drink water faucets is provided specifically in the
kitchen faucets which will be used specifically for drinking water needs and
cooking activities. The best alternative for drinking water treatment is to use an
activated carbon filter system, ultrafiltration filters and Ultraviolet light. The results
of the financial analysis showed that the NPV value> 0 (Rp. 2,271,276,566), BCR>
1 (4.07), FIRR BOT was 13-15% (13.15%) with a project period of 20 years. From
these results, it can be concluded that the application of a ready-to-drink water
supply system in apartments was declared technically and financially feasible. Risk
identification related to the application of the ready-to-drink water supply system
in apartments were obtained including 11 risks at the pre-construction, 22 risks at
the construction and 32 risks at the operational stage.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Air siap minum, Analisis Risiko, Apartemen, Sistem penyediaan air siap minum, Studi Kelayakan, Apartment; Feasibility Study; Ready-to-drink water; Ready-to�drink water Supply System; Risk Analysis
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD61 Risk Management
T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD233 Water consumption
T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD481 Water distribution systems
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Environmental Engineering > 25101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: - Davi Wah
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2022 08:40
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2024 06:02

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