Analisis Sistem Dinamika Fitoremediasi Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) oleh Tumbuhan Mangrove di Muara Sungai Wonorejo Surabaya

Sait, Yohanna Camelia Bengan (2022) Analisis Sistem Dinamika Fitoremediasi Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) oleh Tumbuhan Mangrove di Muara Sungai Wonorejo Surabaya. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Logam berat Timbal (Pb) merupakan logam non esensial yang keberadaannya sebagai polutan anorganik ditemukan di muara Sungai Wonorejo, baik pada air, sedimen dan jaringan tumbuhan mangrove. Hasil beberapa penelitian menunjukkan, konsentrasi Pb telah melebihi baku mutu yang ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2021 dan EPA sediment quality. Fitoremediasi logam berat Pb oleh tumbuhan mangrove Avicennia alba, Rhizophora stylosa, Sonneratia caseolaris dan Avicennia marina pada muara Sungai Wonorejo diteliti oleh Lufthansa (2021). Nilai parameter lingkungan berupa suhu, pH dan salinitas serta nilai Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) dan nilai Translocation Factor (TF) berbeda pada tiap spesies mangrove.
Untuk mengetahui sistem dinamika fitoremediasi logam berat Pb oleh keempat spesies mangrove, dilakukan pemodelan menggunakan software Vensim PLE x64. Pemodelan tentang pengaruh parameter lingkungan berupa suhu, pH, salinitas, BOD dan COD, serta konsentrasi Pb terhadap kemampuan akumulasi dan translokasi Pb oleh mangrove.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pola mekanisme perilaku yang terbentuk dari hubungan antara faktor lingkungan, konsentrasi Pb, dan kemampuan tumbuhan mangrove sebagai fitoremediator logam berat timbal yang dipengaruhi oleh perubahan waktu. Pola yang terbentuk mempengaruhi nilai BCF akar dan BCF daun tiap mangrove. Uji validasi menunjukkan, model valid secara struktur dan memiliki nilai MAPE untuk model fitoremediasi Pb oleh mangrove S. caseolaris dan R. stylosa <30% serta A. marina dan A. alba <50% sehingga dikategorikan peramalan yang cukup baik dan valid. Prediksi dengan dinamika sistem menunjukkan pada tahun 2041, konsentrasi tertinggi Pb air, akar dan batang terdapat pada mangrove Rhizophora stylosa secara berturut-turut 1.329.110 mg/l, akar 2.054.110 mg/kg, batang 3.393.950 mg/kg dan daun Avicennia marina 35.045 mg/kg.
Heavy metal Lead (Pb) is a non-essential metal whose presence as an inorganic pollutant is found in the mouth of the Wonorejo River, both in water, sediment, and mangrove plant tissue. The results of several studies show that the concentration of Pb has exceeded the quality standards stipulated in the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2021 and EPA sediment quality. Phytoremediation of heavy metal Pb by mangrove plants Avicennia alba, Rhizophora stylosa, Sonneratia caseolaris, and Avicennia marina at the mouth of the Wonorejo River has been studied by Lufthansa (2021). The environmental parameter values in the form of temperature, pH, and salinity, the value of Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) and Translocation Factor are different at each mangrove species.
This research was conducted to determine the dynamics of the phytoremediation system of heavy metal Pb by the four mangrove species. Modeling using Vensim PLE x64 software. Modeling was carried out on the effect of environmental parameters such as temperature, pH, salinity, BOD, and COD, and Pb concentration on the ability of Pb accumulation and translocation by mangroves.
The results showed a behavioral mechanism pattern formed from the relationship between environmental factors, Pb concentration, and the ability of mangrove plants as phytoremediators of lead-heavy metal, which is influenced by changes in time. Predictions up to 2041 for four mangrove species tested in the sweet system indicate that each mangrove's environmental factors affect Pb concentrations in water and sediment and Pb phytoremediation processes. The pattern formed due to this influence is different for each mangrove. The pattern formed then affects each mangrove's root BCF and leaf BCF values . The validation test shows that the model is structurally valid and has a MAPE value for the Pb phytoremediation model by mangrove S. caseolaris and R. stylosa <30% and A. marina and A. alba <50%, so it is categorized as good prediction and valid. Prediction with system dynamics shows that in 2041, the highest concentration of Pb in water, root and steam in mangrove Rhizophora stylosa as follow 1.329.110 mg/l, akar 2.054.110 mg/kg, batang 3.393.950 mg/kg and leaf of mangrove Avicennia marina 35.045 mg/kg.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sistem dinamik, Akumulasi Timbal, Faktor lingkungan, mangrove Sungai Wonorejo, Vensim PLE. System dynamics, Lead accumulation, Environmental factors, Wonorejo River’s mangrove, Vensim PLE.
Subjects: T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD192.5 Bioremediation
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Environmental Engineering > 25101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: Yohanna Camelia Bengan Sait
Date Deposited: 11 Feb 2022 08:28
Last Modified: 07 Jan 2025 06:45

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