Analisis Wave Resistance Pada Kapal Selam Tanpa Awak (Remotely Operated Vehicle)

Yulianto, Ardi Nugroho (2014) Analisis Wave Resistance Pada Kapal Selam Tanpa Awak (Remotely Operated Vehicle). Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Penelitian ini memaparkan perhitungan hambatan gelombang yang dibangkitkan oleh kapal selam tanpa awak yang besarnya dipengaruhi oleh posisi operasi wahana terhadap permukaan air (free surface). Ada empat posisi kapal selam tanpa awak ini terhadap permukaan air yang dievaluasi yaitu terapung, snorkeling, submerged 0.5 m, dan submerged 1 m. Tent Function, Michlet Code dan CFD dikembangkan untuk mengevaluasi besarnya hambatan gelombang dalam empat kondisi operasi dan lima variasi kecepatan. Hasil evaluasi terhadap kapal selam tanpa awak dengan panjang 2 m dan diameter 0.25 m menjelaskan bahwa semakin dalam posisi wahana dari permukaan air maka semakin mengecil nilai hambatan gelombang pada seluruh nilai froude number. Pada kedalaman 0.5 m dibawah permukaan air besarnya hambatan gelombang menurun 64 % dari kondisi wahana saat mengapung, dan semakin besar nilai prosentasi penurunannya saat beroperasi di kedalaman 1 m yaitu rata-rata sebesar 74 % untuk semua nilai froude number. Persentase tingkat kesalahan pada semua variasi untuk kondisi terapung 3.29%, kondisi snorkeling 4.3 %, kondisi submerged 0.5 m 10.01 %, kondisi submerged 1 m 15.05 % untuk metode Tent Function dan Michlet Code, kemudian untuk metode Tent Function dan simulasi CFD pada kondisi submerged 0.5 m 13.22 % dan kondisi submerged 1 m 16.34 %.
This study describes the calculation of wave resistance raised by drone submarine. It is influenced by the position of a vehicle operating on the water surface (free surface). There are four positions of drone submarine operating that evaluated. They are snorkeling, submerged 0.5m and submerged 1 m. . Tent Function, Michlet Code dan CFD were developed to evaluate the magnitude of wave resistance in the four operating conditions and a five speed variations. The evaluation results of drone submarine with a length of 2 m and a diameter of 0.25 m indicates that the deeper position of drone submarine from the water surface become smaller wave resistance values on the entire value of the Froude number. At a depth of 0.5 m below the water surface, The value of wave resistance decreased 64% from floating condition, and the greater the percentage decline value while operating at a depth of 1 m which is an average of 74% for all Froude Number. Number of percentage error for all variations are 3.29 % for floating condition, 4.3% for snorkeling condition, 10.01 % for submerged 0.5 m, 15.05 % for submerged 1m that based on Tent Function and MichletCode. Number of percentage error for all variations are 13.22 % for submerged 0.5 m, 16.34% for submerged 1 m that based on Tent Function and CFD.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information: RTKe 623.825 7 Yul a-2014
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kapal selam tanpa awak (ROV), Hambatan gelombang, Tent Function, Michlet Code, CFD, Kedalaman, Drone submarine, Wave resistance, Tent Function, Michlet Code, CFD, Depth condition.
Subjects: V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Marine Engineering > 36101-(S2) Master Theses
Depositing User: Mr. Marsudiyana -
Date Deposited: 05 Jul 2023 02:10
Last Modified: 05 Jul 2023 02:10

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