Rumah Tumbuh WM House di Kota Surabaya dan Mixed Building Villa Kantung Semar di Sleman

Octaviani, Dika (2023) Rumah Tumbuh WM House di Kota Surabaya dan Mixed Building Villa Kantung Semar di Sleman. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Dalam perancangan Rumah tinggal dan Villa yang memiliki basis bangunan campuran terdapat beberapa ketentuan yang harus diperhatikan. Dalam tiga belas kompetensi arsitek dituntut untuk memahami beberapa tahapan pada proses rancang. Tahapan tersebut mulai dari tahap perencanaan, tahap pengembangan, hingga tahap keterhubungan arsitektur dengan pemahaman antar ilmu. Penilaian berdasarkan aspek kualitatif dengan metode pandalaman tiga belas aspek kompetensi arsitek yang didukung dengan hasil wawancara antara arsitek. Pentingnya pemahaman 13 kompetensi dasar menjadi krusial agar memudahkan kerentanan aspek-aspek dasar yang mencangkup: perancangan arsitektur; pengetahuan arsitektur; pengetahuan seni; perencanaan dan perancangan kota; hubungan antar manusia, lingkungan dan bangunan; pengetahuan daya dukung lingkungan; peran arsitek dalam masyarakat; persiapan pekerjaan penampilan; pengertian masalah dan antar-disiplin; pengetahuan fisik dan fisik bangunan; Penerapan batasan anggaran dan peraturan bangunan; pengetahuan industri konstruksi dan perencanaan; serta terakhir pengetahuan manajemen proyek. Pada masing-masing proyek akan dibahas secara menyeluruh berdasarkan 13 kompetensi dengan peraturan dari pemerintah sebagai pedoman dasar perancangan. Peraturan yang digunakan berupa Undang-undang, Peraturan Pemerintah Daerah, dan Peraturan Daerah di sekitar lokasi proyek. Selain itu, untuk menentukan kenyamanan bangunan, rancangan akan disesuaikan dengan ilmu dasar-dasar arsitektur yang mengacu pada aspek ergonomis yang menghasilkan ruang-ruang yang ideal antara manusia, ruang, sirkulasi, dan lingkungan sekitar. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan 13 kompetensi arsitektur memiliki peran penting dalam menciptakan desain yang memenuhi kebutuhan penghuni, mengintegrasikan aspek budaya dan lingkungan, serta mengoptimalkan penggunaan sumber daya. Kompetensi tersebut meliputi pemahaman konteks proyek, perencanaan dan perancangan tata ruang, penggunaan teknologi tepat guna dan sistem bangunan, serta pemahaman peraturan dan undang-undang terkait.
The design of residential houses and villas with a mixed building basis, there are several provisions that need to be considered. Within the thirteen competencies of an architect, they are required to understand the various stages in the design process. These stages range from planning, and development, to the interconnectedness of architecture with interdisciplinary understanding. Assessment is based on qualitative aspects using an in-depth method of studying the thirteen aspects of architectural competence, supported by interview results with architects. The understanding of the thirteen fundamental competencies becomes crucial in facilitating the mapping of basic aspects that encompass architectural design; architectural knowledge; art knowledge; urban planning and design; the relationship between humans, environment, and buildings; environmental sustainability knowledge; the architect's role in society; preparation of design work; problem understanding and interdisciplinary knowledge; physical knowledge and building physics; implementation of budget limitations and building regulations; knowledge of construction industry and planning; and finally, project management knowledge. Each project will be comprehensively discussed based on the thirteen competencies, guided by regulations from the government as the basic design guidelines. The regulations used include laws, regional government regulations, and regional regulations around the project location. Additionally, to determine the comfort of the building, the design will be adjusted according to the fundamental principles of architectural science that refer to ergonomic aspects, resulting in ideal spaces between humans, space, circulation, and the surrounding environment. The study results indicate that the application of the thirteen architectural competencies plays a significant role in creating designs that meet the needs of residents, integrate cultural and environmental aspects, and optimize resource utilization. These competencies include understanding the project context, planning and spatial design, appropriate use of technology and building systems, as well as understanding relevant regulations and laws.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: 13 Kompetensi Arsitek, Hunian, Mixed Building, Evaluasi, Villa
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA2750 Architectural design.
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA2750.N27 Architectural design--Evaluation.
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA7115 Domestic architecture. Houses. Dwellings
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA9051 Residential areas. Site planning
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Architecture > 23901-Architect Professional Education
Depositing User: DIKA OCTAVIANI
Date Deposited: 20 Jul 2023 04:35
Last Modified: 20 Jul 2023 04:35

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