Status of Solid Waste Management in Academic Facilities at ITS Sukolilo Campus with Establishment Waste Bank

Putri, Yuniar Chairani (2023) Status of Solid Waste Management in Academic Facilities at ITS Sukolilo Campus with Establishment Waste Bank. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh nopember.

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A significant increase in students can influence ITS environmental concerns, including solid waste management (SWM). The student population will affect the generation of Solid Waste (SW). As a result, ITS must know the status of SWM. In addition, ITS has a waste bank (WB) in the Sukolilo Campus, which functions as a platform and educational facility to minimize the SW generation starting in 2022. This study aimed to determine and assess the composition and level of the SW generation in the academic facilities of the ITS Sukolilo Campus. In addition, this research determined the current condition of the ITS WB. Then, this research examines the opinion of students and lecturers in the ITS WB efforts to minimize SW generation.
SW generation rate and composition were measured in five selected departments. The departments were grouped into active and inactive customers of the WB. Fifteen departments were active customers, and 26 were non-active ITS WB customers. The sample size was determined by purposive sampling of 10% per group. The samples tested were two departments from active customers and three from non-active customers. The active customers were Departments of Business Management (DoBM) and Chemical Engineering (DoCE). The inactive customers were Departments of Statistics (DoS), Mechanical Engineering (DoME), and Environmental Engineering (DoEE). In addition, a survey was conducted on students and lecturers using a questionnaire based on a Likert scale. The findings from the questionnaire were analyzed using SPSS software.
The sampled department's SW generation rate has different values and %composition. SW generation rates in active customers were 0.015 kg/day.person for the DoBM and 0.016 kg/day.person for the DoCE. Then, SW generation rates in inactive customers were 0.031 kg/day.person for the DoS, 0.024 kg/day.person for the DoME, and 0.019 kg/day.person for the DoEE. In SW composition, most SW found in DoBM and DoME were plastic waste. For DoS and DoEE, most found SW is yard waste. Then, most found SW in DoCE is other waste. The ITS WB already has ± 310 active customers. ITS WB already receives seven types of paper waste, 21 types of plastic waste, three types of metal waste, three types of glass waste, and a type of other waste. Ecocampus staff managed the ITS WB with students from KPPL and Bolo Ecocampus volunteers. The things that must be considered were the need for a clear organizational structure, the revitalization of SW storage warehouses, and SW pick-up service development. For questionnaire analysis, active customers had a slightly better understanding of 3R and ITS WB and more often carried out eco-friendly habits than inactive customers. Meanwhile, inactive customers more concerned about SWM in the department area with the establishment of ITS WB than active customer groups.
Peningkatan jumlah mahasiswa yang signifikan dapat mempengaruhi kondisi lingkungan ITS, termasuk pengelolaan sampah. Jumlah mahasiswa nntinya akan mempengaruhi timbulan Sampah. Oleh karena itu, ITS harus mengetahui status pengelolaan sampah saat ini. Selain itu, ITS sudah memiliki bank sampah di Kampus Sukolilo yang berfungsi sebagai wadah dan sarana pendidikan untuk meminimalisir timbulan sampah sejak tahun 2022. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengukur komposisi dan laju timbulan sampah di fasilitas akademik ITS Kampus Sukolilo. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi bank sampah ITS saat ini. Kemudian, penelitian ini mengkaji pendapat mahasiswa dan dosen terkait bank sampah ITS dalam upaya meminimalisir timbulan sampah.
Laju timbulan dan komposisi sampah diukur di 5 departemen yang dipilih. Departemen-departemen ITS dikelompokkan menjadi pelanggan aktif dan tidak aktif dari bank sampah. Sekitar 15 departemen merupakan pelanggan aktif, dan 26 departemen merupakan pelanggan bank sampah ITS non aktif. Besar sampel ditentukan dengan purposive sampling sebanyak 10% per kelompok. Sampel yang diuji adalah dua departemen dari pelanggan aktif dan tiga dari pelanggan non aktif. Pelanggan aktif adalah Departemen Manajemen Bisnis (DMB) dan Teknik Kimia (DTK). Sampel yang merupakan pelanggan non aktif adalah Departemen Statistik (DS), Teknik Mesin (DTM), dan Teknik Lingkungan (DTL). Selain itu, dilakukan survei terhadap mahasiswa dan dosen dengan menggunakan kuesioner berdasarkan skala likert. Temuan dari kuesioner dianalisis dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS.
Laju timbulan departemen dan %komposisi sampah pada departemen sampel memiliki nilai yang berbeda. Laju timbulan sampah pada pelanggan aktif adalah 0,015 kg/hari.orang untuk DMB dan 0,016 kg/hari.orang untuk DTK. Kemudian, laju timbulan sampah pada pelanggan yang tidak aktif adalah 0,031 kg/hari.orang untuk DS, 0,024 kg/hari.orang untuk DTK, dan 0,019 kg/hari.orang untuk DTL. Pada komposisi sampah, kebanyakan sampah yang ditemukan di DMB dan DTK adalah sampah plastik. Untuk DS dan DTL, sampah yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah sampah kebun. Kemudian, sampah yang paling banyak ditemukan di DTK adalah sampah lain-lain. Bank sampah ITS telah memiliki ± 310 nasabah aktif. Bank sampah ITS sudah menerima tujuh jenis sampah kertas, 21 jenis sampah plastik, tiga jenis sampah logam, tiga jenis sampah kaca, dan satu jenis sampah lainnya. Staf Ecocampus mengelola bank sampah ITS bersama mahasiswa dari KPPL dan relawan Bolo Ecocampus. Hal yang harus diperhatikan pada bank sampah adalah perlunya struktur organisasi yang jelas, revitalisasi gudang penyimpanan sampah dan pengembangan layanan jemput sampah. Untuk analisis kuesioner, pelanggan aktif memiliki pemahaman yang sedikit lebih baik tentang 3R dan bank sampah ITS dan lebih sering melakukan kebiasaan ramah lingkungan dibandingkan pelanggan yang tidak aktif. Sementara itu, pelanggan nonaktif lebih memperhatikan pengelolaan sampah di area departemen dengan didirikannya bank sampah ITS dibandingkan kelompok pelanggan aktif.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: ITS Sukolilo Campus, Solid Waste Management, Waste Bank Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Pengelolaan Sampah, Bank Sampah
Subjects: T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD898.8.C67 Waste disposal
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Environmental Engineering > 25201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Yuniar Chairani Putri
Date Deposited: 29 Jul 2023 08:13
Last Modified: 29 Jul 2023 08:13

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