Remediasi Air Tercemar Logam Berat Kadmium (Cd) Menggunakan Biochar dari Bambu dan Tempurung Kelapa

Rahmah, Alfi Nursakina (2024) Remediasi Air Tercemar Logam Berat Kadmium (Cd) Menggunakan Biochar dari Bambu dan Tempurung Kelapa. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Industri termasuk pertambangan, peleburan logam, dan industri lain berkembang dengan cepat hingga sekarang dan menambah beban pencemaran air. Dalam limbah tersebut terkandung logam berat yang salah satunya adalah Cd. Cd dapat membahayakan kehidupan organisme air hingga manusia. Adsorpsi digunakan untuk remediasi air tercemar karena terjangkau dan mudah dilakukan dengan efisiensi relatif tinggi. Biochar dari bambu dan tempurung kelapa dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai adsorben untuk menurunkan Cd dalam air. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis karakterisasi biochar dari bambu dan tempurung kelapa dengan variasi suhu, menganalisis morfologi biochar dari bambu dan tempurung kelapa dengan SEM dan pembentukan gugus dengan FTIR, dan menentukan efesiensi penyisihan logam berat Cd pada media air tercemar dengan adsorpsi menggunakan biochar dari bambu dan tempurung kelapa.
Penelitian ini memakai variabel bahan baku biochar dengan variasi bambu dan tempurung kelapa, suhu pirolisis saat aktivasi biochar dengan variasi suhu 500°C dan 350°C, dan variasi kecepatan pengadukan 120 rpm dan 180 rpm. Adsorpsi dilakukan di tabung erlenmeyer 250 mL dengan waktu detensi 0, 30, dan 60 menit. Pengujian kandungan Cd setelah adsorpsi dilakukan menggunakan SSA. Lalu dilakukan karakterisasi biochar berupa analisis morfologi dengan SEM, analisis gugus fungsi FTIR, serta uji proksimat yang terdiri dari pengujian kadar air, abu, volatile, dan fixed carbon.
Hasil uji proksimat menunjukkan kandungan fixed carbon dari biochar bambu suhu 500°C sebesar 62,298% dan suhu 350°C sebesar 61,02%. Fixed carbon pada biochar tempurung kelapa suhu 500°C sebesar 89,06% dan suhu 350°C sebesar 76,73%. Hasil SEM biochar bambu suhu 350°C tanpa aktivasi kimia memiliki pori yang bersih dan tersebar, begitu pula dengan biochar tempurung kelapa suhu 350°C sehingga baik untuk adsorpsi. Hasil FTIR Biochar bambu suhu 500°C teraktivasi kimia menunjukkan gugus pengikat logam berat yang lebih bervariasi, baik dari bambu maupun tempurung kelapa. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan efisiensi penyisihan Cd tertinggi secara keseluruhan adalah dari biochar bambu dengan suhu 500°C yaitu sebesar 30,07% sedangkan biochar tempurung kelapa memiliki efisiensi tertinggi sebesar 26,75% dengan suhu pembakaran 500°C sehingga biochar dari bambu dan tempurung kelapa kurang efektif dalam penyisihan logam berat Cd.
Industries including mining, metal smelting and other industries are growing rapidly now and adding to the burden of water pollution. This waste contains heavy metals, one of which is Cd. Cd can harm the lives of aquatic organisms and humans. Adsorption is used for remediation of polluted water because it is affordable and easy to do with relatively high efficiency. Biochar from bamboo and coconut shells can be used as an adsorbent to reduce Cd in water. The aim of this research is to analyze the characterization of biochar from bamboo and coconut shells with temperature variations, analyze the morphology of biochar from bamboo and coconut shells using SEM and cluster formation with FTIR, and determine the efficiency of removing the heavy metal Cd from polluted water media by adsorption using biochar from bamboo. and coconut shells.
This research uses biochar raw material variables with variations of bamboo and coconut shell, pyrolysis temperature during biochar activation with temperature variations of 500°C and 350°C, and variations of stirring speed of 120 rpm and 180 rpm. Adsorption was carried out in 250 mL Erlenmeyer tubes with detention times of 0, 30 and 60 minutes. Testing for Cd content after adsorption was carried out using SSA. Then biochar was characterized in the form of morphological analysis using SEM, FTIR functional group analysis, as well as proximate tests consisting of water, ash, volatile and fixed carbon content tests.
Proximate analysis results show that the fixed carbon content of bamboo biochar at 500°C is 62.298% and at 350°C is 61.02%. Fixed carbon in coconut shell biochar at a temperature of 500°C is 89.06% and at a temperature of 350°C is 76.73%. The SEM results of bamboo biochar at 350°C without chemical activation have clean and dispersed pores, as does coconut shell biochar at 350°C so it is good for adsorption. The FTIR results of chemically activated bamboo biochar at 500°C showed more varied heavy metal binding groups, both from bamboo and coconut shell. In this study, it was found that the highest overall Cd removal efficiency was from bamboo biochar with a temperature of 500°C, namely 30.07%, while coconut shell biochar had the highest efficiency of 26.75% with a combustion temperature of 500°C so that biochar from bamboo and coconut shells less effective in removing the heavy metal Cd.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Adsorpsi, Kadimum, SSA, SEM, FTIR, Adsorption, Cadimum, AAS, SEM, FTIR
Subjects: Q Science > QD Chemistry > QD547 Flocculation, precipitation, adsorption, etc.
T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD420 Water pollution
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Environmental Engineering > 25201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Alfi Nursakina Rahmah
Date Deposited: 04 Aug 2024 03:09
Last Modified: 23 Aug 2024 08:47

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