Perancangan E-Book Sebagai Media Informasi Wisata Kuliner Street-food Khas Bogor

Winardi, Nadine Fauzia (2017) Perancangan E-Book Sebagai Media Informasi Wisata Kuliner Street-food Khas Bogor. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Sektor wisata kuliner di Kota Bogor sedang menjadi sektor wisata yang sangat naik daun. Kota Bogor merupakan rumah dari berbagai destinasi wisata kuliner favorit yang berasal dari berbagai jenis menu. Diantara seluruh sajian kuliner tersebut, terdapat menu kuliner tradisional khas yang sudah melegenda, diantaranya adalah toge goreng, cungkring, asinan jagung bakar, doclang, soto kuning, laksa Bogor, soto mie, ngo hiang, es pala, serta bir kocok. Kuliner tradisional khas Bogor tersebut umumnya dijual di pinggir jalan oleh pedagang kaki lima, sehingga tergolong dalam kategori street-food. Melalui street-food, kita dapat mengenal lebih dekat tentang budaya dan kehidupan sehari-hari dari sebuah tempat. Media berbasis digital dan internet sebagai platform utama bagi penyebaran informasi mengenai wisata kuliner juga semakin gencar digunakan, terutama di kalangan young adults berusia 18 hingga 25 tahun. Namun, masih sedikit media informasi yang khusus membahas satu jenis kuliner secara spesifik seperti street-food. Meningkatnya minat terhadap sektor kuliner di kota Bogor dan meningkatnya tren penggunaan media berbasis digital untuk penyebaran informasi memberikan peluang untuk memperkenalkan street-food sebagai destinasi wisata kuliner alternatif di Kota Bogor melalui media berbasis digital yang ramah gadget seperti e-book. Melalui perancangan ini, diharapkan potensi street-food sebagai tujuan wisata alternatif kuliner di kota Bogor dapat lebih dikenal terutama di kalangan young adults. Untuk menunjang perancangan ini, digunakan data-data mengenai objek dan subjek penelitian yang didapatkan melalui studi literatur, studi eksisting, serta data-data yang didapatkan melalui proses pengumpulan data secara langsung seperti observasi, wawancara, dan juga kuesioner. Proses yang ditempuh dalam perancangan ini adalah riset, analisa riset, perumusan konsep dan kriteria desain, dan diakhiri dengan pembuatan desain final. Luaran dari perancangan ini berupa e-book informasi kekayaan kuliner street-food khas Bogor melalui gambar ilustrasi dan foto.
Culinary tourism in the city of Bogor is recently becoming a very rising sector among other tourism sectors. Bogor is home to many favorite culinary tourism destinations that comes from different types of menus. Among all the culinary offerings, there is some traditional culinary menu that is named legendary, namely fried beansprouts, cungkring, grilled corn asinan, doclang, yellow soto, Bogor laksa, noodle soto, ngo hiang, nutmeg ice, and shaken beer. Bogor traditional culinary is sold on the street by street vendors, hence belong to the category of street-food. Through street-food, we can get to know more about the culture and everyday life of a particular place. The use of digital and Internet- based media as the main platform for spreading information about culinary tourism is also increasingly used especially among young adults aged 18 to 25 years. However, information media that specifically discusses one specific culinary type such as street food barely exists. The growing interest in the culinary sector in the city of Bogor and the increasingly popular trends of digital- based media usage for information delivery provides an opportunity to introduce street-food as an alternative culinary tourism destination in Bogor through digital- based media that is gadget-friendly such as e-books. Through this design process, it is expected that the potential of street-food as an alternative tourism destination in Bogor can be better known among the young-adults. To support this design, data on objects and studies that are available through literature studies, existing studies, and data obtained through direct data processing such as observation, interviews, and questionnaires is used. The process undertaken in this design is research, analysis, formulation of concept and design criteria, and ends with the final design. The outcome of this design is the e-book of the richness of Bogor street-food culinary information through illustrations and photographs.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: informasi, e-book, wisata kuliner, street-food, Bogor, information, culinary tourism
Subjects: N Fine Arts > N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR
N Fine Arts > NC Drawing Design Illustration
T Technology > TR Photography
Divisions: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Industrial Design Product > (S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Nadine Fauzia Winardi
Date Deposited: 12 Dec 2017 07:59
Last Modified: 05 Mar 2019 06:48

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