Nur, Latifah (2018) Penataan Koridor Kawasan Wisata Religi Dengan Pendekatan Livable Street. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Fenomena wisata religi semakin diminati oleh masyarakat muslim di Indonesia seperti halnya yang terjadi di Makam Guru Sekumpul atau Makam K.H. Zaini Abdul Ghani Al- Banjari di Kelurahan Sekumpul kota martapura Kalimantan Selatan. Hal tersebut dikarenakan wisata religi menawarkan “double satisfactions” atau kepuasan ganda, para wisatawan tidak hanya mendapatkan kepuasan dalam perjalanan wisata mereka, tetapi juga mendapatkan kepuasan spiritual yang dapat mempertebal keimanan mereka. Semakin meningkatnya minat masyarakat terhadap wisata religi ini tercatat dari tiga tahun terakhir selalu meningkat di setiap tahunnya. Peningkatan volume wisatawan berdampak pada perkembangan perekonomian masyarakat yang tinggal di lingkungan Sekumpul yang terlihat dari banyaknya berbagai usaha masyarakat mulai dari pedagang kerajinan, pedagang perlengkapan muslim, warung, café, pedagang asongan, penginapan, dll. Namun potensi tersebut tidak diimbangi dengan kondisi koridor yang dinilai masih belum nyaman, aman dan aksesibel bagi pengguna jalan. Padatnya aktifitas keagamaan, aktifitas ekonomi, dan aktifitas sosial yang berbaur menyebabkan terjadi berbagai konflik seperti kurang lancarnya arus sirkulasi jalan, dan tidak nyamannya jalan tersebut bagi pejalan kaki, penyandang difable dan seluruh moda transportasi.
Adapun teknik analisa yang dipakai dalam metodelogi penelitian ini adalah teknik analisa deskriptif, walkthrough analysis, dan ped- shed analysis. Teknik analisis tersebut membantu dalam mengidentifikasi kondisi potensi fisik maupun non-fisik koridor serta permasalahan yang ada dikoridor. Sedangkan metodologi perancangan yang digunakan dalam penataan koridor kawasan wisata religi Sekumpul, Martapura ini menggunakan metode perancangan dengan tiga tahapan yaitu intelligence phase, design phase, dan choice phase.
Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah diperolehnya konsep penataan koridor kawasan wisata religi Sekumpul dengan pendekatan yang menekankan keamanan dan kenyaman jalan serta dapat menampung kapasitas jemaah haul Guru Sekumpul dengan melengkapi fasilitas koridor seperti ketersediaan jalur pedestrian yang aman dan nyaman, jalur sepeda dan transportasi umum dan peningkatan kualitas tempat-tempat peribadatan seperti penataan ruang luar, penambahan fasilitas pendukung kegiatan keagamaan tersebut, dan mendesain elemen pelengkap koridor yang dapat memperkuat identitas kawasan wisata religi tersebut.
====================================================================== The religious tourism phenomena is increasingly in demand by the Muslim community in Indonesia as it happen in the Guru Sekumpul's grave or K.H. Zaini Abdul Ghani Al-Banjari's grave in the Sekumpul martapura, South Kalimantan. This is because religious tourism offers "double satisfactions" these are the tourists not only satisfied in their travels, but also the spiritual satisfied that can strengthen their faith. the Increasing public interest in religious tourism is recorded from the last three years that increased every year. The tourist intensiveness influence the economic development of the community that living in the Sekumpul neighborhood which is seen from the many business community ranging from handicraft merchants, Muslim equipment dealers, warungs, cafes, hawkers, inns, etc. However, the potential is unbalanced with the corridor condition that is considered still uncomfortable, unsafe and unaccessible. The density of religious, economic, and mixed social activities lead to conflicts such as inadequate flow of road circulation, and uncomfortable roads for pedestrians, difable and all modes of transportation.
The analytical techniques used in this research methodology is descriptive analysis techniques, walkthrough analysis, and ped- rhed analysis. Analytical techniques are helpful in identifying the physical and non-physical conditions of the corridor as well as the problems that exist in the corridor. While the design methodology used in the arrangement of the corridor of religious tourism area Sekumpul, Martapura uses design method with three stages: intelligence phase, design phase, and choice phase.
This research is formulate the concept of the religious tourism corridor arrangement based on livable street approach that emphasizes the safety and comfort of the road and can accommodate the capacity of the Guru Sekumpul's funeral anniversary by completing the corridor facilities such as the availability of safe and comfortable pedestrian paths, bicycle lanes and public transport and quality improvement places of worship such as the arrangement of public space, the addition of supporting facilities of religious activities, and designing complementary elements of the corridor that can strengthen the identity of religious tourism areas.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Religious Tourism, Livable Street, Sekumpul |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA169 Reliability (Engineering) T Technology > TE Highway engineering. Roads and pavements > TE175 Road and highway design |
Divisions: | Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Planning > Architecture > 23101-(S2) Master Thesis |
Depositing User: | Nur Latifah |
Date Deposited: | 07 Dec 2020 23:04 |
Last Modified: | 07 Dec 2020 23:04 |
URI: | |
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