Sari, Komang Nickita (2020) Redesain Kemasan Produk Minyak Goreng Kelapa Sawit Merek X dengan Pendekatan Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Kansei Engineering, Kano Model, dan Conjoint Analysis. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Kemasan pangan dari plastik telah menjadi bagian kehidupan sehari-hari manusia. Dalam dua dasarwarsa terakhir, kemasan plastik telah mendominasi pasar kemasan dunia, menggantikan kemasan kaleng dan gelas. Limbah kemasan plastik merupakan masalah yang memprihatinkan di seluruh dunia karena menyebabkan ancaman terhadap lautan dan lingkungan saat dibuang. Untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan sebuah kemasan plastik maka diperlukan redesain kemasan dengan tetap memperhatikan fungsinya. Proses redesain kemasan produk dimulai dengan identifikasi kriteria kemasan yang sustainable serta melakukan perhitungan LCA. Setelah itu, dilakukan pembuatan initial redesign yaitu kemasan plastik dengan desain yang baru yang akan dikembangkan menjadi final design dengan menggunakan kuesioner dengan metode Kansei Engineering dan Conjoint Analysis. Hasil yang diperoleh dari perhitungan LCA kondisi existing adalah besar dampak lingkungan kemasan botol jauh lebih besar dibandingkan kemasan pouch. Dalam intial redesign, terdapat 4 buah alternatif desain yang selanjutnya akan dikembangkan menjadi final design. Hasil yang diperoleh berdasarkan integrasi Kansei Engineering dengan Kano Model didapatkan 9 atribut kualitas yang menjadi dasar pembuatan redesain karena masuk dalam kategori one dimensional dan attrative. Final design yang terpilih berdasarkan hasil Conjoint Analysis adalah initial redesign tipe 1 dengan pengembangan posisi tutup berada di samping, warna kemasan buram, dan bentuk badan kemasan lengkung di ujungnya. Perhitungan LCA untuk final design menghasilkan angka yang lebih kecil apabila dibandingkan dengan kemasan botol kondisi existing.
Plastic food packaging has become a part of everyday human life. In the past two decades, plastic packaging has captured the global packaging market share, replacing cans and glass packaging. Plastic packaging waste is a cause for concern throughout the world because it causes threats to the oceans and the environment when disposed of. Considering the design and function of a packaging product will be able to reduce plastic waste in the future. The product packaging redesign process begins with identifying plastic packaging based on sustainable packaging criteria and carrying out LCA calculations. After that, an initial redesign is made, namely plastic packaging, with a new design that will be developed into a final design using a questionnaire with the Kansei Engineering and Conjoint Analysis methods. The results obtained from the existing LCA condition calculations are that the environmental impact of bottle packaging is much higher than pouch packaging. In the initial redesign, four alternative designs will then be developed into the final design. The results obtained are based on the integration of Kansei Engineering with the Kano Model, nine quality attributes are the basis for making redesign because they are included in the one-dimensional and attractive categories. The final design chosen based on the results of the Conjoint Analysis is the initial redesign type 1 with the development of the lid position on the side, the opaque color of the packaging, and the shape of the curved packaging body. The LCA calculation results for the final design proved to be smaller when compared to the existing bottle condition packaging.
Item Type: | Thesis (Other) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Conjoint Analysis, Extended Producer Responsibility, Kano Model, Kansei Engineering, Life Cycle Assessment. ========================================================= Conjoint Analysis, Extended Producer Responsibility, Kano Model, Kansei Engineering, Life Cycle Assessment. |
Subjects: | T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS171 Product design |
Divisions: | Faculty of Industrial Technology > Industrial Engineering > 26201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis |
Depositing User: | Komang Nickita Sari |
Date Deposited: | 27 Aug 2020 01:13 |
Last Modified: | 25 Nov 2023 13:41 |
URI: | |
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