Studi Koordinasi Proteksi Internal Steam Turbine Generator 2x11 MW Pada PT. Linde Gresik

Rahmatullah, Mohammad Arian (2021) Studi Koordinasi Proteksi Internal Steam Turbine Generator 2x11 MW Pada PT. Linde Gresik. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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PT. Linde Gresik sebagai perusahan yang bergerak dibidang pengelolahan gas industri mengalami permasalahan sistem kelistrikan yang cukup krusial. Salah satu permasalahan tersebut yaitu, adanya gangguan berupa arus hubung singkat pada panel voltage transformer, sehingga akibatnya rele yang merasakan ganggu tersebut bekerja membuka circuit breaker outgoing generator. Disisi lain akibat titik gangguan tetap dirasakan oleh internal generator mengakibatkan terjadinya kesalahan operasi dari automatic voltage regulator (AVR) yang bertindak sebagai pemain utama pada sistem eksitasi generator, sehingga arus eksitasi terus diberikan kepada generator dan terjadilah kegagalan pada generator. Adanya kasus yang terbilang unik tersebut mengakibatkan sistem proteksi internal generator tersebut perlu dievaluasi kembali. Pada tugas akhir ini, sistem proteksi internal generator yang akan dievaluasi meliputi yaitu rele diferensial generator, rele arus lebih dengan kontrol tegangan, rele eksitasi lebih, dan rele hilang medan. Pada studi ini juga akan dipaparkan perihal dampak yang terjadinya kepada internal generator berdasarkan gangguan tersebut dan sekaligus akan dipaparkan secara khusus tentang solusi berupa rekayasa intertrip dan interlock yang dapat diimplementasikan kepada sistem proteksi internal generator apabila gangguan serupa terjadi kembali. Hasil studi proteksi internal generator ini dapat menjadi rekomendasi bagi semua perusahaan pembangkit listrik dalam melindungi generator dari gangguan hubung singkat di voltage transformer.
PT. Linde Gresik as a company engaged in the management of industrial gas has experienced quite a crucial electrical system problem. One of these problems is that there is a disturbance in the form of a short-circuit current on the panel voltage transformer, so as a result the relay that senses the disturbance works to open the circuit breaker. outgoing generators. On the other hand, due to the fault point being felt by the internal generator, it causes an operating error of the automatic voltage regulator (AVR) which acts as the main player in the generator excitation system, so that the excitation current continues to be given to the generator and the generator fails. The existence of a fairly unique case resulted in the generator's internal protection system needs to be re-evaluated. In this final project, the internal protection system of the generator that will be evaluated includes generator differential relays, overcurrent relays with voltage control, overexcitation relays, and field loss relays. This study will also describe the impact that occurs to the internal generator based on these disturbances and at the same time will be presented specifically about solutions in the form of engineering intertrip and interlock that can be implemented to the generator's internal protection system if a similar fault occurs again. Generator internal protection study results This can be a recommendation for all power generation companies in protecting generators from short circuit disturbances in voltage transformers.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sistem Proteksi Internal Generator, Sistem Eksitasi, Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR), Voltage transformer, Rekaya Interlock, Generator Internal Protection System, Excitation System, Voltage transformer, Interlock Engineering
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK1007 Electric power systems control
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK1322.6 Electric power-plants
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK2861 Electric relays. Protective relays--Security measures.
Divisions: Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) > Electrical Engineering > 20201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Mohammad Arian Rahmatullah
Date Deposited: 15 Aug 2021 18:11
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2021 18:11

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