Desain Sistem Cool Bodybag Untuk Aplikasi Kantong Jenazah Proses Rescue

Leiwakabessy, Ariel Ernest (2021) Desain Sistem Cool Bodybag Untuk Aplikasi Kantong Jenazah Proses Rescue. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Kematian dapat terjadi pada setiap orang. Kematian juga disebabkan oleh beberapa penyebab seperti kecelakaan, bencana alam, wabah penyakit, dan masih banyak lagi. Penanganan terhadap jenazah yang telah meninggal pun berbeda-beda. Tergantung penyebab kematian dan kondisi terakhirnya. Kondisi jenazah pun diharapkan dapat dijaga dengan baik sebelum ia dikuburkan. Penelitan sebelumnya banyak membahas bagaimana menyimpan sesuatu ke tempat yang jauh tetapi pembusukan dapat diperlambat dengan cara dibekukan. Contohnya penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Saputra (2017) tentang studi penggunaan ice gel propylene glycol sebagai media pendingin coolbox kapal ikan tradisional. Pada penelitian kali ini, penulis ingin mengembangkan sebuah kantong jenazah yang dapat mendinginkan sebuah jenazah agar pembusukan berjalan lebih lambat. Pada tugas akhir ini dirancang sebuah bodybag dengan sistem proteksi berupa 3 lapis material seperti Geomembrane HDPE, Foamed aluminium foil, dan super absorber pad yang mampu meminimalisir penyebaran penyakit ke lingkungan luar. Pada sisi pendinginannya, bodybag ini akan dialirkan udara dingin dari mortuary freezer menggunakan pipa secara plug and play. Beban panas pendinginan berasal dari jenazah yang didinginkan. Hasil perhitungan beban panas pendinginan terhadap 6 jenazah sebesar 34215,9 kJ. Kapasitas compressor yang dimiliki oleh mortuary freezer sebesar 1692,58 Watt. Sehingga melalui perhitungan lebh lanjut, mortuary freezer ini dapat mendinginkan 6 jenazah ke suhu 0oC secara bersamaan dalam waktu 6 jam. Adapum perhitungan Benefit Cost Ratio mendapatkan angka di 1,0833.
Death can happen to anyone. Death is also caused by several causes such as accidents, natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and many more. The handling of the bodies that have died is also different. It depends on the cause of death and the final condition. The condition of the body is also expected to be well maintained before he is buried. Previous research has discussed how to store things far away but spoilage can be slowed by freezing. For example, the research conducted by Saputra (2017) on the study of the use of propylene glycol ice gel as a cooling medium for traditional fishing boat coolboxes. In this study, the author wants to develop a body bag that can cool a corpse so that decomposition runs more slowly. In this final project, a bodybag is designed with a protection system in the form of 3 layers of material such as Geomembrane HDPE, Foamed aluminum foil, and a super absorber pad that can minimize the spread of disease to the outside environment. On the cooling side, this bodybag will flow cold air from the mortuary freezer using a plug and play pipe. The cooling heat load comes from the cooled corpse. The results of the calculation of the cooling heat load on the 6 bodies were 34215,9 kJ. The compressor capacity of the mortuary freezer is 1692,58 Watt. So that through further calculations, this mortuary freezer can cool 6 bodies to a temperature of 0oC simultaneously within 6 hours. As for the calculation of the Benefit Cost Ratio, the number is 1,0833.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mortuary Freezer, Bodybag, Plug and Play System, Protective System, Cooling System, Benefit Cost Ratio.
Subjects: T Technology > TH Building construction > TH7687.7 Cooling Systems and details
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Marine Engineering > 36202-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Ariel Ernest Leiwakabessy
Date Deposited: 31 Aug 2021 02:19
Last Modified: 25 Jul 2024 02:34

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