Noviantary, Nanda Erlita (2021) Pengaruh Penambahan H2O2 4% Pada Tahap Sintesis Membran Geopolimer Berbasis Metakaolin Terhadap Kinerjanya Pada Pemisahan Metilen Biru. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan hidrogen peroksida 4% (H2O2) pada tahap sintesis membran geopolimer berbasis metakaolin terhadap kinerja membran pada pemisahan metilen biru. Metakaolin diperoleh dari kalsinasi kaolin pada suhu 650 °C selama 2 jam. Sintesis membran geopolimer dilakukan dengan mencampurkan larutan basa pengaktif, metakaolin dan H2O2 4%. Penambahan H2O2 divariasikan sebesar 0,999; 2,001 dan
2,989% persen berat dari jumlah berat bahan baku sintesis membran geopolimer. Membran geopolimer yang telah didiamkan selama 28 hari dikarakterisasi dengan XRD, SEM serta diuji kuat tekannya. Analisis XRD menunjukkan membran geopolimer berfasa amorf walaupun masih terdeteksi adanya fasa kuarsa. Foto SEM menunjukkan bahwa ukuran pori-pori terbesar teramati pada membran geopolimer yang disintesis dengan penambahan H2O2 sebanyak 2,989%. Kuat tekan terbesar (13,08 MPa) ditunjukkan oleh membran geopolimer dengan penambahan 0,999% H2O2. Rejeksi metilen biru oleh membran geopolimer dengan penambahan H2O2 sebesar 0,999; 2,001 dan 2,989% secara berturut-turut
45,56; 71,05 dan 77,71%. Rejeksi meningkat seiring dengan
bertambahnya masa H2O2 4% yang ditambahkan pada tahap sintesis membran geopolimer.
This study aims to determine the effect of adding 4% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at the stage of synthesis of metakaolin-based geopolymer membrane on the membrane performance in the separation of methylene blue. Metakaolin is obtained by calcining kaolin at a temperature of 650 °C for 2 hours. Geopolymer membrane synthesis was carried out by mixing activating base solution, metakaolin and 4% H2O2. The addition of H2O2 was varied by 0,999; 2,001 dan 2,989% by weight of the total weight of the raw material for the synthesis of geopolymer membranes. The geopolymer membrane that had been left
for 28 days was characterized by XRD and SEM and tested for compressive strength. XRD analysis showed the geopolymer membrane was in an amorphous phase although the presence of a quartz phase was still detected. SEM photos shows that the largest pore size was observed in the geopolymer membrane synthesis with addition of 2,989% H2O2. The greatest compressive strength (13.08 MPa) was shown by geopolymer membrane which was synthesized with the addition of 0,999% H2O2. Rejection of methylene blue by geopolymer membrane with addition of H2O2 of 0,999; 2,001 dan 2,989% respectively amounted to 45,56; 71,05 dan 77,71%. Rejection increases with increasing mass of 4% H2O2.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | membran geopolimer, hidrogen peroksida, metilen biru, geopolymer membrane, hydrogen peroxide, methylene blue |
Subjects: | Q Science > QD Chemistry > QD63.S4 Separation (Technology) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (SCIENTICS) > Chemistry > 47201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis |
Depositing User: | Nanda Erlita Noviantary |
Date Deposited: | 03 Sep 2021 08:17 |
Last Modified: | 03 Sep 2021 08:17 |
URI: | |
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