Koordinasi Proteksi Mempertimbangkan ARC Flash Pada PT. PERTAMINA Job Medco Energi Tomori Field Senoro

Abiddien, Rizanni Pradana (2018) Koordinasi Proteksi Mempertimbangkan ARC Flash Pada PT. PERTAMINA Job Medco Energi Tomori Field Senoro. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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PT Pertamina JOB Medco Energi Tomori Field Senoro sejak berdiri hingga kini belum pernah di lakukan studi penelitian koordinasi proteksi mempertimbangkan busur api. Karena keandalan serta keamanan sebuah sistem kelistrikan adalah syarat utama yang harus dipenuhi maka studi busur api harus dilakukan.
Pada tugas akhir ini menganalisa perhitungan setting sistem koordinasi proteksi serta mempertimbangkan insiden busur api demi menyempurnakan keamanan sistem jaringan. Rele yang digunakan meliputi rele arus lebih dan rele ground fault. Variabel terpenting yang berpengaruh pada insiden energi adalah Fault Clearing Time (FCT). Sehingga koordinasi proteksi yang baik dapat mengurangi insiden energi dari busur api itu sendiri. Dari analisa busur api akan didapatkan nilai energi busur api dengan standar NFPA-70E level 0 hingga 4 sebagai acuan penentuan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) untuk pekerja. =======================================================================================
PT Pertamina JOB Medco Energi Tomori Field Senoro since its establishment up to now has never done research on coordination studies of protection considering the arc. Due to the reliability and safety of an electrical system are the main requirements that must be met then the arc study must be done.
In this final project analyze the calculation of protection coordination system and consider incident of arc to improve network system security. The relays used include the overcurrent relay and the ground fault relay. The most important variable that affects energy incidents is Fault Clearing Time (FCT). Thus a good coordination of protection can reduce the incidence of energy from the arc itself. From the arc analysis will get the value of arc energy with NFPA-70E standard level 0 to 4 as a reference for the determination of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for workers.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information: RSE 621.317 Abi k-1 3100018074294
Uncontrolled Keywords: busur api; koordinasi proteksi; insiden energy; Alat Pelindung Diri (APD); protection coordination; overcurrent relay; insident energy; personal protective equipment (PPE)
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK201 Electric Power Transmission
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK2861 Electric relays. Protective relays--Security measures.
Divisions: Faculty of Electrical Technology > Electrical Engineering > 20201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Rizanni Pradana A
Date Deposited: 09 Feb 2018 08:19
Last Modified: 08 Jun 2020 03:42
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/49433

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